
Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

author:Tianfu Pidu
Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

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2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. Looking back on the centennial journey, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, generation after generation of Pidu youth have continued to struggle and make meritorious contributions in different historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform, and have continued the vigorous development of the party's cause, and jointly created the pidu youth spirit of "undertaking missions, daring to be the first, striving to forge ahead, and pursuing excellence."

From now on, the District Rong Media Center launched the Column Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Youth League of China, vividly displaying the youth style of contemporary Pidu youth undertaking the mission, daring to be the first, striving to forge ahead, and pursuing excellence, calling on the pidu youth in the new era to live up to Shaohua and the times, to run the track of youth, to inherit and practice the youth spirit of Pidu in the realization of youth ideals, to resonate with the construction of Science and Technology Innovation Highland, Splendid Pidu, and to gather youth strength for accelerating the promotion of Science and Technology Innovation Highland, Splendid Pidu. Greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with high morale and mental state.

This issue explains the profound connotation and representative figures of "mission responsibility" for everyone.

Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

Welcome to the Twentieth National Congress, always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey

——Carry forward the "mission" of pidu youth spirit

The mission of young people stems from the deep feelings of home and country of young people. Turning over the vast historical annals of Pidu, we see the figures of young people moving forward one by one, and feel their selfless and fearless spirit and indomitable spirit. Especially in the history of a hundred years of struggle, in the face of internal and external insults, they have no hesitation and are determined to move forward. During the revolutionary war years, they fought bloody battles on the front lines, and Ma Ge shrouded the body. In the era of peace-building, they worked diligently and selflessly in their respective posts.

The mission of young people is to always keep pace with the times in the development of the social development of the times, resonate with one heart and one mind with the country, and share the fate with the people. Far away from the smoke of war, countless young people still insisted on the frontier, guarding the vast land behind them and their fathers and fellow countrymen. The bloodiness of the shopping mall has been dissipated, but countless young people have still devoted themselves to national construction, taking the needs of the country as their life pursuit, showing their skills in scientific research, education, economy and other fields, silently contributing, and creating excellent results to benefit Sangzi and contribute to the country.

When the times enter a new stage of development, the young people of Pidu still stand at the tide of history and bravely do the tide of the times. In the new period of development, the mission of Pidu youth has shone with new brilliance in the cause of young people, showing and leading contemporary youth to make contributions in the new journey of struggle. Under the guidance of the goal of "Science and Technology Innovation Highland, Splendid Pidu", we will forge ahead and make unremitting efforts on all fronts of economic and social development, maintain our original intention and determination to move forward in ordinary and ordinary posts, inject new era strength into the high-quality development of Pidu, and contribute innovative wisdom and sonorous strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the blood and sweat of a generation.

Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

Representative figures

The first secretary of Pi County, Li Jingzhong

Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

Li Jingzhong (1895-1928), also known as Li Guan (Guan) Ying, he was in his early twenties and organized youth reading clubs with The Pidu youth Liao Sibo, Xie Dukai and others to accept Marxist ideological enlightenment and spread revolutionary ideas. At a time when the revolution was at a low ebb and adversity, an underground party organization was established in Pidu, leading the revolutionary struggle, and finally dedicating his young life to the great revolutionary ideal, and the revolutionary ideal he pursued could become a reality in this heroic land.

Selfless dedication of poverty alleviation cadres - Chen Jiangang

Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

Chen Jiangang, 33, is currently the deputy director of the Political Department of the Pidu District People's Procuratorate. In 2017, he went to Daofu County, Ganzi Prefecture to serve as the deputy secretary of the township party committee, and engaged with local rural cadres in the "battle" of precision poverty alleviation. During the period, he led the villagers to build an angelica base, held a small class on the rule of law at the night school, and rebuilt the villagers' houses, exchanging sincerity for sincerity, and contributing to the strength of the cadres of Pidu District to aid Tibet in the decisive battle against poverty in Daofu County. He was awarded the title of Advanced Individual in the Poverty-stricken County of Yi District in the Province in 2018, and Advanced Individual in Daofu County in Poverty Alleviation and Assistance to Tibet in the Year.

An ordinary hero who scrupulously fulfills his duties - Yang Chuan

Welcome to the 20th National Congress, always follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey - carry forward the "mission" of the spirit of Pidu youth

Yang Chuan, 35 years old, worked in the Political and Legal Committee of the Pidu District Committee, and has been fighting in the front line of stability maintenance work for many years, he is persistent in his loyalty to the cause of political and legal affairs, abandons his family and forgets himself, scrupulously fulfills his duties, and makes selfless contributions. He has completed major security and stability maintenance tasks such as "181", the 18th National Congress, the 19th National Congress, the "Two Sessions" of provinces and cities across the country, and the G20 Summit, and has made extraordinary achievements in ordinary political and legal posts. He has won the honors of Advanced Individual in Stability Maintenance of the General Office of Chengdu Municipal Party Committee in 2016, Advanced Individual of National Security People's Defense Line commended by Chengdu National Security Work Leading Group in 2016, Advanced Individual of Security and Stability Maintenance in 2017 by General Office of Municipal Party Committee, and Third Class Meritorious Service of Individual in Security and Stability Maintenance Petition Work in Daqing, 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China by general office of The Municipal Party Committee in 2020.

Next issue

We will continue to interpret

The profound connotation of the spirit of Pidu youth - "dare to be the first"

Pidu has some young people who "dare to be the first"

Stay tuned!