
May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

author:Foraging in the market

The May Day holiday has arrived, and many people will probably have plans to stay at home and relax for a few days during this holiday, so that it is good, and there is no good home outside. Preparing some delicious appetizers, spending two drinks with your family on a rare leisure day, tasting food, watching movies, listening to music, and reading a few good books are also a good time to relax and relax.

Share 9 good dishes that my family is good at, the appetizer can not bring soup, it is best to be refreshing, appetizing, and more popular when drinking to help.

1. Brine quail eggs

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1, a pound and a half of quail eggs simply clean, cook in cold water, peel and set aside.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2, prepare 10 grams of peppercorns, 2 star anise, a piece of cinnamon, 5 slices of ginger, a small section of good ginger, 5 pieces of fragrant leaves, 5 grams of cumin, 2 grams of white root, a large piece of rock sugar for later, this spice can be flexibly mastered, there is no need to be exactly the same. Pour the spices into a pot, boil in water for 10 minutes, and set aside.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Add 4 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 3 spoons of sugar, mix the appropriate amount of salt into the sauce, color and taste.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

4, all the quail eggs, sauce, cooking water into the rice cooker, boil 15 minutes, the spices are all fished out to avoid excessive taste, simmer the soup key simmer for 1 hour, keep warm and simmer for 1 night. If you are not satisfied with the coloring, you can simply pour it into the cooking pot to collect the juice, or you can add some sugar and salt to adjust the taste.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2. Fry peanuts

1, washed peanuts added to the peanuts of water, soaked for 10 minutes, so that peanuts fully absorb the water, in the frying is not easy to fry scorched paste, but peanuts should not be soaked for too long, otherwise it is easy to bubble peanuts to break the skin, affecting the appearance. The soaked peanuts are fished out, dried on kitchen paper, placed in a cool and ventilated place, and the moisture on the surface is completely dried

2, add peanuts and peanut oil to the pot, cold oil cold pot on low heat and slow frying, so that peanuts and oil at the same time heat, peanuts inside and outside the heat is also relatively uniform, there will be no peanut surface fried scorched paste, but the inside is not crispy phenomenon.

3, hear the peanuts make a "crackling" sound, you can fish out the oil control, up and down the spoon several times, sprinkle half a spoon of white wine while hot and mix well, the liquor volatilizes in the heat, so that the peanuts quickly cool down, the peanuts will be more crisp, but also increase the aroma. Sprinkle with the right amount of salt or sugar, stir well, so that the surface of each peanut is glued with salt, caramelized and crispy, and the fried peanuts that are not soft are ready to be prepared.

3. Spicy cold mix lotus root

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1: Add an appropriate amount of water and 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar to the basin, rinse the lotus root with water, peel it, cut it into thin slices, and put the cut lotus root into a basin containing white vinegar and water.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2, add the appropriate amount of water to the boiling pot, add the cut lotus root to the boiling pot and blanch the water, boil it again, fish it out and put it into the cool water to cool down, then fish it out to control the water, and the lotus root after the cool water is more crisp.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Add green onion, minced garlic and 1 spoonful of chili noodles and 1 spoonful of pepper noodles to a small bowl, pour hot oil, let the hot oil cool slightly, add millet pepper rings, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of white sesame seeds, 1 spoon of sesame oil and an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir well. Pour the prepared sauce into the processed lotus root, mix well and plate.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

4. Chilled kelp

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1: Bring kelp to a boil, bring to a boil with an appropriate amount of water, add half a spoonful of oil, pour the kelp into the pot and blanch the water for about 1 minute. Plunge into cold water and soak for about 3 minutes to cool down completely.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2: Put the treated kelp in a bowl, add the appropriate amount of minced garlic, salt and sugar, and put it next to it with some green and red pepper shreds.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Heat the oil in a pot and add some dried red peppers and peppercorns to simmer the aroma. Pour the oil from the pan into a kelp bowl and pour more minced garlic to bring out the garlic flavor. Add an appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar, mix well and serve.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

5. Stir-fry flower nails

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1, the flower nail spit out the sediment, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, pour the flower nail into the boiling water, after the flower shell opens the shell, rinse it and rinse it to dry the water for later.

2: Pour in the pot with an appropriate amount of oil, after the oil is 50% hot, pour in ginger and minced garlic, sauté on low heat to fry the aroma, add the flower nails, millet pepper and stir-fry on high heat, stir-fry for 1 minute, pour 2 spoons of cooking wine to remove fishy, cover the pot lid and simmer the flower nails for 1 minute.

3: Wait for the soup in the pot to gradually become more, after all the flower nails are opened, add the shallots, pour in 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

6. Canned fruit assorted

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1, peaches, apricots, cherries to choose fresh fruit, the damaged fruit out of it do not, remove the three kinds of fruit stalks. Peel and pitt the peaches and cut them in half after peeling the apricots. 【Fruit optional】

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2, the prepared canned bottles clean, boil in hot water for a while sterilization and disinfection, fish out and dry,

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Add the right amount of water, treated peaches, apricots and rock sugar to the pot, add cherries after boiling, continue to cook for 3 minutes, put the cooked cans into the bottle while hot, and cover the lid. It tastes better to refrigerate the cans after they have cooled.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

7: Lemon chicken thighs

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1: Soak the chicken thighs for 10 minutes to remove the blood, pour a little salt into the basin, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, appropriate amount of ginger slices, green onion, knead again and pour in a little cooking oil, marinate for 15 minutes.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, remove the ingredients from the marinated chicken thighs, and steam in the steamer for 30 minutes.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Seasoning sauce, add minced garlic, coriander, millet spicy, lemon in a bowl, pour in 1 spoonful of sugar, 2 spoons of soy sauce, a small amount of water and stir well.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

4: After the chicken thighs are slightly cool, tear them into pieces by hand and put them into a bowl, pour in the prepared sauce, grasp and mix evenly, and a plate of fresh and tender lemon chicken thighs will be ready.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

8. Old vinegar peanuts

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1, pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pot, cold pan cold oil into the peanuts, the amount of oil should not exceed the peanuts, turn on the low heat and slow fry, fry until there is a peanut aroma, and there is a crackling sound, the peanuts will be fished out of the control oil to cool.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2: Add 5 spoonfuls of aged vinegar, 6 spoons of sugar, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 3 spoons of water to the wok, simmer slowly on low heat, stir continuously to avoid sticking to the pan, simmer until the sweet and sour sauce is slightly thicker, turn off the heat and let cool.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3, until the sweet and sour sauce and fried peanuts are completely cool, pour into a large bowl, add the chopped onion and pepper rings, stir well to eat, after marinating for a period of time, the taste is better, sweet and sour appetizers are ready.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

9: Mix cucumber with mustard

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

1, Henan people's wine dishes, how can they get less jing mustard to shoot cucumbers! A few pats on the back of the cucumber knife and a piece of hob cutter for later. Wash the mustard, cut off the thicker branches and leaves, and keep the tender cuts with a few knives.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

2: Put the cut cucumber in a bowl, add minced garlic, salt and sugar and mix well.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular

3: Put the mustard in a bowl, add a few spoonfuls of good sesame sauce and mix well, this is a homesickness appetizer.

May Day holiday, share my family's 9 courses of wine to master the good dishes, the relief has a taste, very popular
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