
More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

author:Tranquil clear skies

I once saw an article that read: "At present, food can always have some thoughts, or hungry qianjiao, observe before eating, think in the middle of eating, simmer after tasting, eat for nature, chew quietly, gently taste, extraordinary rhyme." Eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, and transparent ink fragrance feels the spicy salty and sweet in the text, which is a kind of happiness. Those who can eat get a heart-warming enjoyment; those who can eat find a peace of mind. "Savor it, have a deep understanding!" Food has now become a part of our lives, life, slowly walking, slowly living, life does not need gorgeous coats, nor does it need sweet words, life needs to eat three meals a day, and live every day plainly. Each of us has our own living habits, in order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, every day a selection of different dishes to share with everyone, together for the wonderful life of every day!

Fried beef with onions

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Beef; onion; ginger; chili sauce; dark soy sauce; cooking wine; sesame oil; starch (potato); sugar


1: Wash and drain the beef, cut the beef into small pieces, add 1/3 tbsp starch, 1/3 tbsp soy sauce, 1/3 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp cooking wine, mix well and marinate for a while. Mix with half a spoonful of salad oil before cooking in order to lock in the moisture of the beef itself;

2, quickly stir-fry, so you must first adjust the seasoning: 1 tbsp water, 1/2 tbsp chili paste, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1/3 tbsp sugar;

3: Chop the ginger into small pieces. Cut the onion: the onion is cut into strips in reverse, so that the fried onion taste is more crisp;

4, add oil in the pot, add to 80% heat, turn off the heat, the beef and onion together over the oil, the onion first over the oil can remove the spicy taste of the onion;

5. Drain the oil;

6, leave a little oil in the pot, highly heat the minced ginger;

7、 Reduce the heat and place the beef onion;

8: Pour the sauce, turn to high heat and stir-fry until the juice is collected;

9: Add a little cooking wine before cooking.

Small stir-fried spicy beef

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Method 1: Wash and cut the beef into thin slices, a little oyster sauce, add soy sauce, salt, a little broth essence, a little white wine and stir into the flavor, then pour in 1 spoonful of cooking oil and stir well.

2, green pepper, refers to the pepper washed and seeded, obliquely cut into small pieces for later, heat the oil, put in ten peppercorns to fry the aroma, pour in the beef slices and fry until the beef changes color,

3: Add green chili peppers and finger peppers and sauté until the chili peppers are broken, and a thin mustard can be served.

Braised pork ribs

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Preparation method: 1. Wash and chop the ribs into small pieces, put them into a pot and boil the blood foam to fish out

2. Put the oil in the pot and stir-fry the sugar color on low heat, add the ribs to the old soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, pour in boiling water and add salt, chicken essence, thirteen spices, soy sauce, oyster sauce, star anise, simmer for 40 minutes on low heat, dry the soup on high heat and get out of the pot

Scrambled eggs with silver fish

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 150 grams of silver fish, 4 to 5 eggs, a little cooking wine, a little green onion and ginger, salt, a little chicken essence;


1, silver fish, green onion and ginger prepared; soup pot with water, put 2 slices of ginger, cooking wine 20g, bring to a boil;

2: Pour in the fresh silver fish, turn off the heat immediately and remove for later.

3, 4 to 5 eggs, add 30 grams of cold water, salt 2 to 3 grams (my taste is light, add 2 grams of salt) a little chicken essence (can not be added) beaten. Pour in the silver fish and mix well;

4: Heat the pot, add salad oil (a little more); pour in the egg mixture;

5: Sauté until the egg mixture solidifies; sprinkle a little water, add a little salt, less than 1 gram, sprinkle with green onion and plate;

Pork belly roasted chestnuts

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: a pound of pork belly, chestnuts, a little green onion, a little soy sauce, a little soy sauce, a little rock sugar, a little cooking wine, a little star anise, a little ginger


1: Wash and cut the pork belly into small pieces, blanch it, drain the water and slice the ginger.

2: After the chestnut is crossed, cook the shell with water for 10 minutes, let it cool, peel the shell and take the meat for use.

3, put a little oil in the pot, put an appropriate amount of rock sugar, slowly simmer over low heat, stir non-stop, the color becomes darker, put the pork belly in, stir-fry evenly.

4, wait until a large amount of bubbles begin, put soy sauce, according to the same old soy sauce 1:1.5, slightly stir-fry, put ginger slices, star anise, add not the amount of meat water, and then put a little cooking wine.

5, boil until the water consumes 1/3, add chestnuts at this time, after boiling on high heat, turn to low heat to stew, when you start to collect juice, turn to high heat, stir-fry and collect juice. Sprinkle with green onions before cooking

Stir-fry fat sausages

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 300g of marinated pork intestines, 250g of celery, a little garlic, a little ginger, two garlic leaves, a little green and red pepper, a little salt, a little soy sauce, a little cooking oil


1: Slice a little green and red pepper, ginger and garlic, and cut the garlic leaves into sections

2, in order to save time off work in the brine stall to buy fat intestines, cut sections and slices can be, fat intestines are fatter, slices are less greasy

3: Cut the celery into sections and set aside

4: After all the ingredients are prepared, turn on the heat, put a little oil, and sauté the ginger and garlic

5, fat intestines can be properly sautéed for a while, eat more fragrant

6: Add celery and stir-fry until it is broken, green and red pepper and garlic leaves, sprinkle a little sugar, salt and stir-fry, drizzle with a little raw soy sauce and stir-fry the flavor

7: Remove from the pot and plate.

Yam pork rib soup

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 500g of pork ribs, half a yam, goji berries to taste, 1 carrot, ginger to taste, 1 teaspoon cooking wine, a few drops of white vinegar, an star anise, salt to taste.


1. 500g of pork ribs, half a yam, goji berries to taste, a carrot, ginger to slice an appropriate amount, 1 teaspoon cooking wine, a few drops of white vinegar, an octagonal one, salt to taste.

2. Then wash the yam, peel off the outer skin, cut into hob pieces for later; Carrots are also cut into hob pieces.

3. Put half a pot of water, put in the washed ribs, boil over high heat, at this time the soup noodles will appear a layer of foam, this is the boiled blood water, turn off the heat, fish out the ribs and wash.

4. Put the right amount of water to boil in a casserole dish (put enough at a time, no more water in the middle), put the ribs together with ginger, cooking wine, and star anise, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat.

5. At this time, add a few drops of white vinegar, not only can the calcium in the ribs dissolve into the soup, but also make the soup more delicious. Don't add too much vinegar, otherwise the ribs should be spoiled.

6. After simmering for one hour, add yam and carrots, cook for another 1 hour on low heat, add goji berries and salt to taste.

Seafood coffee

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: all kinds of seafood: crabs, pippi shrimp, shrimp flower clams, clams and other shellfish; Great Chongqing (a kind of hot pot base); coriander; all kinds of vegetables: enoki mushrooms, potato sprouts, lettuce, etc.; pepper large shallots, ginger, garlic, dried peppers;

To prepare the seafood coffee:

1) Steamed crab, shrimp, pippi shrimp

2) Blanch the shellfish in boiling water quickly

3) All vegetables are cut into sections and thick slices are laid out in a large container of seafood

4) Put the right amount of oil in the wok, add the onion, ginger, garlic and peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, put in the Big Chongqing (similar to a hot pot base or spicy hot base) and stir-fry well, put in water to boil, you can cook for a while

5: Spread the shellfish on a large container of vegetables, and then spread the crab and other seafood on the top

6) Pour in the boiled broth

7: Place the large container directly on the gas stove, and bring the two stoves to a boil

8: After boiling, move to the table, the bottom of the large container has a tank for solid alcohol, you can ignite the alcohol to heat 9: you can fry dry chili oil poured on the seafood, sprinkle with coriander segments to eat seafood ~ ~

Steamed chicken thighs with shiitake mushrooms

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Chicken thighs, shiitake mushrooms, oil, chicken powder, corn starch, sugar, pepper, sesame oil

Directions: 1. Soak the mushrooms in hot water and wash them, peel and wash the chicken thighs, and cut into pieces

2. Mix the chicken with soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken powder, pepper, sugar, corn starch and marinate for 30 minutes

3. Cut the shiitake mushrooms into small pieces, spread them on a plate and place the chicken on top

4. Put water in the pot, cover the pot with the lid on the steaming rack, open into the plate on high heat, and steam for 15 minutes on high heat

Water-fried (raw fried) wontons

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

10 wontons with ingredients; a little appetite oil; water to taste

Prepare a pan with a little oil at the bottom, a thin layer, over medium-low heat

With ravioli, my pot is lined with 10 wontons at a time

Add water two-thirds the height of the ravioli

Cover the pot and simmer slowly over medium heat

Stew until the ravioli changes color and becomes transparent, almost cooked!

Then pour the water out, pour it all out, and the wontons won't fall

Drizzle with a little oil to lubricate it, you can hardly see it!

Cover the pot and simmer for a while

The bottom is almost discolored and a little scorched!

Turn off the heat and get out of the pot! Look, the bottom is crispy, the same as raw fried buns, but my ravioli is a vegetable meat shrimp ravioli that the whole family loves to eat!

Out of the pot! Crispy and crunchy! But the skin is soft and not rotten, and the two dolls like to eat!

Stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with green vegetables

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Method 1: Soak a handful of shiitake mushrooms in warm water

2. Break open each slice of Shanghai Qing, clean it, boil water in the pot, put Shanghai Qing in the pot and rinse the water for 1 minute, during which time put a little salt and oil

3. Plate the vegetables after the water

4. Cut the garlic, ham sausage, shiitake mushrooms washed and set aside

5. Heat the pot, put oil, garlic slices, sauté until fragrant, add shiitake mushrooms, stir-fry

6. In one bowl, add two spoonfuls of oyster sauce, four spoonfuls of water, a pinch of salt, chicken essence, a little starch, stir well

7. Pour in the sauce in the pot, stir-fry and add the diced ham

Fried beef with green onions

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 500g beef, 1 green onion, a pinch of garlic, soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, white pepper, sesame oil, starch, egg whites, cooking wine, soy sauce


1: Slice the beef, add egg whites, cooking wine and soy sauce, marinate for 10 minutes, add starch and cooking oil. 2: Heat the oil in the pan and sauté half the shredded shallots and minced garlic.

3: Add beef and sauté until nine ripe, add the remaining shallots, soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, white pepper and sesame oil and stir-fry.

Dried roasted meat

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 150 grams of pork belly, 300 grams of dried fragrant mushrooms, appropriate amount of fragrant leaves, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of cinnamon, appropriate amount of star anise, appropriate amount of dried pepper, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of garlic


1. Cut the pork belly and dried incense into slices, soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in cold water for 20 minutes, cut the garlic into sections and prepare the other ingredients.

2. Put a small amount of oil and sugar in the pot;

3. Sauté slowly over low heat until the sugar is completely melted and browned, add the chopped pork belly and sauté;

4. Sauté the oil slowly over low heat, and the surface is slightly yellow, add ginger slices, star anise, fragrant leaves, dried chili peppers and sauté together;

5. Sauté to make the aroma, add cooking wine;

6. Add shiitake mushrooms and soaked shiitake mushroom water and bring to a boil, cover and turn to low heat and cook for 10 minutes;

7. Add the dried incense and cook for another 10 minutes;

8. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings, turn to high heat, and collect the juice as appropriate;

9. Add the garlic at the end;

10. Stir well and turn off the heat and serve directly.

Chinese burger duck

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

300 grams of fresh duck breast, 10 homemade bread (cut horizontally in the middle to form a hamburger), red pepper shreds and green onions.

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, sweet noodle sauce, seafood sauce, rib sauce, Zhuhou sauce, water starch, sesame oil, salad oil.

Production: 1. Cut the duck breast into thin slices, rinse it with water in the basin, squeeze out the water, add salt, cooking wine, pepper and water starch, sizing the flavor and go down to the 40% hot oil pot, slide and then fish out the drainage.

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the duck breast meat and stir-fry until fragrant, cook with salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, sweet noodle sauce, seafood sauce, rib sauce, zhuhou sauce, water starch on the bowl, stir-fry and thicken, drizzle with sesame oil to get out of the pot and plate.

3. Sprinkle with shredded red pepper and green onion, place homemade bread around the plate and serve.

Delicious fish tail

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 1 grass carp tail, 1 piece of brine tofu (compared to gypsum tofu), garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, cumin powder, pork plate oil (the oil that comes out of the white fat of the pig, white after solidification), pea /mung bean starch/corn starch


1, cut the fish tail flower knife, a knife cut, but do not cut.

2: Cut the garlic into minced garlic, then put it in a bowl and pour in the soy sauce and sugar and mix well. Starch is mixed with water to form water starch, and the ratio is starch: water 1:3

3: Put the pork plate oil in the thick bottom pan and put the fish tail into the pot.

4, put a slice of tofu on the edge of the fish tail (usually put the tofu in your hand, you can cut the pieces)

5: Fry fish tail and tofu over medium heat, and then turn over the tofu side to continue frying.

6: The fish tail is also fried on the side of the hard crust, turn over, sprinkle with some pepper and cumin powder.

7: Pour the minced garlic sauce evenly over the fish tail and tofu.

8, finally pour in starch water, wait for the juice to thicken before you can get out of the pot.

Home-cooked tofu

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Tofu, salt, chicken essence, green onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, watercress, hot sauce, sugar, water

Directions: 1. Put the northern tofu in the steamer and steam for about 10 minutes, then remove and let cool

2. Cut the steamed tofu into diamond-shaped pieces, thin and moderately thick

3. Heat the oil in the pan until it is about 60% hot, add the tofu cubes and fry until golden brown on both sides

4. Cut the green and red pepper into sections, and sauté the shallots, ginger and garlic in the pan with the oil of the fried tofu until it is 70% hot

5. Add a spoonful of hot sauce, sauté the red oil and add the fried tofu cubes and stir-fry

6. Add a small spoonful of sugar, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and stir-fry, then add a little water

7. When the stir-fry soup is almost gone, add a little salt and chicken essence to taste and come out of the pot

Steamed eggs with clams

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: clams, native eggs, two slices of ginger, a pinch of green onion, sesame oil, seafood soy sauce


1, buy chic clams, flower clams, hair clams, clams can be. It is best to buy more meat. Soak in salt and sesame oil for more than two hours and let them spit out the sand clean.

2, the toast clean clams washed, put in the pot, with two slices of ginger and green onion, cooked on high heat, clams a mouth on the fish out, the hour slightly longer meat will be old. (Not waiting for all the clams to open their mouths before fishing, then it's too late to fish them out together and break it open.) Remember: Don't pour out the soup.

3, the eggs are beaten, participate in the boiling of the clam water (must wait for it to cool), the ratio is 1:1, together with trembling.

4, take a plate, brush the plate with a layer of oil (I heard that it is good to wash the plate, but I did not brush and did not feel difficult to wash. Come according to the little me happy hobby). Place the clams on a plate and sift the egg liquid into a bowl, so that the egg liquid does not dissipate too much, not half of the clams. (The clams can be boiled directly with shells, or shaved out.) Shell is beautiful. )

5, covered with a layer of plastic wrap (plastic wrap can prevent steaming out of the honeycomb custard, the custard made is slippery), cold water into the steamer, the high heat turned to medium heat is very bell, steaming can be.

Burn the peppers

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 2 eggplant / 2 shallots / 2 millet peppers / pepper a little / salt to taste / sugar a little / ginger 1 / garlic 2 / soy sauce 1 tablespoon / cooking wine 1 tablespoon / Pixian watercress sauce 1 tablespoon / starch 1 tablespoon

Method 1. Cut well and set aside, wash the eggplant and remove the two ends of the cut, then cut into strips, soak in light salt water for 10 minutes, relax the oil in the pot and heat it, drain the eggplant, fry it in the pan until it becomes soft, and drain the eggplant and set aside

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the garlic rice, ginger rice and watercress sauce, red pepper ring to burst the aroma, put the eggplant under the pot, adjust the soy sauce, stir-fry the cooking wine evenly, add salt, and sugar, pepper, before the pot starch first melt the water and then go down to the pot to hook, sprinkle with green onions to eat

Chestnut ribs

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients 2 ribs, 10 millet seeds, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 slices of ginger, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil, 1 bottle of cola, 1/2 spoon of vinegar

Recipe 1. Shell the millet seeds, blanch the ribs in water, peel the carrots and cut into hob pieces, peel the garlic and slice the ginger and set aside.

2. Pour 1 tbsp of oil into a wok and sauté the garlic slices and ginger slices until fragrant.

3. Add the ribs again.

4. Burst to the golden brown of the ribs on both sides.

5. Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce.

6. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce.

7. Stir-fry evenly.

8. Then pour in a bottle of Coke.

9. Completely without ribs, add half a spoonful of white vinegar.

10. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

After 11.20 minutes, add the carrots.

12. Add the millet again.

13. Simmer for another 20 minutes until the soup is thick. Remove the plate and load it.

Tip 1: The ribs should be fried until golden brown on both sides, so that it is more delicious to eat.

2, Coke is not at all over the ribs, the middle can not add water, to ensure that Coke to a one-time full.

3, add a little white vinegar, can make the ribs more crispy and deboned.

4, when collecting the juice, it is a little thicker, so that it will be more delicious to eat.

Meat-end stir-fried three chos

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: peas, carrots, corn, minced meat, soy sauce, salt, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce

Directions: 1, peas, carrots, corn washed, garlic minced, meat stuffing with soy sauce, cooking wine, salt mixed well and marinated for 10 minutes;

2, heat the wok and pour the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, pour the meat filling into the pot, sauté the oil, pour a little soy sauce to tone;

3, pour the peas, diced carrots, corn into the pot and stir-fry, add the appropriate amount of hot water, do not cover the lid and grunt for two minutes;

4: Sprinkle with a little salt, pour in the minced garlic before leaving the pot, stir well.

Spicy and sour chicken offal

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Chicken offal, kimchi, pickled pepper, ginger, garlic, green onion, soy sauce, chicken powder, cooking wine, chili oil

Method 1. Cut the kimchi into sections with the pickled pepper, cut the ginger into strips, cut the garlic into small pieces, and cut the green onion into flowers; Wash and cut chicken offal into small cubes;

2. Put oil in a hot pan, add chicken offal, stir-fry on high heat, and fry the water of chicken offal until the oil comes out;

3. Add ginger and garlic and sauté until fragrant, then add two small spoons of cooking wine and stir-fry well;

4. Add kimchi and pickled pepper and stir-fry for about 2 minutes;

5. Add the right amount of salt and chicken powder and stir-fry well, add green onion, soy sauce and chili oil and stir-fry well

Tempeh tiger skin green pepper

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: green pepper, tempeh, garlic, oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar

Method 1: Pour oil into the wok (a little more than usual stir-fry), heat to 80%, change to medium heat, and add green pepper.

2: Use the back of the spatula to press the green pepper in a circle at the bottom of the pot, then stir-fry and then make a circle.

3: Until the green peppers are soft, the skin has a golden brown caramel, leave the oil in the pan, and put the green peppers out for later.

4: Stir-fry tempeh and minced garlic in a wok.

5, add green pepper, a small amount of water, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, mushroom essence, the seasoning can be fried evenly, pay attention not to stir-fry too much, otherwise the green pepper will be satiated.

Longan meat lotus seed egg soup

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: three dollars of longan meat, one or two lotus seeds, two eggs, two slices of ginger, four southern dates, a little salt


1: Steam the eggs, shell and wash them. Wash the longan meat, lotus seed meat, ginger and jujube. Remove the heart of the lotus seed meat and keep the lotus seed coat; peel the ginger and cut into two pieces; and remove the core of the southern jujube.

/2, put water in the clay pot, use a fierce heat to boil until the water is boiling, then put in the material, change to medium heat and simmer for two hours, add a little salt to taste, you can drink soup and eat lotus seeds and eggs.

Pickled sweet and sour garlic

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 5000 g of fresh garlic. 1000 grams of salt, 1000 grams of sugar, 1000 grams of cold boiled water, 500 grams of vinegar.

Method: 1: Peel off the garlic root, leave 2-3 cm long garlic stalk, peel off the dry skin, wash and put into the tank.

2, add 250 grams of salt to every 5000 grams of garlic, marinate for 1 day, pour the cylinder 3 times in the middle; then add water to remove the spicy taste, change the water once a day, for 4 consecutive days. Then remove the garlic, drain the water, add salt (750 grams), sugar (1000 grams), cold boiled water (1000 grams) per 5000 grams of garlic, mix, and then put into the jar to marinate, put in a cool place; about 15 days.

Chicken wings with dry sautéed rice cakes

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Method 1: Wash the chicken wings with a cutting knife, add a little Orleans chicken wing marinade, white pepper, salt, cooking wine, potato powder and pinch evenly, put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours or overnight

2: Wash and dice shiitake mushrooms and rice cakes, ginger and garlic and set aside

3: Heat the pan in cooking oil, then place the chicken wings, fry on both sides until brown, and set aside

4: Stir-fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry

5: Pour in the chicken wings, add the soy sauce, soy sauce and stir-fry until colored

6, add the rice cake and continue to stir-fry evenly, add sugar to freshen, try the taste, if you feel light, add some salt. Salty and self-regulating, sprinkle with green onions

Jujube raw glutinous rice paste

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 50 grams of glutinous rice, 20 grams of peanuts, 6 dates, white sesame seeds

Step: 1, all ingredients washed clean, red dates to pitted

2. Put it into the cup of the wall breaker, add 800-1000 ml of water, and start the rice paste function of the wall breaker

3. Wait for the program to end automatically

Assorted ducks

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Practice 1. Duck breast surface with black pepper grains and paprika.

2. Dice and add daxi beef powder and stir well.

3. Add the diced duck in the pot with an appropriate amount of oil.

4. Add the chopped carrots, cooked corn kernels, peas, stir-fry over medium heat until the duck breast fat precipitates the duck meat and stir-fry.

Stir-fried melon vines

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 500g of melon vine, 6 red rice peppers, 1 piece of ginger, a little salt and kelp seasoning powder

Steps: 1, melon vine to remove the old leaves, peel off the skin, pick into a small section of about 10cm, wash and control the water for later

2: Peel and shred red rice pepper and ginger, and mix the 2 kinds into two equal parts

3: Stir in a frying pan and simmer some ginger and red rice peppers over low heat

4: Pour in the melon vine and continue to stir-fry, add a little salt and kelp powder

5: When the melon vine 6 is ripe, add the remaining ginger and red rice pepper, stir-fry and plate

Sliced meat with boiled water

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

1: Cut the pork tenderloin into thin slices (cut against the grain) and taste in marinade for 15 minutes

2, garlic seedlings, celery and some other vegetables you like wash and cut into long knots

3, clean the pot of hot oil, 60% hot when put pepper and dried pepper festival, garlic slices, ginger slices, green onion knots, Pixian watercress fried out of the aroma. Then add the right amount of broth or water, put the right amount of salt, bring to a boil, put the vegetables down and blanch it slightly, then fish it up and put it in a bowl

4, slide the meat slices into the water in the pot, spread out, after breaking the raw, fish up and put them on the top of the dish just now, the soup in the pot is also poured into the bowl, not too little, to not over the meat slices prevail.

5: Sprinkle a large amount of pepper noodles and dried pepper noodles on top of the slices, and set aside minced garlic and green onions. Start another pot, pour in as much oil, blanch and pour over slices of meat

Stir-fried vegetables with shiitake mushrooms

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables, carrots, pork to taste, green onion and ginger, star anise, soy sauce, salt


1: Wash the shiitake mushrooms and blanch them in water and cut into slices.

2: Wash and cut the green vegetables into small pieces after removing the roots, wash and slice the carrots, slice the pork, and cut the green onion and ginger for later.

3: Add an appropriate amount of corn oil in a hot pot, add star anise, pork, green onion and ginger and stir-fry evenly.

4: Stir-fry the sliced shiitake mushrooms.

5: Stir-fry the greens and carrots over high heat until the greens are broken.

Tomato potato goulash

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 500 g of beef, 500 g of tomatoes, 500 g of yellow-skinned potatoes, 100 g of white-skinned onions, 5 g of salt, 5 g of ginger, 25 g of vegetable oil


1. After washing the beef, cut into 3 cm pieces, boil with cold water into the pot, remove the foam, fish out and then wash the blood stain with water for use;

2. Peel the potatoes and cut into 3 cm size pieces;

3. Divide the onion into slices of about 3 cm;

4. After the tomatoes are blanched in boiling water, peeled and torn into small pieces by hand;

5. When the oil in the pot is heated to 60% or 70% heat, put the ginger slices and stir-fry for a while;

6. After stir-frying beef and potatoes dozens of times, add tomatoes and clear soup;

7. After boiling, change to medium heat and simmer until the beef is fluffy, the potatoes are broken, add onion slices and fine salt;

8. Change to high heat and boil for 1 to 2 minutes.

Spicy leeks stir-fried dried tofu

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Leeks (100 g), dried white beans (250 g), green onion and ginger (to taste), salt (to taste), chili pepper (3 pieces), oyster sauce (10 g), soy sauce (20 ml), sugar (1 g), chicken essence (a little), sesame oil (to taste)


1. Cut the dried beans into strips and fry in a frying pan until slightly browned and set aside.

2. Wash and cut the leeks into sections.

3. Finely chop the onion, ginger, garlic and ring the red pepper.

4. In a wok, pour oil and sauté chives, ginger peppers.

5. Pour in the dried tofu and stir-fry. Add the soy sauce. Add the oyster sauce. Add the sugar.

6. Add an appropriate amount of water to cook the dried beans to taste.

7. Pour in the leeks and stir-fry evenly.

8. Add a little salt, chicken essence and drizzle with sesame oil.

9. Stir-fry evenly and turn off heat.

Oyster sauce seafood mushrooms

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 200g seafood mushrooms, 1 bell pepper, 1 green pepper, 15g vegetable oil, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp oyster sauce


1. Prepare ingredients: seafood mushrooms, bell peppers, green peppers; wash all ingredients;

2, put in the milk pot with water, pour the appropriate amount of vegetable oil to boil, add seafood mushrooms and blanch the water;

3、 Remove the blanched seafood mushrooms and drain the water;

4、 Green pepper, bell pepper into strips;

5: Heat the oil pot, add green pepper and bell pepper and stir-fry;

6, 7 after maturity, add seafood mushrooms and continue to stir-fry;

7, adjust the appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce, stir evenly, turn off the heat;

8, [oyster sauce seafood mushrooms] ready.

Celery stewed meat slices

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 200g of pork slices, 200g of celery, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of seafood soy sauce, appropriate amount of sugar


1. Slice the pork.

2. Prepare the ginger and garlic.

3. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, seafood soy sauce, ginger and garlic to the pork slices and stir well.

4. Add dry starch and stir well, set aside.

5. Cut the celery into small pieces.

6. Slightly more sliced pork in oil until the pork changes color.

7. Add celery and stir-fry over high heat for about 2 minutes.

8. According to the existing saltiness of the dish, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt and stir-fry evenly, and then you can plate.

Mushroom soup

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 70 grams of white crab mushrooms, 70 grams of gray crab mushrooms, 10 grams of dried apricot mushrooms, 3 grams of ginger, a little coriander, a pinch of salt, a little white pepper


1: Wash the dried apricot abalone mushrooms and soak them in water for more than 2 hours, then change the knife and cut into strips.

2: Wash the white crab mushrooms and gray crab mushrooms, soak in light salt water for 10 minutes and drain for later.

3: Sauté minced ginger in oil, sauté apricot abalone mushrooms and add two-color crab mushrooms.

4: Add an appropriate amount of water to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

5: Add salt.

6: Add white pepper to taste and sprinkle with parsley.

Vinegar slip radish balls

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: radish balls, oil, salt, green onion, ginger, coriander, vinegar, tomato sauce, chicken essence


1, ingredients: radish balls peanut oil salt taste very fresh chives coriander, parsley, vinegar, chicken essence, ginger tomato.

2 Wash and chop the chives, peel and chop the ginger, and wash the parsley.

3 hot pans of cold oil and stir-fry with green onion and ginger until fragrant.

4 Add water balsamic vinegar, add extremely fresh flavor, add salt, add tomato sauce, bring to a boil over high heat, and add radish balls.

5 Heat on high heat and reduce heat until the balls are in full swing.

6 Add chicken essence water starch to stir-fry evenly out of the pot, put the coriander around the plate, pour the balls on.

7 Stir-fry evenly, put the coriander around the plate, pour the balls on.

Mango coconut cake

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 50g fish gelatin powder, 200ml coconut milk, 250ml pure milk, 120g sugar, 750ml water, 800g mango

Method: 1, boil the water, put the sugar to melt after the sugar off the low heat, pour in coconut milk and milk to stir evenly, and then pour in the fish gelatin powder (first with cold water to boil) while stirring and constantly cooking until the fish gel powder ablation, turn off the heat and set aside

2: Cut the mango into small cubes, pour the freshly cooked coconut milk layer into the dish, and then release the mango

3, put into the refrigerator freezer, about four o'clock after condensation out (do not condense, also placed in the freezer freezer, then frozen) take out the cut, if you can't finish eating, put it in the refrigerator for safekeeping

Dry pot bean skin

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 2 tofu skins, 2 parsley, 5-6 green peppers, 5 red peppers


1: Wash and cut the tofu skin into strips, drain and set aside

2: Cut the pepper and celery well

3: Fry the tofu skin until the surface is golden brown.

4: Add an appropriate amount of oil to the wok, add peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves, half green peppers, half red peppers (Note: half peppers, half peppers, half peppers) Add fried tofu skin and stir-fry.

5: Add a small amount of soy sauce and 200 ml of cold boiled water. Cover and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

6: Add the remaining chili peppers and celery, stir-fry until the celery is cooked thoroughly, add a small amount of sugar, mushroom essence, salt to taste

Tomato tofu dumpling soup

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Method 1. Preparation ingredients: tender tofu cut into pieces, tomato peeled and cut into cubes, chives minced and set aside

2. Prepare the round meat...

3. Add a small amount of bean flour first (boil with a small amount of water)

4. Add the seasonings in turn: watercress paste, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, egg liquid, and stir in one direction

5. Add another egg to the remaining egg mixture: Add salt and beat well

6. Hot oil in the pot: Add the eggs and fry well

7. Pour boiling water into the pot: Down into tomato, tofu: Wait for the water to boil

8. After the water is boiled: Use a spoon to lower the rounds one by one

Scrambled eggs with spinach

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: spinach, egg, green onion, ginger and garlic, salt, chicken powder, pepper, sesame oil

Method 1. Wash and remove the roots of spinach, cut the top knife into about 3 centimeters long segments; beat the eggs into a bowl and stir with chopsticks; cut the shallot into foam, ginger into foam, garlic into foam;

2. Heat the oil in the pot about 10 grams; add the eggs, fry them and set aside; put about 300 grams of water in the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, put in the chopped spinach blanch and quickly pour into a colander to control the water;

3. Heat the pot with 10 grams of oil, heat on high heat, stir-fry with green onion, ginger and garlic; add spinach, add salt, chicken powder, pepper; add scrambled eggs, stir-fry a few times on high heat, and pour sesame oil out of the pot.

Chop the pepper claws

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: chicken feet, 6-7 garlic cloves, minced pepper, oil.

Directions: 1. Wash and cook the chicken feet.

2. Take an appropriate amount of chopped pepper and chop it, take six or seven garlic cloves and chop into garlic puree.

3. Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, cook and then sauté the minced pepper and garlic paste together.

4. Pour the stir-fried garlic puree and minced pepper into the cooked chicken feet, mix well, and you can do it.

Small stir-fried chicken nuggets

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 500 grams of three yellow chicken, 30 grams of vegetable oil, 15 grams of Korean chili sauce, 10 grams of chili powder, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 grams of cooking wine, 15 grams of tomato sauce, 2 grams of ginger, 5 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of salt


1: Cut the three yellow chicken into pieces, cool underwater pot, add cooking wine to boil, and remove.

2: Beat the garlic into a puree and the ginger into a puree.

3: Mix with Korean chili sauce and tomato paste, garlic paste, ginger puree, salt, soy sauce, paprika and sesame oil.

4: Heat the pan with cold oil, heat the oil 80% under the chicken nuggets and stir-fry evenly to produce moisture and aroma.

5: Add the sauce and stir-fry evenly.

6: Add a little water and stir-fry for a few minutes.

7: Turn the heat to medium to medium heat until the chicken nuggets are cooked thoroughly, and collect the juice on high heat.

8: Add some cooked sesame seeds or chopped chives to garnish the chicken nuggets.

Steamed chicken with shiitake mushrooms

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs, 8 shiitake mushrooms, 2 small red peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 slices of ginger, 5 green onions, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 half spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of corn starch, salt, edible oil;


1. Remove the bones of the chicken thigh, first use a knife to cut the skin and tendons in a circle at the thin end of the chicken leg, and then cut it with a knife against the bone from the hole, and then slowly use the knife to peel off the meat and bone to form a complete piece of chicken.

2. Cut the chicken thighs into chunks and add cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, pepper, ginger and corn starch. Stir well, cover with plastic wrap and marinate in the filling box for at least 30 minutes, usually I will prepare a meal in advance, at least 4 hours.

3. Cut the shiitake mushrooms into chunks after rooting, slice the ginger garlic, cut the red pepper and green onion into sections. Pour the oil in a wok and heat the oil, then sauté the shallots, ginger, garlic and red pepper together. Pour in the marinated chicken nuggets and stir-fry.

4. Stir-fry until the chicken changes color, add shiitake mushroom pieces and stir-fry evenly, add the right amount of salt to taste out of the pot. Put it in a deep basin, put a few chives on top of it, put it in a steamer and boil the water and steam for about 20 minutes.

Cold sauce jellyfish head

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 4 jellyfish heads, 1 cucumber, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 2 tbsp black vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp garlic paste

Method 1: Soak the jellyfish head in water for three to four hours, and change the water two or three times in the middle. Then cut into ten dollar coin-sized chunks, blanch them in boiling water for about ten seconds, then remove the boiled ice water and set aside.

2: Cut the cucumber into hob pieces, soak in sugar and salt for an hour, and then squeeze out the water by hand.

3, out of the water also squeeze out the water, and rinse the cucumber with boiling water, first on the bottom of the dish.

4: Sauce garlic paste, soy sauce, white vinegar, black vinegar, sugar, sesame oil

5. Finally, drizzle the sauce on the jellyfish head and cucumber before serving!

Dry pot with fish

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 750 grams of fish, 30 grams of dried chili peppers, minced ginger and garlic, 1 pickled ginger, a little peppercorns, a little bean drum, a little pixian watercress, sesame seeds, cooking wine, a little dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, a little vinegar, shallots.


1, when buying fish, deal with it, take it home and wash it, drain the water and set aside. Cut the pepper into small pieces and the pickled pepper into fine grains.

2: Use a frying pan to fry the fish on both sides and set aside.

3, from the new pot (not a frying pan Ha) put oil, hot oil pot into the ginger garlic, pickled ginger, peppercorns, bean drums, watercress, soy sauce, dried peppers, cooking wine stir-fry fragrant, pour the fish together and stir-fry for a while, put some vinegar, sesame seeds, monosodium glutamate and green onion when the pot is raised.

Back to the pot of fish

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: grass carp, ginger shredded, green chili pepper ring, chopped chili pepper, oil, salt, soy sauce, water starch.

Directions: 1: Cut the fish into small pieces and cut into diamond-shaped flower knives, add a little salt and marinate for 30 minutes.

2: Heat the oil until it is 50% hot, put the fish pieces into the pot, fry until slightly colored, fry the fish until golden brown and drain the oil.

3: Leave some oil in the pot, pour in ginger, green pepper and minced chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

4: Pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce and bring to a boil in a bowl of water.

5: After boiling, pour the fried fish into the pot, add a little salt, mix well, cover and simmer until taste.

6: Finally, drizzle with an appropriate amount of water starch to get out of the pot.

Fragrant grilled tilapia

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Tilapia, salt, onion, ginger, coriander, cooking wine

Directions: 1, tilapia treatment clean, cut from the back, wash;

2, put the tilapia in the basin, put in the soy sauce, a little cooking wine, add salt, pepper, green onion, ginger, paprika, spread evenly, marinate for half an hour;

3, the electric cake bell upper and lower plates are brushed with oil, wait for the upper and lower baking pans to be baked to a state that can be grilled, put the marinated fish into the lower plate, and then cover the upper plate;

4: After grilling for four minutes, the fish is overflowing, you can cut off the power on the upper and lower baking pans at the same time, open the grilling pan, and put the fish into the plate to eat.

White-seared shrimp

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: shrimp, ginger slices, chives, cooking wine

Directions: 1. Wash the shrimp first, cut off the whiskers, and pick off the shrimp line.

2. Put water, ginger slices, chives (knotted) in the pot and bring the cooking wine to a boil.

3. After the water comes to a boil, add the treated shrimp and cook for 1 minute on medium heat to turn off the heat.

4. Remove the shrimp and soak in cool water, then drain clean.

5. Prepare your favorite seasoning dipped in the sauce to eat.

To do the dipping saucer: Mix with seafood soy sauce and mustard to a small amount of chopped green onion.

Ginseng stewed duck

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 5 grams of ginseng, 120 grams of duck, 1 slice of ginger

Directions: 1: Cut the duck into pieces and fly water, wash and slice the ginseng.

2: Add a slice of ginger, put it in a stew cup, add 250ml of water, simmer for 2 hours.

Healthy purple rice porridge

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients purple glutinous rice 30g red beans 30g, red skin peanuts 20g glutinous rice 30g, yam half root red dates 3

Practice 1. Purple rice and red beans are best soaked for more than 12 hours in advance

2. Soak glutinous rice for more than 2 hours in advance

3. Bring the purple rice glutinous rice red bean peanuts to a boil in a pot

4. Add the red dates and continue to simmer, pay attention to observation and stir, so as not to spill the porridge after opening the pot

5. When boiling porridge, the lid of the pot cannot be completely covered, and a little gap should be left to avoid the porridge spilling out

6. Boil for about an hour until the red beans are soft and rotten

Delicious mix

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients Lettuce Carrots, cucumbers Cooked peanuts, raisins Tempeh sauce, tomato sauce Vegetable oil

Do Method 1. Wash the tender lettuce, chop the carrots, wash the cucumbers, turn over some steamed buns, and crush the cooked peanuts for later

2. Put some oil in the pot, throw the steamed bun into it and fry it over low heat.

3. Cut the carrots into strips and tear the larger lettuce into the plate

4. Tear the stalks and leaves to your favorite size and throw them together with the shredded carrots into a bowl with the tempeh sauce

5. Put the other ingredients together in a bowl, pour the tomato sauce and mix well

Shiitake mushroom tofu soaked

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 400g minced tofu 50g minced meat 10 shiitake mushrooms, 1/5th of pepper 1 tsp starch 1 tsp of raw soy sauce 1 tablespoon of green onion


1: Add salt, pepper and starch and set aside

2: Soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance and slice them. Dried shiitake mushrooms are recommended, which are more intense than fresh shiitake mushrooms

3: Finely chop the ginger and garlic

4: Stir-fry the minced meat until it changes color

5: Stir-fry the minced ginger and garlic

6. Sauté shiitake mushrooms

7: Stir-fry the tofu in the tofu bubbles slightly

8: Add a small half bowl of water, soy sauce and oyster sauce

9: Re-pour the meat and slowly collect the juice over low heat to make it taste good

Stir-fried pork liver with chives

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: pork liver, ginger slices, garlic slices, millet rings and leek festivals, salt, cooking wine, corn starch, spicy fresh sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper

Method: 1, cut the pork liver into slices, rinse with water to remove odor, drain the water and take the bowl, add salt, cooking wine and corn starch and mix well to sizing.

2: Heat the vegetable oil in the net pot, stir-fry the pork liver slices first, pour out the drainage oil.

3: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add ginger slices, garlic slices, millet chili rings and leeks and stir-fry, pour in pork liver slices, stir-fry while cooking with spicy fresh sauce, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper and wet corn starch, and wait for the juice to be put on the plate.

Spicy potted shrimp

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: 250 grams of green shrimp, green onion, ginger and garlic, peppercorns, peppercorns, star anise, dried chili peppers, green shoots, lettuce, spicy hot pot ingredients, salt, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, chicken soup.


1, green shrimp to sand line treatment clean. Marinate with a small amount of salt and cooking wine for about 15 minutes. Don't take long, so as not to be fresh.

2: Prepare the side dishes in advance, cut the dried pepper into sections, slice the green onion, ginger and garlic, cut the green shoots into cubes, and prepare the peppercorns and peppercorns.

3: Heat the pan with cold oil, add peppercorns, peppercorns, star anise and simmer the aroma.

4: Add dried chili peppers over low heat to bring out the aroma.

5, put in the hot pot ingredients, I used half a bag, the brand is Youlian. Stir-fry the shallots, ginger and garlic until fragrant.

6: Stir-fry the hot pot ingredients, add green shrimp and stir-fry over high heat.

7: Add diced green shoots, pour in soy sauce, a small amount of sugar, salt to taste, quickly stir-fry evenly.

8, add the appropriate amount of chicken soup, there is no hot water can be used to replace, cook appropriately for a while, the time is not too long.

9: Lettuce pad the bottom of the plate, yard shrimp, green shoots in the middle, garnish with coriander, sprinkle with a little white sesame seeds.

Spring shoots fried pork belly

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: spring shoots, pork belly, green pepper, pickled pepper, garlic, water starch, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, oil;


1. Peel the spring shoots, cut them in half, put water on the fire in a pot, put the spring shoots and cook for 10 minutes, scoop them up and let them cool and slice. Set aside.

2. Wash the pork belly, slice it, put salt, cooking wine. Soy sauce, soy sauce, water starch to grasp evenly, put peanut oil and mix well. Drown for 10 minutes. Wash and slice the garlic cloves, wash the green peppers, and soak the peppers, all sliced.

3. Heat the pot, put the oil, the oil temperature is 50% hot, put the pork belly and fry until the pork belly changes color, steak the pork belly on one side, put the green pepper, salt, and fry until it is broken. Put spring shoots, garlic, pickled pepper, monosodium glutamate, put a small amount of boiling water and stir-fry well out of the pot

Cabbage baked eggs

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients 1/4 cabbage / 10g flour / 10g water, 1 egg / salt / black pepper / oil

To make 1. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, try to be as thin as possible, pour in 10g of flour and 10g of water to make a batter. Add a little salt. Then stir well. Make the cabbage covered with paste

2. Bring the pot to low heat, pour a little peanut oil and wipe it open with a paper towel

3. Pour in all the cabbage, use a spatula to form a cake and bake slowly

4. When baking to the bottom to solidify, you can add an egg, low-altitude beaten egg Oh. Cover and continue baking. Bake to your preferred maturity

5. Sprinkle a little pepper after cooking. Or mix it up with your favorite sauce

Sichuan steamed pork ribs

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Method 1, rice, glutinous rice, peppercorns, star anise, put together into the wok, do not put oil, low heat dry frying, slowly fry until golden and brilliant, fragrant, turn off the heat and spread flat to dry;

2, use the blender to beat the fried rice with spices, (not too broken, keep some coarse particles, the taste will be better)

3, wash the ribs, add all the spices, grasp well, sealed into the refrigerator, marinate overnight;

4, small taro wash and peel, the whole row at the bottom of the container;

5, marinated ribs evenly coated with a layer of broken rice noodles;

6: Place the ribs on the taro, steam the steamer and put it into the pot, cover and steam for 30 minutes on high heat.

Sautéed enoki mushrooms with celery

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Ingredients: Shredded pork tenderloin, mushrooms, celery, red pepper, ginger, garlic, green onion, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil

Method: 1, dry nasturtium in advance with boiling water or soak in boiling water, fish out the drizzle water for later.

2: Wash and cut the celery into small celery and strip the red pepper.

3: Cut the tenderloin into strips, put a little salt, pepper, starch, oil, and add a little water to stir and marinate evenly.

4: Put oil in the pot, add garlic slices and ginger shreds to stir-fry until hot, add the marinated shredded meat and stir-fry.

5: Add celery and stir-fry the meat after it changes color.

6: Stir-fry the goldenrod, add the red pepper, green onion and soy sauce and stir-fry until the red pepper is red

Spicy braised fish pieces

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good


Grass carp, soybean sprouts, flour, eggs, cauliflower, fungus, cabbage, mushrooms, coriander, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, green onions


Start by processing the fish nuggets. Cut into chunks and drain. A small amount of flour and a pinch into an egg.

Add a little water and a pinch of salt and whip in one direction to form a thin paste that hangs on the chopsticks. Pour the fish cubes into the egg paste and stir well.

Put cooking oil in a small pot, heat the oil to 60%, add the fish pieces hanging paste, and fry over low heat.

Fry until golden brown, drain the oil, and then dispose of all the fish cubes for later.

Prepare the side dishes. Wash the mushrooms and tear them into thick strips by hand.

Dried fungus is soaked in warm water, washed and torn into good sized pieces.

The cauliflower is washed and plucked into a single flower, and the cabbage is torn into large pieces. Peel and tail the sprouts, wash and drain.

Cut the red pepper into rings, cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger and peel the garlic and set aside.

Get to the point, braised fish chunks. Put oil in a wok and the amount of oil is about twice as much as usual for stir-frying. Put the dried peppercorns on a low heat and simmer until fragrant

Add shallots, garlic cloves and ginger slices and sauté until fragrant, add spicy fish fillet and stir-fry until fragrant.

Stir-fry the cauliflower and mushrooms for one minute. Stir-fry soybean sprouts and fungus under the pan. Finally, stir-fry the cabbage leaves evenly.

Add water until all dishes are submerged and bring to a boil over high heat.

Add the fried fish cubes and cook on high heat for two minutes. After the fish comes out of the pot, put it in a large basin and add the coriander segments and twisted flowers

More than 60 dishes to share, delicious and not greasy, May Day holiday does not go out to study cooking is very good

Tomato jelly tofu vegetable soup

Ingredients: About 500 grams of frozen tofu, cut into small pieces; 1 large tomato, cut into small pieces; green leafy vegetables (beet leaves, spinach, small rape, etc.) appropriate amount, cut into segments; 1 small green onion, cut into green onions; 1 large spoon of cooking wine; appropriate amount of ginger, kneaded into ginger; 1 small spoon of miso sauce - 1 large spoon; half a small spoon of rice vinegar, not much, fresh can be; a pinch of white pepper powder; sugar (optional) appropriate amount; paprika (optional); coriander (optional) a few sticks, chopped


1: After the pot is hot, add oil and sauté the chives, stir-fry the tomato pieces, put the cooking wine, and continue to stir-fry.

2: Rub some minced ginger on the surface of the tomatoes with a silk-rubbing board and stir-fry well.

3: Stir-fry until the tomatoes are soft, add frozen tofu and stir-fry, pour a small cup of water, bring to a boil, cover the pot and let it sit for 3-5 minutes.

4: Before preparing to come out of the pot, add the green vegetables and cook for half a minute to 1 minute until the greens are soft.

5: Put the miso sauce in a small bowl and mix the sauce with a spoonful of soup in a pot.

6: Turn off the heat, pour in the sauce, mix well, sprinkle with chopped coriander, white pepper, drizzle vinegar and remove from the pot.