
Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

author:Dr. Yi said

In the historical trend of the mainland for thousands of years, fish as a unique food culture, deeply loved and sought after by people, especially in the New Year's Festival, there must be a piece of fish on the table, representing more than every year, which is a symbol of good omen.

In addition to the symbol of good fish, its tender and smooth taste is also loved by people, and the nutritional value of fish meat is particularly high, which is very suitable for adolescents and children during the growth and development period, which helps to increase intelligence and improve memory.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

As we all know, the people to eat for the day, food to safety first, food safety and quality issues have always been the top priority of people's attention, when buying fish, most people do not have the ability to distinguish, especially some middle-aged and elderly people, but also like to buy cheap fish, they feel that this not only saves money, the taste is similar.

Although the cure is good for human health, but there are some that can not be eaten, including formaldehyde and heavy metals, after eating not only can not provide nutrition to the body, but will increase health risks, I hope that everyone as soon as possible to understand, do not be deceived by the lies of the fishmonger.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

1. Sashimi

Eating raw or semi-raw freshwater fish such as "raw fish" (sashimi), raw rolling fish porridge, and beating edge stoves is the main cause of the high incidence of hepatic fluke disease in many areas. With the improvement of people's living standards, residents who did not eat or ate less raw fish in the past often ate raw fish during festivals or invited guests to eat.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

Some restaurants and merchants in many large cities in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province even promote "authentic Shunde fish raw" as a signature dish, and many residents although they know that eating fish will suffer from liver fluke disease, but mistakenly believe that drinking alcohol can kill liver fluke worms, still eat it, some have insufficient understanding of liver fluke disease, and others eat themselves.

2. Chinese-style salted fish

As early as 2012, Chinese-style salted fish was listed as a class of carcinogens by the WHO, Chinese-style salted fish is made of salting and exposed to the sun, after a high concentration of salting, so that the fish meat dehydration, in this process generated a lot of nitrite substances, into the human body will be transformed into nitrosamines with strong carcinogenicity.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

In order to be healthy, it is best not to eat salted fish in normal times, if you want to eat it, it is recommended to eat 2 to 3 times a month, and you can eat a small strip each time. Before cooking salted fish, it is necessary to blanch it with water and remove the soup, which can remove a large part of the nitrite, and at the same time eat more vegetables rich in dietary fiber to promote human defecation and reduce the absorption of nitrite.

3. Large deep-sea fish

The organisms in the ocean have the phenomenon of "big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp and rice", therefore, often the larger the fish, the more heavy metals in the body, those large and long-lived fish, the mercury content in the body exceeds the standard, long-term intake will lead to higher and higher mercury content in the body, affecting the normal respiratory and digestive tract level, often poisoning.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

After mercury poisoning, it will not only damage the oral mucosa and digestive tract, but also affect kidney function, especially in children, long-term eating of deep-sea large fish, but also affect intelligence, causing brain damage.

4. Contaminated fish

We usually rarely see contaminated fish in the regular market, most of them are fresh, only in some roadside vendors will sell, most of these contaminated fish have toxins in the body, have been contaminated with phenols, heavy metals or pesticides.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

Fish and shrimp with a strong kerosene flavor are the result of phenol contamination, and large marine fish such as sharks, tuna, sailfish, mackerel and squarehead fish are always susceptible to mercury poisoning. In particular, it is emphasized that pregnant, lactating and women who are planning to become pregnant should not consume these fish.

Precautions for eating fish

1, live fish do not eat immediately

Most people think that the freshly killed fish can be cooked immediately to better retain its umami taste, in fact, this practice is not correct, because the fish will have a process of acid removal, the fish that has just been killed will remain some toxic substances, not completely decomposed, in general, small fish after slaughter refrigeration for 1 to 2 hours, large fish refrigeration time should be longer.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

2, do not eat fish on an empty stomach

Because fish contains a large number of purine substances, the need for carbohydrates to decompose, if eating fish on an empty stomach is very easy to lead to a sharp rise in the purine content in the human body, causing an imbalance between acid and base in the body, so it is best to eat carbs such as rice or steamed buns before eating fish to help decompose the purine substances in the fish.

3, do not eat fish bile

Fish bile contains water-soluble "sodium carpyl sulfate" and other highly toxic toxins, these toxins are both heat-resistant and will not be destroyed by alcohol, so whether the fish bile is cooked, swallowed raw, or taken with wine, poisoning can occur, individuals must not eat fish bile, patients with edible requirements should be reasonably ingested under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

What should I do if I get stuck in my throat by a fish thorn?

I believe that most people in ordinary life have been stuck by the fish bones, in general, many people will use the way to eat steamed buns or drink vinegar to solve, but these only have a certain effect on the fine and soft fish bones, if it is a large and hard fish spine with a steamed bun plug, it may lead to deeper and deeper, and even puncture the esophagus or large blood vessels, bringing life danger.

So what should you do after being stuck in the throat by a fish thorn?

1. Stop eating immediately and reduce swallowing. If it is a child, do not let him cry, so as not to suck the fish thorns into the throat cavity.

2, bow your head and bend down, do a violent coughing action, or use a chopstick to stimulate the back wall of the pharynx, induce vomiting, if the fish spines into the soft tissue is not deep, it can be squeezed and sprayed.

Please stop eating these 4 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

3, if it is still ineffective, you can use a spoon or toothbrush handle to press the front part of the tongue, raise the flashlight or small mirror, carefully observe the throat, found that the fish thorn can be clamped with forceps, gently pulled out, such as the throat reflex of the stuck thorn is sensitive, nausea is difficult to cooperate, you can let it open its mouth, make an "ah" sound, to alleviate discomfort.

4, if there is still no solution, indicating that the location of the fish bones is deep, not easy to find, then it is necessary to go to the hospital in time, the doctor uses professional instruments, and it takes only 5 minutes to remove the fish bones.