
Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

author:Film and television resources ys

The red petals of the spice girls are transparent and transparent, like the valuable crystal flowers that bloom early and some late, and on the same tree, you can see a variety of spice girls in various forms. When the wind blows the leaves, you don't have to worry about the plum blossom petals falling and breaking, the plum blossom is not a delicate word, but the colder it is, the more delicate it blooms. From the grinding, the spice girl floral fragrance comes from the bitter cold

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

The color of the sister flowers, the fragrance of the gorgeous and not demon sister flowers, the quiet and elegant sister flowers, the ancient and beautiful, no matter the cold and heat, no matter the wind and rain, no matter the cold and freezing, they are serious on their own trees. To learn meihua, I want to be a person like a plum blossom.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

Spring is the season of a hundred flowers, when the various flowers are moved out of the warm pot, the sister flower withers, but it offers a delicious girl to mankind and contributes all its strength to mankind.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

The sister flowers are in full bloom, and you can smell a fine fragrance from a distance, which enters people's hearts and lungs. The white is yellow, the yellow is green, the delicate is like fire, the red beauty of the sky is red, the white is as white as snow, the white and flawless white plum, as if the plum blossom knows the cold of the winter world in advance, sends the flower branches in advance, and then grows green leaves. Every plum blossom is like an article, a poem, which is exclamating.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

Sister Hua is the leader of the three friends of the cold year, and she is resolute and does not accept defeat. In the midst of the wind and snow, a little bright red in the distance, facing the furious cold wind, slowly opening, is a plum blossom, is a sister flower; unlike other delicate flowers, it is the best time to show its beauty in the wind and snow, is this not just like the character of the people on the mainland? When foreign countries frantically divided up our land, we were as determined as plums, struggling like plum blossoms, and the victories won were as beautiful and full of sweetness as the opening of plum blossoms.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

I like the spice girl flower "a few plums in the corner of the wall, Ling Han blooms alone", the snow is flying, the fangs are shaking, and the plum blossom is proud of the frost and snow, with its unique color, fragrance and rhyme independent of the world.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

Love sister flowers, love your strong and courageous: love sister flowers, love your tenacity and indomitability: love sister flowers, love you in the face of difficulties do not bow your head, love you symbolizes our majestic GreatEr China, always full of vigor and standing!

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

The sister flower is a famous flower, which is mostly blooming in the spring, but it is different. His flowers bloom in winter, and the colder they are, the more spirited and delicate they are. No matter how many tribulations he experienced and what kind of bullying he was bullied, he always refused to bow his head and fold his knots. This spirit of his is precisely the spirit of the Chinese nation. Even friends in Europe and the United States have begun to accept the spirit of plum blossoms, praising the aroma of plum blossoms as the sweetness of winter.

Golden sparkling, plum blossoms

Sister flower is the spirit of loving sister flowers and proud snow fighting frost, the spirit of humility. Love the cliffs are full of ice, like flowers and branches. "Love is" She laughed in the bushes when the mountain flowers were full of flowers

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