
The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

author:Jing Chu Xiucai

When it comes to India, many people think of a scene like this: the old train cars are full of passengers, and a motorcycle carries five or six people... In the eyes of many people, India is an open-ended people, and there are all kinds of strange phenomena in India. When I was in India, I didn't see these strange phenomena, but I also had a superficial understanding of Indian society, and I felt that Indians were incredible in some ways.

The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

In China, we often hear the saying that time is money. Do everything to seize the time, go to work on time, and date on time. But in India, it is different, if Indians say to meet you, if you say that you meet at three o'clock, then you must be prepared to meet at four or five o'clock. Even many Indians are late for work, and there are a whole bunch of reasons. Working in India, being late is normal.

The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

Indians' marriage ceremonies are also very complicated, Indians get married, no one can complete the wedding ceremony in a day, Indians get married, there are all kinds of complicated activities. I even heard that indians actually started preparing ten years in advance in order to prepare for the wedding ceremony, which directly refreshed my worldview.

The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

Go to the toilet in India and you will find that there is no toilet paper in the toilet. In fact, Indians do not use toilet paper to go to the toilet. For many Indians, there are generally buckets and sprinklers next to the toilet, and then cooperate with their own hands... Of course, for China, this way of going to the toilet by Indians is still difficult to accept.

The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

Indians are also very enthusiastic, but they like to inquire about privacy. For example, how many children you have, how much you earn, how much you weigh. For many people, this is personal privacy, and it is impolite to ask such a question for the first time. But in India, this kind of questioning is normal. Plus, Indians like to stare at you, but it's not malicious. Foreigners on the streets of India are often stared at by locals, male or female, and they will stare at you out of curiosity. Of course, you don't have to be afraid, they are just out of curiosity.

The way of life of the Indian people Chinese find incredible

The way Indians eat is also more interesting, as we all know, Chinese eating habits with chopsticks, Westerners eat with knives and forks. Indians eat without chopsticks or knives and forks. Instead, it is directly pilaf with bare hands, thinking that Indians go to the toilet, but also with their hands... This is really hard to accept.

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