
In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

author:Elephant talk

Looking at the world map, we can see that once there is no absolute hegemonic state in a certain region, then there will be a situation of small countries in the local area. Just like Europe, although Europe in recent history was once synonymous with "strong", it is also because there is no absolute power, resulting in the existence of more than 40 countries and regions on the European continent of only 10 million square kilometers.

In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

Just like the Central American region, because of the unique terrain of the American continent, Mexico single-handedly isolated the "Gate of Hell" United States, making the Central American region also have a situation of small countries. But Central America, unlike Europe, has been the object of aggression and colonization in recent history. For European countries, Central America is their own backyard.

The proliferation of small countries, combined with the complexity of overseas powers, has led to the absolute chaos of Central America for hundreds of years. After the 19th century, in order to get rid of the rule of European countries and to dispel the aggressive ambitions of the northern countries, the five central American countries formed an "alliance state" with the intention of holding together for warmth. So why, 18 years later, before the threat was eliminated, the alliance state declared its collapse, and even the 5 countries almost turned against each other?

In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

Let the time go back to around 1820, when there was a revolution to restore constitutionalism in Spain, and Spain was no longer the "empire that never set", which led to the outbreak of independence revolution in the Spanish colonies on the American continent.

The following year, Mexico declared its independence. In the same year, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica in southern Mexico also announced the Declaration of Independence to get rid of Spanish colonial rule. However, compared to Mexico, these five countries (which were still Spanish colonial provinces at the time) simply did not have the ability to resist Spain and other European countries.

In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

There was no way, the 5 countries turned to Mexico. But to make a living in Mexico, so that the five countries did not feel the freedom of independence, but as if they were annexed by Mexico. So a few months later, the five countries again announced the second "Declaration of Independence" to form their own countries.

In order to resist the strong enemies of Europe that may invade again, as well as to resist the aggression of the American powers against themselves, the five countries decided to form a United Nations "Central American United Provinces" to survive in the Central American region by means of group warmth.

In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

However, because of the "local conditions" of the Spaniards, the actual situation in the regions of the "United Provinces of Central America" was far from the same. In areas with fertile land like Guatemala and El Salvador, the Spaniards adopted the "big landlord" rule at that time. In Honduras and Nicaragua, the Spaniards were predominantly commercial and trade. In Costa Rica, the Spaniards have built political institutions that are close to European "democracy." Such differences have made it impossible for the five countries to fully integrate.

In 1823, the five Central American countries sought to survive and warm up, why did they almost turn against each other 18 years later?

Thus, after the independence of the "United Provinces of Central America", the country's regime was divided into "conservatives" and "liberals" whose ideas were close to those of Europe. Among them, "conservatives" advocate a centralized political structure, while "liberals" want to form a democratic federal system. The discord between political views eventually led directly to the outbreak of civil war.

Coupled with the inconvenience of transportation between these five countries, the concept of local residents is deeply rooted. As a result, the local population of the country is very hostile to the capital region, believing that the capital is built on their blood and tears. Political divisions, as well as mutual hatred in society, eventually led to the co-owner's early death at the age of 18.