
Summarizing the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can transform into locomotives, how many do you know?

Today we will summarize the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can be turned into locomotives, which can be mainly divided into the following categories

First, giant instruments

Summarizing the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can transform into locomotives, how many do you know?

This mainly refers to Kamen Rider OOO's car pilot vending number, Kamen Rider 01's Jumping Locust, which was changed by throwing cell coins into the mechanical vending machine, and the latter was changed by a huge key launched from the communications satellite Zeya.

2. Knight class

Summarizing the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can transform into locomotives, how many do you know?

At present, there are three main knights who can transform into a locomotive, namely Kamen Rider Accel's locomotive mode, Kamen Rider Lazer's motorcycle player Lv.2, and Kamen Rider Vice's Pterodactyl Genome.

3. Communication props

Summarizing the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can transform into locomotives, how many do you know?

Communication devices that can transform into locomotives are Kamen Rider Build's Build phone and Kamen Rider Saber's Gatrikephone, the former inserted by filling "Lion Full Can" or blank bottle can be transformed into "Mechanical Creator", and the latter can be directly transformed into Gatrike Gun Car.

Fourth, pure transformation props

Summarizing the equipment props in Kamen Rider that can transform into locomotives, how many do you know?

This type of locomotive prop mainly includes Kamen Rider Armor Sakura Hurricane Lock, Kamen Rider Shi wang's motorcycle driving head and Kamen Rider Saber's Diago Swift Fantasy Driving Book, the former can be directly transformed into Sakura Hurricane, the middle can be transformed into a strong attacker, and the final can be transformed into a Diego Swift after inserting the belt.

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