
New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power

author:Understand the CheDi report

文:懂车帝原创 高帅鹏

[懂车帝原创 产品] 作为Jeep牧马人系列顶级动力车型,牧马人Rubicon 392实车近日抵达国内。该车于去年底在美国正式发布,动力系统搭载一台6.4升HEMI V8发动机。作为参考,Jeep美国官网显示该车起售价为77490美元(约合人民币51万元起)。对比来看,牧马人系列入门版车型在美售价为33595美元起(约合人民币22万元起)。同时,现款牧马人2.0T车型国内售价区间为44.99万-55.99万元。

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


从外观来看,尽管搭载了排量更大、气缸更多的动力系统,不过牧马人Rubicon 392外观部分或许在大多数人眼中与一辆2.0T牧马人并无本质差异,不过仔细来看,这款车在细节方面仍有很多升级。其中,该车采用与车身同色车顶和四轮轮眉,并且为了配合进一步加宽的轮胎,其轮眉也同步进行加宽处理。

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power



New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power

座椅靠背配有Rubicon 392刺绣标识

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


在硬件升级方面,该车配备有单管Fox减振器、17英寸防脱轮辋和双边共四出排气系统,并可选装37英寸泥地胎。由于进行了2英寸升高,因此牧马人Rubicon 392视觉效果相比普通版牧马人更加高大,据悉该车配备的升高套件由Mopar提供。

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power

HEMI 392 V8发动机

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


动力方面,牧马人Rubicon 392搭载一台6.4升HEMI V8发动机,最大功率470马力,峰值扭矩637牛·米,对比来看,2.0T牧马人最大功率266马力,峰值扭矩400牛·米。传动系统匹配8速自动变速箱,0-100公里/小时加速时间4.5秒。此外,该车还配备带有可改变排气声浪的双模式排气系统。


New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power

尽管目前全球汽车领域都在向新能源化转型,不过在硬派SUV市场,反而掀起了一轮回归大排量V8发动机的热潮。与此同时,美国Jeep车迷对牧马人搭载V8发动机的呼声居高不下,Jeep“逆势”在去年底发布了这款牧马人Rubicon 392。当然,这轮操作算得上是一次十足的“宠粉”,毕竟电气化早已是汽车界的“主旋律”。

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power

福特Bronco Raptor

New car | Sold for about 510,000 yuan overseas, it was exposed that the Jeep Wrangler 392 domestic real car, 6.4 liters V8 power


从售价角度来看,超过7万美元的定价使牧马人Rubicon 392在美国本土也并不算便宜。竞争对手方面,牧马人Rubicon 392将与同样搭载V8发动机的福特Bronco Raptor展开对抗,同时,竞争对手还有望包括路虎卫士5.0T V8等车型。鉴于目前国内节能减排大趋势,以及大排量进口车陡增的关税等客观因素,这款牧马人Rubicon 392国内售价或将不菲。因此笔者认为牧马人Rubicon 392的出现,更多是精神图腾般存在,真正走量的仍将是2.0T牧马人。(实车图来源:方成说进口车)