
Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?


Ski Princess Gu Ailing returned to the beautiful country, a sentence of "thank you China", overturned the whirlpool of public opinion.

Some people questioned why she didn't say "thank you to the motherland" and had to say "thank you China"? The difference between China and the motherland is one word, but it is hanging!

Therefore, she also questioned whether she did not regard China as her motherland, and felt that this little girl was rude and too shrewd.

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

The pictures in this article are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

To be honest, when I first saw these four words, the conditioned reflex was also such an emotion. China is the motherland, why don't you say that the motherland says China? Isn't China sound alienated?

Usually when we introduce ourselves to the outside world, we will say that we are Chinese, and the motherland is used to describe the country where we have been treated from childhood to adulthood, which contains a strong homeland complex - which is also deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese.

Relocating to the land has never been a person's heart, but the habit of a generation, or the soul of the hearts of generations of Chinese people.

So why can she say "thank you China"?

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

Believe me, but if anyone around you says "thank you China" instead of "thank you to the motherland", you will at most feel that this person is improperly worded and uneducated, but it will definitely not rise to the point of how this person's personality is.


A sentence of "thank you China", in the end, poked in the heart of whom? Who's complaining for whom?

In my opinion, Gu Ailing said these four words, there is no mistake, there is no mistake at all. Whether she is an elitist or an ordinary girl, with her growth experience and life story, she does not have too much affection for China, which is understandable.

Because she grew up abroad, China is a distant country for her, a hometown, but also a record in the book. She probably didn't know much more about China than another city in a beautiful country.

But she still chose to come back to win glory for the country, rather than to go out on the occasion of the beautiful country, what does this mean? Doesn't that mean she recognizes her identity!

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

She grew up in a beautiful country, but she was also Chinese. Her grandmother is a beautiful countryman, her father is a beautiful countryman, and her grandmother, grandfather and mother are Chinese.

These two countries are motherlands for her, because she is of mixed race, and she can't be separated from either country enough, because the blood is passed down here!

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

Gu Ailing, after all, is a little girl. And how many ordinary and mediocre adults have used their own cup bow snake shadow words to obliterate her and wear away the sharpness that a young person should have.

Whether she returns to The Beautiful Country or stays in China is her personal decision, we only have respect and blessings, why should we intervene?

Just because she is a child, she is going to be pointed out? Just because she won the championship, she must act under the eyes of people in everything, and there can be no temper and self-opinion?

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

Remember the hotspot that stopped Gu Ailing's autograph while she was running? Love is not fake, the premise of love is that the other party is worthy of your admiration. And all the admiration and achievements, those coronation medals, are exchanged for sweat bit by bit.

We envy her success, and we must not forget that people are a child. What is the difference between "China" and "motherland"? Didn't people say "thank you"? If you have to be more serious, it is really a disgrace to adults!

The contribution to a country is not a clever word, nor does it have to be used to prove where to stay, the choice of the individual is always a personal decision, and the unity of the Chinese people is reflected before the major right and wrong and the interests of the country.

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

As a young girl, I feel like she's done well enough. At least the healthy beauty she preached made some Chinese girls begin to wake up and stop taking injections for weight loss diets.

She has also become the light of many children, so that more people know that the original people can live so arbitrarily, but also because of her, so that many parents no longer struggle with whether their children are excellent, live sunny, cheerful and infected people, this is a kind of happiness.

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

What's wrong with Gu Ailing? Let me say a word of malicious speculation, even if she really stayed in her mother's country, the keyboard warriors would still find excuses and reasons to poke out her various things.

And those right and wrong, it is not a big deal, but the fault of a young child who is ignorant of the world.

Gu Ailing's sentence "Thank you China" has pierced the hearts of many people? Who's complaining for whom?

Is there something wrong with being young? Her sincerity, optimism and upward fullness of emotions are the brightest light in a person's life, because it is too bright, illuminating the darkness in many people's hearts, so she opens her teeth and dances and dances to say that she is not.

But don't forget, she's just a young girl!

Using malice to speculate, copy, and rewrite the goodness of others will only make people more disdainful of your pattern.

Thank you China, no problem!

#谷爱凌发文说谢谢中国 #

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