
From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

author:Kanazawa talks about entertainment
From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

If, before, talking about the leader of live streaming with goods,

People's brains will undoubtedly think of Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya.

The popularity of the live streaming of the two of them has not been shaken so far,

Even Andy Lau, Gu Tianle and other heavyweight celebrities have also come to their live broadcast room as guests.

Four live broadcasts made a profit of 2.7 billion yuan, which undoubtedly cast her glorious history.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Looking back on the past, I have to say that Via's fame history can definitely be called inspirational in the past,

But she is also unfortunate, and she has not escaped the temptations of the world,

Although he has received the favor of Heaven, he is also lost in his own greed,

At the end of 2021, Wei Ya was exposed to tax evasion of 1.341 billion yuan,

When people marvel at this astronomical figure, they have to feel sorry.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

It is not easy for Via to get to where she is today, but perhaps it is also because of her grassroots background.

Only now she is sinking deeper and deeper.


Wei Ya, real name Huang Wei, was born in 1985 in Lujiang, Anhui Province,

Since childhood, my parents have been engaged in the clothing business and have been working hard for life.

Yet being born into such a family,

Via did not follow in her parents' footsteps, her dream was to become a singer.

The good times did not last long, because the parents were arranged marriages at that time,

And there is not enough emotional basis, due to long-term emotional incompatibility,

When Via was seven years old, they ended the marriage.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

In order to make a living, after the divorce, Via's mother left their county town to go outside to work,

Entrusted little Via to grandma's house.

Grandpa died when my mother was six years old.

Grandma raised four children at a young age, and was a hard-working and strong woman.

Maybe it was her own experience, and Grandma was very strict with Via.

From a young age, Via herself would go to the needle,

In order to get the praise of others, he will always endure not to cry, very independent.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

When there is nothing to do, Via will go out with her grandmother to set up a fruit stall.

Although it was hard work, I also got some income.

Due to her grandmother's strict education, she also laid the foundation for Wei Ya's later success.

But it was not long, in 2001, my grandmother died of illness,

At this time, Via was only sixteen years old, and the death of her grandmother was a great blow to Via, and she was sad for a long time.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Wei Ya has today's achievements can not be separated from the cultivation of her grandmother,

Later, she decided to use the stage name "Via" also because of her grandmother,

She said that when she was a child, she always liked to call her "Avi, Avi".

My mother was not around, and after sending my grandmother on her last trip,

As a minor, Wei Ya resolutely decided to go to Beijing to develop.


Just as Via was preparing for the North Drift,

Her father, who was working hard in Beijing, heard the news, but unfortunately did not take her in.

Instead, she was suggested to live in the home of the third uncle, whose environment was still relatively good.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

After arriving in Beijing, she did not stop,

Instead, eagerly began to prepare to look for work.

Via's cousin used to be a shopping guide in the old Lotte clothing wholesale market,

However, due to too much hard work, he resigned within a few days.

Maybe it's at Grandma's house to exercise qualities that can endure hardship,

Or maybe I did a clothing business at home,

Wei Ya, who is not afraid of bitterness, decides to go to the Lao Lotte Clothing Wholesale Market in Beijing to seek a way out.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

The market is crowded, and like her, there are many young people who come to work hard.

Every day, beautifully dressed girls wear samples of the clothes in the store,

Just as Via was looking for a job at the wholesale market,

A hostess saw that Via was beautiful and had a good foundation.

So he asked Via to come to the store as a shopping guide, and Via thought about it and gladly agreed,

So she got her first job in the wholesale market.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

At that time, there was such a saying in Lao Lotte in Beijing,

The young man who can stay there must have two brushes,

At that time, the environment of Lao Lotte was harsh, sweating in the summer and very cold in the winter.

And the store is still selling anti-seasonal clothing,

This is very fatal to the sixteen-year-old girl who has just arrived in Beijing.

I experience coughs and colds almost every day.

The third uncle's house is far away, and Wei Ya has to climb a long way every day to reach the place of work.

Every day when I go out, it is not yet light, and I have to come to Lao Lotte.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

The day had just dawned when I got there.

My grandmother in my hometown is no longer alive, in this heartless place in Beijing,

Helpless, Via could only persevere.

The year she worked at Lao Lotte, she was completely supported by death.

During this period, Via came into close contact with the clothing industry for the first time.

Later, she recalled that her live broadcast career was compared with when she was in Lao Lotte.

It's so much easier. At that time, I was never afraid of being tired, only afraid that I would not have a chance.


In 2003, 18-year-old Wei Ya met Dong Haifeng.

Dong Haifeng, who was skating at the time, fell in love with this beautiful girl at first sight.

The two then developed into boyfriend and girlfriend.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

It was also this year that Via lost her job due to the impact of SARS.

At that time, the life of the two was very shabby, living in a small rental house without a toilet.

The only thing I think about every day is how I can save money.

This year, by chance,

The two people who seized the business opportunity together together for six thousand yuan to open a clothing store of several square meters,

Dong Haifeng is responsible for the purchase, and Wei Ya is responsible for the purchase guide and sale of goods.

Using the original experience of being a shopping guide, they earned 100,000 yuan in just over three months.

This was very inspiring for them at the time.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

They used the money to invest in processing plants, trying to save a little bit of the price difference,

Unfortunately, it didn't take long, and it wasn't long before they went bankrupt.

In 2005, Via, who loves singing and dancing, looked at the star market, and this year she participated in the "Super Idol".

Because of the good foundation, coupled with a beautiful face,

Via won the championship in the show, and after becoming famous, she successively cooperated with Jackie Chan.

Co-produced an advertisement with Lin Junjie to host the show, and even signed a contract with the very famous Universal Records,

In order to support her, Dong Haifeng closed the clothing store and became an agent.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

But after three years of hard work, Via still did not get much development.

Wei Ya gave up this dream and wanted to do the "old business" again, and Dong Haifeng chose to support it.

And she also found that it is not enough to pursue fame and fortune too much.

Then, they came to Xi'an and opened a clothing store.

The two people who arrived here can be described as smooth sailing, after hard work,

After getting the income, they opened many stores one after another.

Soon they bought a house, got married and had children.

But in 2011, although clothing was still popular, it did not get better development.

Many clerks have also resigned, and their clothing careers have been challenged.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Until one day, a girl came to their clothing store,

After several selections, the girl tried on one dress after another,

But the delay in buying, after which happened to make Via even more angry,

The girl bought one piece, but searched online and bought the same one.

In that era of rapid development of Taobao online shopping,

It seems that offline stores are not as popular as before,

Maybe it was because of this incident that Wei Ya was inspired,

She discovered new business opportunities, and she and her husband discussed that they wanted to start an online store.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Originally living a rather comfortable life, my daughter is more than a year old,

Via thought that this would be opposed by her husband, but she never expected it.

This time, Dong Haifeng still supported her idea, and the two closed all the shops in Xi'an.

He sold his house in Xi'an and went to Guangzhou.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

It seems that behind Via's success is inseparable from the support and tolerance of this man,

The two started from scratch to the last to buy a house and get married to start a business,

It seems that this man with the "big pattern" has brought her unlimited power,

Guide her forward, but maybe it is also such an encounter,

Let Via treat money very much.


The Wei Ya couple, who moved their family, were hit hard in the first year of arriving in Guangzhou.

The company owes a total of two million in a year,

Later, because the cooperative factory could not deliver the goods in time, the efficiency was low.

The online store has been returned by a large number of customers,

Later losses even reached five million.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

2014's "Double Eleven" is coming,

Looking at the continuous improvement of the transaction volume of Double Eleven every year,

Via seems to see the business opportunity, she knows that her idea is not wrong,

With the support of Dong Haifeng, they began to raise money,

Prepare to do a big job on this year's "Double Eleven" day.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Wei Ya is not wrong, that year's double eleven, one of their coats became a hit,

He was selected to enter the main venue of Singles' Day. On that day, they sold a full 10 million,

It's going to be an exciting thing.

But fate once again joked with them, because the transaction volume was huge,

Resulting in a serious shortage of supply, they were once again subjected to a large number of returns,

The money was not earned but lost a lot, and at this time they did not return the money,

I don't have much money on my hands anymore.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

In order to maintain the company, he had to sell his last two houses and barely survived.

At that time, the two of them had a very difficult life, and Via would often lose her hair.

The couple would go back to a small quarrel every day, and Via finally wavered,

She was wondering if she wanted to stick to it or not.

But even so, Haifeng still did not let her choose to give up,

Rather, it means that he will accompany her to fight to the end.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Kung Fu pays off, coupled with the previous experience of failure after failure,

In 2015, their online store finally went smoothly,

The turnover of "Double Eleven" on the day exceeded 10 million, and it earned more than 30 million in one year.

This is definitely the biggest reward for the couple who have been tortured several times.

But none of this was satisfying for Via.

Ambitious, she also wants to go to a bigger platform and create more opportunities for herself.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?


With the continuous development of online shopping, the live broadcasting industry has also begun to rise,

At that time, live broadcasting was not as video-carrying as it is now.

Instead, you can only introduce your own products through live chat.

Wei Ya was invited by Taobao Live,

I hope she will go to Hangzhou to develop her live broadcasting career.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

At that time, live broadcasting was just emerging, and everything was unknown.

No one knows what they're going to be facing.

It's trying to escape when business is just getting better,

For the experience of previous failures, everyone will hesitate,

But even if it may fail again,

Dong Haifeng still chose to support Wei Ya to go to Hangzhou, this time deciding,

Completely changed their later lives, and they were not wrong.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

In the first few years, the live broadcast career of The Via couple was very hard,

365 days a year they only rest for a few days, black and white every day,

Get up at three o'clock in the afternoon, rest at six o'clock the next morning,

Usually do not go anywhere, stay in the company all day,

Except for the meal time, the rest of the time is spent preparing for the four hours of live broadcasting.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

After being exposed to live broadcasting, she once again saw new business opportunities.

Her exhibits are no longer just clothes, more and more merchandise is appearing in her live broadcast room, and even movie tickets are sold.

Coupled with the rapid development of the live broadcasting industry, and a good reputation,

Via gradually walked into everyone's sight,

More and more people locked up her nightly live broadcast room,

This is the trust in her, and it is also the reward for her efforts.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

In 2017, the couple with sufficient economic strength founded the company "Humble Culture",

Mainly to recruit anchors, this year, no one expected,

One anchor has more than 1 million followers.

Once, a newly opened fur online store found Via,

Hopefully he can do a carry for their shop,

Through a lot of publicity in the early stages, that night,

The five-hour live broadcast transaction volume reached 70 million.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

With the continuous improvement of popularity, even celebrities have visited his live broadcast room to help him bring goods.

Even asked her to do movie promotion.

The cooperation with the stars has made her live broadcast popularity to a higher level.

Since then, "Live One Sister" has lived up to its name, and she can get more resources.


Via didn't become famous overnight.

Some people say that she is that he is just an Internet celebrity, and some people say that Via has become a star.

The popularity of her live streaming has a certain star benefit.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

There is such a paragraph to comment on the two big names in the live broadcast industry, "artist Li Jiaqi, businessman Wei Ya",

There seems to be some truth to this passage, all the information about Via on the Internet,

It seems that they are only related to her live broadcast, "Via Live Trailer", "Via Snack Festival", "Via Double Twelve",

Behind the large amount of heat seems to be only linked to making money.

She does have the mind of a businessman, or rather,

She was indeed a businessman, and she had the ambitions of a merchant.

From a wholesale market shopping guide to "ten million Internet celebrities" and "live broadcast a sister",

The heartache behind her is probably known only to her and Dong Haifeng.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Success in her career did not make her forget to do the right thing,

Since 2016, she has been active in public welfare undertakings.

The first public welfare to help the affected areas sell bayberry,

Later, he helped Anhui Yanshan County to build its own pear paste brand,

Was given the "Top Ten Poverty Alleviation Taobao Anchors",

In 2019, it donated a hope primary school to the poverty-stricken area of Dabie Mountain in Anhui Province.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

In 2020, the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan, she once again did public welfare,

Led the team to donate more than 4 million materials to the disaster area,

And the co-brand donated more than 2 million books to 20 primary schools in poor areas in Hubei.

After the epidemic is over, use your popularity,

Also helping the returnees to live stream the goods, Via said:

"I am not afraid of hardship, I am afraid of hopeless waiting, and I am even more afraid that fate will not be in my own hands."
From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

But even after doing this, Via still did not control her own destiny,

And she had to bow to fate.


As the top stream of the live broadcast era, Wei Ya has long had unparalleled traffic,

And even sometimes, she takes her own traffic,

Talk about the conditions between the brand side, so that the things you get are the lowest price.

Netizens want to buy cheap goods, and they can only patronize her live broadcast room.

This is undoubtedly a kind of kidnapping between the brand side and the customer.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Before, as a brand party, my hands were full of right to speak,

But things have developed to this extent, and they have less and less control in their hands.

For example, in the "L'Oréal Incident" that occurred before, Via, as the anchor, did not stand up and speak.

In the end, only the brand side in order to protect their own interests,

Only then did he make a public statement claiming that the entire responsibility was all on him.

While gaining money and popularity, Via is becoming more and more crazy,

But soon after, in order to avoid the competition between industries,

The National Anti-Monopoly Bureau was officially established, and the live broadcasting industry has also been affected to a certain extent.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

Not only that, in September 2021, the State Administration of Taxation issued a statement,

There are two network anchors who are mainly engaged in the live broadcasting industry suspected of tax evasion and tax evasion.

The amount of tax involved is relatively large,

The State Anti-Monopoly Administration has been notified to deal with them in accordance with the law.

Soon after, Sydney and Lin Shanshan were punished one after another and disappeared from the live broadcasting industry.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

But in the end, Via could not escape the doom,

No one expected that this was such a positive energy anchor,

But it also has a history of tax evasion and evasion,

And this time, the amount involved in the case is several times more than the previous anchor.

On December 20, 2021, the tax department of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, announced a notice to network anchor Huang Wei.

The heroine of this briefing letter is Noneah.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?
"After investigation, between 2019 and 2020, Wei Ya evaded taxes of 643 million yuan and other underpaid taxes by concealing personal income, fictitious business to change the nature of income and false declarations, and other underpaid taxes of 0.6 billion yuan."

In the end, together with the payment and fine, the amount of compensation she had to pay was 1.341 billion yuan.

Not only that, the live broadcast industry has also banned Via's live broadcast account.

In the face of such a huge number, she still has the ability to repay,

As early as a few years ago, Via's assets have reached 9 billion,

This also saved her from the disaster, but after that, she was no longer seen in the live room.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?


Although Via's past is indeed inspiring, in the end she still can't escape the temptation of money.

This incident is also a kind of wake-up call for us.

No matter what you do, you still need to go step by step,

If you have a fluke mentality, you will eventually be punished.

Via once said:

"I want to cherish what this era has given me, I think I'm so lucky."

Although the times gave her what she deserved, she violated the rules of the times.

Eventually, he was punished by law.

From a clothing wholesale store shopping guide to a tax evasion penalty of 1.3 billion, how did 37-year-old Via come to depravity?

The former "live broadcast sister" no longer exists, and every step after that must be more down-to-earth,

It's the end, it's also the beginning of the new,

Hopefully, today's lesson will give her a deep reflection.

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