
About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

author:Everybody is a product manager
Editor's Introduction: With the exposure of live broadcast routines on 315, the live broadcast platform has been rectified many times. It's not easy to drive traffic with live streaming these days. Nowadays, many well-behaved anchors and content will be easier to attract everyone's attention, the article introduces the current direction of live broadcasting and how to do it, let's take a look at it!
About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

From the 315 exposure of female anchor male operations, to the landing of new regulations, several notices to rectify live broadcasts have made major platforms feel pressure. The big anchors are staring more and more tightly, and the edge ball is becoming more and more difficult to play, which has become the rhythm that can be seen in the future of live broadcasting. But at the same time, well-regulated anchors, platforms and content are becoming more and more abundant.

Regarding the new ecology of live broadcasting, there has been an intuitive feeling and impact recently: my friend occasionally broadcasts, but accidentally catches fire.

Not long ago, my friend Xiaoshui in Shanghai decided to open a number and become an amateur game anchor.

What no one expected was that Xiao Shui was extremely talented. Within a week of the live broadcast, she had landed at the top of the division many times in the time slot and gained more than 20 captains; after 2 weeks, her fan base had broken through 100, of which more than 1/3 were captains. Impulsive debut, unexpectedly on fire.

This made me ashamed that I had been an anchor myself, and now I was still investing money and team organization to start broadcasting, but I could only barely equalize financially. If I deceive myself, I can console myself that Xiaoshui is a beautiful girl, which is very different from the middle-aged hair loss anchor in our knowledge series.

But the actual situation is more surprising, I do not deny that Xiaoshui herself is a beautiful girl, but in fact, she did not even turn on the camera in the live broadcast - this newcomer who suddenly became popular did not rely on her appearance to get attention.

First, does the live broadcast only belong to handsome men and beautiful women and the next three roads?

The question seems too old today. The answer is obvious, and big anchors who don't turn on cameras at all have long abounded. In addition to the era of live broadcasting in the early days of the show, in the future, whether it is Douyin, several major live broadcast platforms of Station B have been deeply cultivating the game area, or Taobao, Xiaohongshu and other video content communities inserted in the later stage of various lives, e-commerce live broadcasts, do not rely on pure appearance.

As for those small channels that are almost 24 hours a day, even who the anchor himself is and whether he has always been the same person, the impact has long been diluted. For live streaming with goods, in a live broadcast center where goods and people are piled up, candidates take turns in succession, and the good continues to replace the bad, which is a daily mode; as long as the goods are still there and can be sold, the anchor candidates even have a lot of room for trial and error.

Because the camera is never turned on, it is obvious that the appearance value is not the highlight of Xiaoshui live broadcast. Although the anchor of my own hair loss knowledge who was ridiculed by me did not have such a blockbuster record as Xiaoshui, with solid knowledge and basic skills, he could barely do it and could feed the live broadcast team of several people behind him.

If you want to raise the bar and say that Xiaoshui at least has a sweet voice, then this girl who has even had a hard time making sounds can still broadcast live, it is entirely by virtue of her ability:

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

As the news said, Xiang Chenxi started broadcasting on a ventilator, and when he was seriously ill, he could not say a few words for a month. Station B even has another anchor Zhu Mingjun wearing a ventilator, he is a high paraplegic firefighter, persevered to obtain a psychological counselor certificate, and now he has changed his way to continue to save people.

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

The show is the starting point and one of the most successful models of the live broadcast platform, but as the market matures and the audience increases significantly, the demand differentiation will of course also be differentiated. One of the most significant differences is that Kuaishou and Douyin have brought a new sinking market, completely rewriting the content pattern of the early years of live broadcasting.

You may not believe it, but because A certain author in Chichao has been working in Zhongguancun for many years, he has developed the habit of watching the live broadcasts of "Tian Teacher Braised Pork" and "Yoshinoya" on Douyin — which may add some flavor to the lunch of the social animals.

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

The author who wrote the card pricing not long ago loves to watch the live broadcast of the Northeast Warhammer guys on Douyin, and sure enough, the hobbies of rich people are similar.

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

In addition, at the same time that the 315 evening exposed the problem of live broadcast "cheating and tipping", the "big brother" problem of live broadcasting on the show surfaced again. Catching a big brother in the list is a routine that many live shows are difficult to avoid and unwilling to give up. For the young audience who are not so rich, they are actually more capable of supporting what they like, and what returns can be achieved is secondary; several people are not only a little bit under pressure to brush the first of the list, but also a rather "greasy" behavior in the minds of young people.

In fact, regardless of the demand and whether the model can be sustained, the show is not a common hobby of everyone in the final analysis, and the heavy live audience that does not look at the show at all in this world abounds. Although everyone likes "astringency" when they are talking hi, "astringent" regardless of the occasion will only cause disgust.

During the S11 period of the e-sports player event, some live broadcasting platforms arranged for handsome men and women to join the battle for variety shows to "help fun", and the result was criticized by the majority of netizens. Some netizens think that the relationship between variety show content and e-sports is really not big, and there is a suspicion of rubbing heat; others point directly to the vulgar and uninteresting materialized women of variety show content, and as far as the large-scale live broadcast content at that time is concerned, I personally think that this hat is not hard to buckle.

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

This picture is actually not about scale, only for the content style indication

And the real large-scale live broadcast has never completely disappeared. For example, the "bullying of women" content that was recently reported and banned:

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

It also has to be reflected, blindly walking down the three-way live broadcast, can it really represent the future of the live broadcast industry?

Second, the two-way precipitation of the anchor

Man has no far-sighted worries, but will have near-term worries. The future has not yet come, and the new rules have come first.

On April 15, the Department of Online Audio-visual Program Management of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Publication Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Game Live Broadcasting on Online Audio-visual Program Platforms, which put forward new requirements for the standardization of live broadcasting. In addition, on the same day, the Cyberspace Administration of some regions also issued the "Notice on the Special Action of "Clear and Clear, Rectifying chaos in the Field of Online Live Broadcasting and Short Videos", which pointed the problem directly to illegal and illegal content such as "color, ugliness, strangeness, fake, vulgarity, and gambling".

The edge ball may always have a hit, but it will only get harder and harder. What can some anchors do in the future, and how to maintain steady growth of live broadcast platforms that take the show as the core content, in fact, has never been a new problem - the top spot of live broadcasting, the replacement is too fast.

In the red list of any live broadcasting platform, the top ten are often fiercely translocated. Once a brother and a sister have now completely withdrawn from the live broadcast circle, even more common than the situation of remaining in the live broadcast circle - even many times it is not because of competition, which has to make people wonder if the "head anchor" is simply a poisonous curse.

The head anchor is always "poisoned", and there are many reasons behind it, but there is one thing that no one denies: the target is too big, the hatred is too high, the popularity of passers-by is not good, and it is easier to be caught by the relevant departments.

This creates a subtle phenomenon: for anchors, "rather for chicken mouth" is actually a safer state of existence. Being a small king who does not go out of the circle in the vertical field is much more sustainable than becoming an "internet celebrity" who "earns more than 100 million yuan per month" in society. The same is true for the platform: the head anchor who collapses because of the contract dispute is never rare, and perhaps the big brother in the cross-field is neither easy to cultivate nor manage, but as long as it can be done on its own platform, the king of the small field of "no one has me" is still relatively easy to grasp.

It is easy to say, but what kind of audience the platform itself has, and what kind of field it can cultivate, is a reality that is difficult to change in a short period of time. How come several major live streaming platforms that started with shows and games have not opened up new divisions with bells and whistles? However, it is difficult for you to imagine that the top stream of the game is no longer a fighting fish and tiger tooth, and it is also difficult to imagine that He Classmate and Luo Xiang are broadcast outside the B station.

The tone of the platform itself is the biggest opportunity and limitation.

Whether it is a brother and a sister in the early years, or the current Internet celebrities with goods, there is a distinct brand of platform users - rather than saying that they present the platform temperament, it is better to say that the platform has shaped them, which is especially significant in the anchors of Douyin and Kuaishou. But on the other hand, if the platform has many users with different tastes, it is also possible to differentiate the fans and traffic of the head anchor into multiple niche areas to avoid the eternal "head poison curse".

How is differentiation achieved? It is not difficult to say, live broadcast can be precipitated, and precipitation can also feed back live broadcast. Some people are obsessed with everything about the anchor because of live broadcasting, and some people first know the anchor before they start to watch live broadcasting - this is especially significant in Douyin, Kuaishou, and B stations, which are not only live broadcast platforms, but also video content communities.

For example, the knowledge area anchors we cultivated were invited to start live broadcasting after accumulating nearly one million fans through video. And the newcomer anchor Xiao shui, also through editing his own live video, continues to suck powder outside the last broadcast time - in the B station, such UP, anchor identity switching, simply not too much.

To put it simply, if you want to slowly differentiate the value of the head anchor, diversified users and needs (generally speaking, the younger and more diverse), and a more complete content ecology (video, dynamics, live broadcasting), both are indispensable. In these aspects, Douyin and Station B are the most significant advantages, and the impact of the "new regulations" of live broadcasting will be relatively small.

Third, the gadget of the small anchor

If Xiao Shui is broadcast as a beautiful girl, I am afraid that it will be directly submerged in the ocean of Internet celebrities. In fact, if it were not for the fact that the game partition was so detailed and the players were accurately guided, she was a newcomer anchor without a team, and it was really unlikely that she would repeatedly get the first place in the sub-time period.

An obvious fact is that the more areas of the platform, the finer the partitions, the more perfect the labels, the more niche content and the small anchors around this content, the more likely it is to get ahead.

About the fact that a friend's live broadcast has been on fire for ten days

When you are lucky, you can rush to the top of the district list

From the perspective of the platform itself, providing reasonable recommendation positions in niche partitions, allowing operations to "push a hand" from time to time, the effect is much more significant than that of rolling in the region.

Still taking Station B as an example, video, dynamics and live broadcasting actually provide relatively intensive gameplay. Video is a (relatively) long production cycle, high production cost, low release frequency of content, but the advantage is that it is easy to bring precipitation.

Dynamics are the complete opposite, you can send as much as you want, you can use to fill the gap between video and live broadcasting, wake up sleeping fans, and also provide a flexible form of interaction with active fans. Under these additions, the live broadcast itself can be more "frugal by people".

According to the traditional "live broadcast ethics", the frequency of broadcasting should be high, the broadcast time should be long, and the wind and rain can not be an excuse for holidays - after all, the core of traditional live broadcasting lies in "accompaniment". However, this high demand is not conducive to the development of anchors in many fields. Let's not talk about whether no team or small team anchors can keep up with such intensity, shows and games can be broadcast every day and month, is knowledge ok? That will soon turn into a mouth full of trains.

For opening up more live broadcast forms and opening up more anchor fields, diverse needs and content ecology complement each other. If a platform lacks mature precipitation means and supporting user habits, it is unlikely to cultivate anchors such as knowledge and popular science, which can be easily seen from the difference in live broadcast flavor of "live broadcast platform" and "video content community".

In addition, content ecology refers not only to content models, but also to monetization means. In the future, where it is very likely that tipping will be strictly controlled and strictly investigated by the relevant departments, it is unknown whether pure live streaming traffic still has the same value as before.

In contrast, the comprehensive income of live broadcast rewards, video traffic and e-commerce (fast, jittery goods, or the "little yellow car" of B station) is an improvement for the anchor who bet on the gift alone.

Especially for those anchors who may still have to go to work or have their own jobs and careers, "high-intensity accompaniment live broadcasting" may never be an optional path.

The anchor identity of the half anchor and half UP master has been proved feasible today, and it will become a window for more themes to enter the live broadcast in the future.

Let's sum up: with the maturity of the market, especially the audience, diversified demand is an inevitable choice of the market; with the attention of public opinion and relevant departments, traditional games such as vulgarity, comparison, and brushing are becoming increasingly unfeasible; coupled with the head curse that is always difficult to avoid, live head traffic is bound to be constantly differentiated - this is the differentiation of live broadcasting.

In order to cope with this demand, in order to allow more niche themes to join the live broadcast, more small teams and individuals to start the live broadcast career, increasing the content form, precipitation path and monetization means of the anchor is also the meaning of the topic - this is the differentiated live broadcast.

It's good not to have to be a big anchor without having to be very troublesome and tired.

Author: The Man who Made The Horse; Source: Public Account: Akashio Akashio

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