
Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

In the distance (oil painting) Shi Weiping

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Messenger of Light (Chinese painting) Zhang Yang

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Youth Without Regrets - Aid (Chinese Painting) Sun Juanjuan

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Urban smile (Chinese painting) Qi Ran

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

One branch and one leaf total care (Chinese painting) Zhang Yu

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Yun Shui Jian (oil painting) Shang Yadong

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

One of the spirits of craftsmanship (oil painting) Yan Sensen

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

May Farmhouse Busy (Chinese painting) Sang Jianguo

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Times Manufacturing (oil painting) Wang Dongming

Show the style of labor, praise the creation of labor

Chinese Red (Chinese painting) Han Xiao

Farming on vast expanses, fighting among reinforced concrete, running in the streets... Ordinary figures shine because of labor, and because of struggle, they are magnificent. In recent years, realistic art works with labor as the theme have emerged, reproducing labor scenes through different perspectives, shaping labor images, carrying forward the spirit of labor, and arousing the aesthetic resonance of viewers in the profound depiction of the beauty of labor.

On the occasion of the "May Day" International Labor Day, this edition selects some new works of labor-themed art, vividly showing the style of workers from all walks of life in the new era, praising the extraordinary creations in ordinary posts, and paying tribute to every dreamer who works hard!

- Editor

Layout design: Zhao Kairu

People's Daily ( 2022-05-01 08 edition)

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