
"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

author:Shanghai Fengxian

#抗疫同心 Keep the "Shanghai" counterpart #

In the special period of anti-epidemic, how to make community residents feel that "party members are around", so that party members can truly become the "main backbone" of the frontline of epidemic prevention and control?

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Gulf Tourism Area has adhered to the guidance of party building, adhered to focusing on the "initial heart" to gather consensus, focus on the "warm heart" to gather people's hearts, focus on the "cohesion" cohesion, focus on the "ingenuity" to gather responsibility, focus on the "one heart" to gather wisdom, actively mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of party members to fight the epidemic, brighten their identity and set an example in the building group, take the initiative to participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the building group and the community, deeply promote the party building of the "good neighbor and good spirit" building group, create a "red neighbor" circle of friends, and realize the service "neighbor" distance.

Governance must be strong, and party building must be strong first. The Gulf Tourism Zone has always adhered to this concept, starting from strengthening organizational construction, improving the four-level grid management organizational structure of "Party Working Committee - Village Party Organization - Temporary Party Branch - Building Group (Team Group) Party Group", and weaving a strong "1 + 8 + N" organizational system. At the same time, according to the actual situation of each village, set up a temporary party branch and a joint building party group, promote the "building group party building" action, establish 18 "good neighbors, good spirits" building group (team group) joint party groups, implement the "party flag is the direction of action", build a "community defense line" for epidemic prevention and control, and create a red fortress at the doorstep of the community with heart and affection.

"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"
"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

From "ordinary team member" to "pioneer of the 'epidemic'"

Relying on the service mechanism of "Good Neighbor, Good Spirit, Red Agency", sort out the list of "urgent and difficult" projects in a hierarchical and classified manner, pay attention to the actual needs of special groups such as the elderly, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and young in the building, and change the "demand list" of the masses into the "work list" of party members. Establish "Good Neighbors, Good Spirits" groups that contact residents in different categories, and implement special personnel to be responsible for communicating epidemic prevention work arrangements and service contents to residents. At the same time, through the formulation of a "glory list", volunteers who have continuously participated in epidemic prevention tasks have been announced and commended in the form of honor rolls, attracting more residents to "listen to the party and follow the party".

"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

After Yao Ming, a resident volunteer of the Bay Tourism Area, took the initiative to report on March 16, Mao Sui volunteered to serve as the leader of the "Good Neighbor Hao Ling" building group united party group, under the leadership of the party general branch of the neighborhood committee, combined with the needs of the epidemic prevention task, with the building as the unit, established three building group (building) volunteer service teams that can pull out and win. Up to now, he has led the service team to cooperate with the neighborhood committee to complete multiple rounds of nucleic acid detection and sampling, antigen testing, distribution of daily necessities, community publicity and guidance, etc., and has continuously participated in the anti-epidemic service of community volunteers in the Bay Tourism Area for 22 days, with a total service time of 143 hours. As a party member building leader, he has taken the lead everywhere, contributed to the community epidemic prevention work, practiced the communist party member "not forgetting the original heart" in the battle against the epidemic, and his meticulous work has been praised by the residents of the building.

"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"
"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

From "Nodding Friendly" to "Neighborhood Blind Date"

Neighbor forces "do the main force". Give full play to the ability of community party members and neighbors, encourage party members and cadres to actively participate in epidemic prevention and control, and mobilize more than 100 close neighbor volunteers to form a "red force" to reinforce the "epidemic". Through the "'Good Neighbor, Good Spirit' building team leader, party member volunteers, and corridor volunteers" three people to form a "care team", the formation of a "one-to-one" support mechanism, so that the party organization has become the warmest and strongest reliance of community residents. Through preliminary investigation, the "Pairing Table of Special Care Service Posts in Bay Tourism Areas" and "Pairing Visits of Special Care Service Posts in Bay Tourism Areas" were formulated to ensure that no household is leaked or one person is missed.

Pan Xiaolong, head of the United Party Group of the "Good Neighbor Good Spirit" team in Xingang Village, actively participated in various volunteer services, distributed materials to special groups, nucleic acid testing and maintained order. After learning that the children of uremia patients in the team were not around and the district could not dispense the drugs they needed, he issued a certificate and drove to Ruijin Hospital to dispense drugs to solve the problem of "difficulty in dispensing drugs" among residents across districts. He used responsibility and responsibility to meet the expectations of the masses, served the needs of the people with warmth and meticulousness, escorted every single "life-saving medicine" with his original mission, and handed over the medicine to the hands of residents safely, quickly and conveniently.

"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

In the fight against the epidemic, we should not forget to help the poor and the weak, and send charcoal to the "silent minority" in the snow. During the epidemic prevention and control period, in response to the theme activity of "Oriental Beauty Valley, Wind and Rain Rainbow - Dream Fulfillment Action in Xiancheng", the "Special Care Service Post" paired party member volunteers acted as "intermediaries" to carry out love distribution, and delivered more than 200 "Nissin Spring Gift Packages" to the hands of those who needed it most, helping the lonely, widowed elderly, low-income families and other people with special difficulties to tide over the difficulties.

"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"
"Neighbors" gather to fight the "epidemic", and cast "extraordinary" with "ordinary"

I am a "Good Neighbor Good Spirit" party member volunteer,

Keeping "Shanghai" has me, just like you,

May "Shen" live forever and the mountains and rivers be unharmed!