
In the next 7 days, the early spring rain, the leading edge is not broken, the 3 signs are tormented and longing, and they wake up and look back

In love, there are no couples who do not quarrel, and love is always full of all kinds of regrets and heartaches, but this is also a helpless thing. In this world, only love can make people scratch their bodies, but it still makes people reluctant to let go. Can no one escape the fate of love? Falling in love again and again, thinking that it is always possible to keep the white head, but the result is always a tragic ending, sometimes divided and combined, love is really magical, let everyone fall in love again and again, today let's see which constellation in the next 7 days, early spring rain, the leading edge is not broken, tormented thoughts, wake up and look back?

In the next 7 days, the early spring rain, the leading edge is not broken, the 3 signs are tormented and longing, and they wake up and look back


After the loss of love, Scorpio people will always linger in pain. Previously, they didn't realize that their lovers were so important to them. Now Scorpio wants to save themselves, but they are very worried that the other person does not want to get back together, so they have been struggling and leaving each other, but Scorpio's whole world seems to be collapsing. They really want to go back in time, cherish their lovers, and never argue over small things. Over the next 7 days, it will rain lightly in early spring. Scorpio's peach luck comes, love is reawakened, they will accidentally meet their old love, they will find that their heart still belongs to their old love, they do not want to hesitate any longer. Therefore, they will fight for the opportunity to start over through continuous efforts. They will pursue each other madly, and the other will wake up and turn back, and the two will reconcile and return to their previous sweet state!

In the next 7 days, the early spring rain, the leading edge is not broken, the 3 signs are tormented and longing, and they wake up and look back


Capricorn people are very rational in the face of love. No matter how many points they go through, these will become Capricorn's growth experiences. In the reunion with old love, Capricorn matured a lot. They will never casually say break up, because Capricorns already have the meaning of regret and will gradually begin to heal the wounds in each other's hearts. In the next few days, the spring rain is endless, the leading edge of Capricorn is difficult to break, the thoughts are tormented, and the awakening is turned back, which will bring the continuation of true feelings, through their own efforts, they found the old love, and the two were sweetly reunited!

In the next 7 days, the early spring rain, the leading edge is not broken, the 3 signs are tormented and longing, and they wake up and look back


Taurus is a very loyal sign, especially when it comes to feelings. As long as they love someone, they will be very infatuated with each other. They will also regard each other as their own lives and take care of him with their hearts. When they love someone, they don't just love for a while. They want to live forever. Faced with the situation of separation, Taurus people will find it difficult to get rid of their sadness, because they are very nostalgic, very nostalgic for the small things in the past and everything around them, Taurus is difficult to forget the ex, in the next 7 days, when the spring rain falls, taurus peach luck returns, the old love is awakened, Taurus will be reunited with the old love, and the other party can not let go of the previous feelings, the affection is still there! Sweet together!

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