
World Book Day: Feel the power of Chinese

author:China Youth Network

This year, 23 April marks the 27th World Book Day. On the occasion of the common festival of book lovers all over the world, we specially invite overseas Chinese learners and students studying in China to introduce Chinese books that have left a deep impression on them, so that more people can feel the beauty of Chinese and the profound and profound power of Chinese culture.

World Book Day: Feel the power of Chinese

Read the encyclopedia to learn Chinese

Kim Hyun-yeol (10 years old)

Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress. Although I live in Denmark, my mother always encouraged me to read more books in order to improve my Chinese. She bought me a lot of Chinese books, including the DK Encyclopedia of Natural History, which is my favorite Chinese book, and I still read it.

I remember once when I went back to China, my mother said she was going to give me a big gift, but later found out that it was a heavy book. Although I struggled with the book at the time, I was still attracted by its beautiful cover. As soon as I got the book, I began to read it, but at that time, due to the Chinese level, some of the content was not very clear. But there are a lot of pictures in the book, which make me enjoy watching them, as if I were immersed in the scene.

After that, every night, I pestered my mother to read me this book. What impressed me the most was the book that some creatures went extinct because they did not adapt to the environment. This made me understand the importance of protecting the earth's environment.

While reading this book, I also learned a lot of Chinese characters. My mother read it to me and taught me to read, and slowly, I was able to read it myself.

"DK Museum Encyclopedia" makes me fall in love with it, because it not only deepens my understanding of nature, but also broadens my horizons, letting me know that every species that survives in the world has undergone countless temperings, so we should cherish life and protect the earth.

(Sent from Denmark)

Ask someone what they like

Meat (6 years old)

I recently learned Hanyu Pinyin, and I can also recognize and write some Chinese characters, and I can also read some Chinese short stories by myself, such as "Kitten Fishing", "Three Monks", and "Cao Chong Calling Elephants" are all very interesting. My favorite, though, is the story of Who Loves to Eat What.

There are a lot of little animals in this story, little goats, little monkeys, and grandpa goats. The little monkey invited the little goat to dinner and took out a large pile of peaches, but the little goat did not like to eat peaches, so he politely thanked the little monkey and went home. One day, the little goat also invited the little monkey to dinner, and took out his favorite grass, but the little monkey did not like to eat, and also politely thanked the little goat and went home. Later, Grandpa Goat told everyone that because the things he liked to eat were different, he could take out his favorite things and put them together in the future, so that he could choose what he liked and would be happy.

I love this story because it made me understand things I didn't think about in school before. I had a good friend in kindergarten, and once I took a long time to draw a frog as a birthday present for her, but she just politely thanked me and didn't accept it. I was thinking that she must not like me anymore, so I was very sad. But after reading this story, I thought maybe I should ask her why. She then told me that she was very afraid of frogs, but she was very happy that I had carefully prepared gifts for her and that I was still her best friend.

Just as little goats like grass and little monkeys like peaches, each of us can like very different things. Even if we are best friends, the colors and animals we like can be completely different. We may first ask others what they like and respect their opinions so that friends can be happier together.

Knowing this, I asked my friend what she liked the most, and she said it was a koala. So I drew another koala and gave it to her, and she was so happy that she told me she had pasted it on the wall of her bedroom.

(From Canada)

World Book Day: Feel the power of Chinese

If you are willing to work hard, you can learn the skills well

Liu Qianxun (7 years old)

On April 23, World Book Day, I read Chinese version of the Different Carmela series, "I Learned Kung Fu."

The book tells the story of Carmen, Camerido and Little Fat Dun, three chickens who learn kung fu with Grandpa Rooster to defeat the bad guy voles. While several chicks were seriously learning kung fu, the knight Don Quixote suddenly broke in, and he confused the chicken coop as a "giant". He attacked the "giant" one after the other with his spear, and finally the spear was inserted into the chicken coop, and Don Quixote fell to the ground. At this time, he thought he had been defeated by the "giant" and decided to cooperate with the voles. In fact, the voles want to use him, because the voles want to eat chickens every day. After that, Don Quixote, a few voles and chicks engaged in a fierce scuffle. Chicken and Grandpa Rooster learn kung fu, coupled with clever minds and quick movements, and finally defeat the voles, and Don Quixote also wakes up.

Reading this book made me understand a truth, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can learn the skill. Although the chickens don't look that strong, they are brave and united, so they can defeat enemies and protect their homeland. "I Learned Kung Fu" is really a vivid and beautiful book, and I love it super.

There are many interesting books in the Different Carmela series, and if you are as interested as I am, you can read and write.

(From Germany)

Cute "Thumb Squad Leader"

Wang Xinyan (15 years old)

On World Book Day, I read "Thumb Squad Leader" given to me by my cousin, and the author of the book was Shang Xiaona. From the first page, I was drawn to the stories in the book.

The male protagonist in "Thumb Squad Leader" is called Kong Dongdong, and the female protagonist is the squad leader, called Kong Xixi. The two are classmates, but they are intolerable.

Kong Xixi often looked for Kong Dongdong's "trouble" at school, and Kong Dongdong invented a difficult milk tea in order to "avenge". After drinking this specially prepared bubble tea, Consissi turned into a little person the size of a thumb. Since then, they have been caught up in one unusual incident after another.

After reading the first book in the "Thumb Squad Leader" series, I did not hesitate to pick up the second and third books... This set of books is interesting and describes the ideas of elementary school students very vividly. The author uses Kong Dongdong as the first person to tell this story full of fantasy, allowing me to bring myself into the story, follow the protagonist into the fantasy world, and carry out various adventures.

I like the author's style of expression, I also like the protagonist's personality, while watching and guessing what kind of person the protagonist will eventually become, I also want to tell my good friends at the first time that this set of books is very good and worth reading.

(Sent from Netherlands)

I read four classical masterpieces

Xia Qihang (16 years old)

Since I can remember, my favorite Chinese books to read are the four classical masterpieces of China - "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", and "Dream of the Red Chamber". As a classic work in the history of Chinese literature, the stories told by the four classical masterpieces are very exciting, and there are also extremely high literary standards and artistic achievements.

Through a series of vivid stories of Liangshan heroes resisting oppression and heroic struggle, "Water Margin" exposes the decay and brutality of the ruling class at that time. The characters depicted in the book, such as Song Jiang and Li Kui, are vivid, and the vivid scenes are printed in my mind.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms focuses on depicting wars, reflecting the political and military struggles between Wei, Shu Han and Wu, and showing the historical situation from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty. A war of swords and swords, and a strategy of wisdom and courage, made me feel as if I had returned to history.

In "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, followed the Tang monk Xitian to learn the scriptures, and along the way, he eliminated demons and demons, overcame difficulties, and interlocked with each other, touching the heartstrings. In particular, Sun Wukong's dedication to protecting Tang Monk impressed me even more.

The love story of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in "Dream of the Red Chamber" makes people sigh, and Jia Fu's decline from wealth to decline makes people sigh.

Reading the four masterpieces has benefited me a lot, not only improving the level of Chinese, but also understanding Chinese history and Chinese culture. Moreover, as we get older, our reading experience is different.

(Sent from Denmark)

Night Reading "Picking Up Flowers and Nights"

Yuri Yamakawa

The day recedes and the night slowly begins. The sunset is not as bright as the morning glow, but in the gentleness, there is a sense of indisputableness. I don't know when I fell in love with midsummer nights, like to melt myself in the thick night, let my mind flutter with the night wind, until the morning light faded. Perhaps because the summer wind was lazy, it blew away my tiredness of the day in a careless gesture. I took the book to the balcony, moved out of the bamboo chair that had been idle for a long time, brushed away the dust on it, brewed a pot of Pu'er tea, and looked up at the starry sky at night...

What a literary and beautiful name "Picking Up Flowers and Nights"! This is a collection of essays by the literary scholar Lu Xun, formerly titled "Old Things Revisited", which contains 10 essays by Mr. Lu Xun, including longing for his hometown and yearning for childhood... Looking back on the past after years of precipitation, I can see the happy times I spent with my friends when I was young, and the bits and pieces of growth with the deceased.

In the first half of "Chao Hua Xi Shi", Mr. Lu Xun recalls his childhood anecdotes, including the desirable Hundred Grass Garden and the fearsome Red Practice Snake, as well as those small stories of fighting wits and courage with Mr. Lu, and the true feelings revealed between the lines make people see a vibrant picture in front of people's eyes. I saw Mr. Lu Xun in his childhood through the text, and Mr. Lu Xun's childhood was both laughing and bitter.

With the passage of time, the Sanwei Book House and the Baicao Garden slowly faded out of view, and the Ying Sai God Club gradually faded away, and Mr. Lu Xun's childhood came to an end. After that, he left his homeland and embarked on the road to study. Among them, the stories of "Locks" and "Mr. Fujino" impressed me the most, telling the story of Mr. Lu Xun's experience of leaving home to study and studying abroad. The twists and turns in this made me know the young Lu Xun, and I also saw the "teacher-student relationship" that crossed national borders from Mr. Fujino. I admire Mr. Lu Xun's spirit of study and Mr. Fujino's noble character.

This reminds me of my own study abroad career. Like Mr. Lu Xun, I went abroad to study, but the difference was that he went to Japan and I came to China. When I read Mr. Lu Xun's "Mr. Fujino" article, I already had a very similar experience to Mr. Lu Xun - studying abroad, and I was lucky to meet a good teacher. I met many very good teachers in China, who were as respectable as Mr. Fujino, who not only guided me, but also became the engine on my learning path. As Mr. Lu Xun mentioned in the book, "Whenever I was tired at night and wanted to be lazy, I caught a glimpse of his dark and thin face in the light on my back, and it seemed that I was about to say something depressing, so that I suddenly found my conscience again, and I increased my courage." Teachers are like light, guiding me forward, and I hope to become a light like them, and then guide more people.

The stars in the sky disappeared, and a wisp of orange light spread across the earth in the distance. I closed the book, put away the bamboo chair, poured out the tea roots in the cup, and walked slowly to the room. On this night, I saw a tenacious teenager, slowly fading from immaturity to maturity under the tussle of time.

In the past, I only found it interesting to read "Picking Up Flowers and Nights", but now, I have a different taste in my heart. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to understand more deeply.

(The author is a Japanese student at Beijing Chinese University)

Give your life a waywardness

Ruan Yubi

"Youth should be a storm, if you let youth pass leisurely, it is the burial of life, youth will not leave a trace in your life, hurry to come, hurry to go." 」 Youth needs enthusiasm, but also needs willfulness. In the days related to youth, we must be 'reckless' once, so as not to fall into the 'crime' of wasting our years. This passage comes from a book that I like to read, "Your willfulness must be worthy of your skill." This book has no flowery language, no boring and rigid theories, but just uses different life stories to remind us how to spend this life. Limited by the level of Chinese, I feel that I am not yet able to evaluate the specific content of this book, but I feel that what is written in the book is very similar to my life, and I want to share my story and feelings about this book.

We only have one life, how can we live to make people's lives more valuable? I've asked myself this question over and over again, and now I finally have the answer – do what I love to do and experience the life I enjoy living. I was born in a traditional rural family in Vietnam, although in contemporary society, girls have a lot of autonomy, but since I remember, relatives have always told me that girls only need to find a good partner, get married and have children, and live a peaceful life. When I went to college, I couldn't choose my favorite major, I could only study the major recognized by my parents. After graduation, I worked in a company, nine to five every day, very boring. I thought I had spent my life like this, but I had the opportunity to see this book, and when I read it, I felt like I was seeing myself in a mirror. Everyone in the book has a different story, but they all revolve around one theme — "willfulness." What is willfulness? "The so-called willfulness is the spontaneous nature of the original life. Have your own economic foundation, have your own attitude to life, and leave your destiny to yourself, not anyone else. This sentence inspired me that I should be the master of my own destiny, because no one knows me better than I do. I decided to give up my disliked job and devote myself to learning the language I liked—Chinese and realize the Chinese dream that I had been brewing for a long time.

We should be willful once in our lives, but on a certain basis, just like the book mentioned that "a person's willfulness must be worthy of his ability, in order to be respected and treated gently by life." What is wayward capital? In my opinion, it is necessary to continue to work hard to become a learned, capable, and sufficiently economically based person before it can be willful. Some young people are afraid of hardship and failure, and just want to stay in the comfort zone. In fact, if you don't encounter any challenges, it's not called "life". We have to be brave and move forward, there may be failures, but these experiences will become our wealth. Therefore, we must take advantage of our youth to do what we like and not let life leave regrets.

Books are the carriers of human knowledge and are good teachers and friends. Reading allows us to accumulate knowledge, understand the world, and improve ourselves. Reading also has many functions, for example, it can improve analytical and writing skills. For me, reading is a more stress-relieving way, because reading books calms my emotions quickly, and the stories in the books teach me to see the world from a different perspective. It can be said that reading is the most important part of life. Nowadays, there are many options for the way to read books, if you feel that paper books are inconvenient to carry, you can choose to read e-books, you can also "listen to books" on some apps.

I enjoy reading a lot and enjoy listening to music while reading. In order to understand China more deeply, I recently began to read books related to Chinese food, art, humanities, poetry, etc. Although ancient Chinese poetry is more difficult for me, I will try to improve my Chinese and hope to understand the rich meaning contained in Chinese poetry as soon as possible.

Books are a treasure trove of human knowledge, a source of continuous human progress, and an effective way for us to reduce stress and soothe our hearts. Let's sink down and enjoy the happy time of reading together!

(The author is a Vietnamese student from Yunnan Normal University)

Fall in love with adventure

Meng Ruiqi (7 years old)

The Adventures of Tintin is my favorite book. The protagonist Tintin is an adventurous man who has a dog named Milu.

There are 22 copies of The Adventures of Tintin, corresponding to the 22 adventures that Tintin has experienced. Every adventure of Tintin is in different places, such as the Americas, the jungle, etc. What impressed me was that Tintin encountered difficulties every time he ventured, but he was able to use his ingenuity to resolve them. The Adventures of Tintin made me fall in love with adventure and wish I could be like him.

(From Germany)

Don't be discouraged in the face of difficulties

Weng Xiaoxuan (15 years old)

How to deal with the suffering of life? Some people choose to give up, some people choose to struggle.

I once read such an article - "One-legged Life" written by Luo Weizhang. The article is about the author going to his villa at the invitation of a friend, getting off the bus, and preparing to take a tricycle. The price proposed by the coachman is 5 yuan, which is two yuan more than the author's friend said. The coachman advised him that a tricycle was more cost-effective than a taxi. In the end, the coachman agreed to the price of 3 yuan, and the author got on the tricycle.

On the way, the author found that the coachman had lost his right leg and pedaled only with his left leg. Walking uphill, the author proposed to get off the car and push the cart up with the driver, but the coachman said: "This slope can't be ridden, why should I earn a living?" "On the slope, the one-legged coachman stubbornly fought against the retreating force, he was fighting against himself, fighting against fate, and the slope finally climbed up.

Later, the coachman told a story of the past: two foreigners came to Chengdu, wanted to take a tricycle to see the scenery of Chengdu, did not take other people's cars, only wanted to take his car. The coachman rode a long distance with the two men and proudly told the author: "My one-legged leg has fought for the people of Chengdu and the Chinese!" ”

After reading this article, I can see from the dialogue between the author and the coachman that life brings hardships and challenges to the coachman, but he returns it with strength and optimism. This article reminds me of a close friend whose mental illness makes it difficult for her to integrate into society, and even communicating with people is a luxury. But in her, I saw the spirit of the coachman. Friends strive to fight against diseases and face life positively and optimistically.

Life is often not smooth, in the process of growth, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, how to face difficulties and solve it, this is a must-answer question on the road to growth. As long as there is perseverance not to be discouraged and not to give up, these difficulties will be like whetstones, making the polished life shine, and even miracles will occur.

(Sent from Spain)

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

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