
Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

author:Foodie Dana 1m1

Hello everyone, I am a gourmet Dana, today to share with you these dishes are rich in natural folic acid, which is particularly good for children's physical health and development, and can also refresh the brain, often eat good health, learning stick!


Recommended Recipe【Spinach Egg Roll】

【Ingredients】A small handful of spinach, a little carrot, eggs, salt


1: Wash and chop the spinach, blanch the water and remove the dried water to cool, then cut the carrots into diced and put them into the spinach.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

2: Beat the eggs, beat well, add a little salt, you can also add a little water.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

3, hot oil in the pan, first pour in 1/2 egg liquid, eggs solidify from the side slowly rolled up, and then pour the remaining egg liquid, to be solidified and then rolled up, the whole egg roll rolled and then double-sided fried for a while can come out of the pot, cut small pieces can eat!

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy


Recommended Recipe【Vegetarian Fried Carrot Balls】

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

【Ingredients】Carrots, white radish, flour, salt, thirteen spices, eggs


1: Wash the white radish and carrots into strips with a knife and put a spoonful of salt to kill the water.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

2: Squeeze out the excess water and put three spoons of flour, one egg, one spoon of salt, thirteen spices and evenly.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

3, pour oil in the pot to burn 50% or 60% of the heat with the tiger's mouth to squeeze out the balls into a low heat, slow fry first, fry the shape, then fish out and then re-fry on high heat for 30 seconds.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

Yellow cauliflower

Recommended recipe【Stir-fried meat with broccoli fungus】

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

【Ingredients】Yellow cauliflower, tenderloin, carrot, cucumber, garlic, black fungus, cooking wine, soy sauce, starch, salt


1: Soak the broccoli and black fungus in warm water in advance and wash the roots.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

2: Slice the meat, add starch, soy sauce and cooking wine and mix well to marinate for about 15 minutes, cut the carrot and cucumber into diamond slices, slice the garlic and set aside.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

3: Put oil in the pot, put the marinated meat in the oil and fry until it changes color, add garlic slices and stir-fry, add carrot slices and stir-fry, add fungus and yellow cauliflower.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

4: Stir-fry a few times in light soy sauce, salt and dark soy sauce. Finally, add the cucumber slices and stir-fry well.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy


Recommended Recipe【Yellow Braised Chicken】

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

【Ingredients】Shiitake mushrooms, potatoes, green peppers, red peppers, chicken thighs, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, green onion and ginger, salt, rock sugar, dried chili peppers, soybean paste


1: Cut the chicken thighs into small pieces and wash and set aside, cut the mushrooms, potatoes, green peppers and red peppers into small pieces, and slice the green onion and ginger.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

2: Put the chicken thighs in cold water, put a few slices of ginger and green onion, blanch out the foam and wash it.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

3: Put a few pieces of rock sugar in hot oil, fry over low heat until the rock sugar melts and changes color, pour in the chicken nuggets beyond the sugar color.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

4: Put a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, stir-fry well, sprinkle some dried chili peppers and green onions, add shiitake mushrooms and potato pieces, pour in the water that just did not have the ingredients, simmer for 30 minutes. Sprinkle some salt, green and red peppers on the lid and cook for another five minutes.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy


Recommended Recipe【Sweet and Sour Egg】

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

【Ingredients】6 eggs, green onion, minced garlic soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oil consumption, tomato paste, sugar, starch


1: Stir in a sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of tomato sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of starch, half a bowl of water and set aside.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

2: Finely chop the green onion and garlic, heat the pan and pour the oil, add the eggs and fry until browned on both sides and set aside.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

3: Stir-fry the minced garlic in the oil, add the sauce to the fried poached egg, stir-fry until thick, sprinkle with green onion.

Give your child more of these high folic acid dishes to refresh the mind and be healthy

Have you learned, learned to arrange for your children!

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