
Dragon Sauce Liquor: Centennial Gold Award can be traced back to the continuation of the classic to create the future


A city, a group of people, a bottle of wine, a hundred years of time, with the craftsmanship of the brewing quality fragrance, with the spirit of craftsmanship to cultivate the national brand. Today, take you closer to the dragon sauce jin two two two, taste the charm of this bottle of thatched wine.

Dragon Sauce Liquor: Centennial Gold Award can be traced back to the continuation of the classic to create the future

A century of ingenuity to pay tribute to the founder of Maojiu

The characteristics of the wine body and brand culture of the sauce can be traced back to the founder of Maojiu - Wang Bingqian, Wang Bingqian was once a "drunkard" known to everyone in Maotai Town, a lifetime of dialogue with heaven and earth, delving into the improvement of the quality of Maojiu, behind him, what is left is today's 150 billion yuan of sauce wine industry territory and the legendary story known as "national wine", and the dragon sauce is more famous, in Wang Bingqian's family workshop and century-old craftsman's heart to nurture magic, vivid and fragrant.

Dragon Sauce Liquor: Centennial Gold Award can be traced back to the continuation of the classic to create the future

As we all know, the highest grade of sauce liquor is Maoxiang, and the inheritance so far, the secret of Maoxiang is only in the hands of the founding families of Lai, Hua and Wang, and the dragon sauce is brewed by the original factory of Wang Bingqian, the founder of Maojiu, and is produced in the 1.5 square kilometer area centered on the old street of Maotai Town, which is the core of the core production area, and also the authentic inheritance of Maoxiang liquor, which is a classic work through time and space.

Qing Dynasty Cellar Pond Living history of Moutai Town

The most precious thing in Wang Bingqian's old kiln is the cultural relics cellar pond built in the five years of Guangxu. The cellar pond is still in use today, with 150 tons of sand and 28 tons of wine per year, circulating the microbial environment for 142 years, creating a unique classic thatched thatched sauce.

Most of the old roasting houses follow the unique brewing process of the Wang Bingqian family. In the winemaking notes left by Wang Bingqian, more than 130 craft details are recorded in detail, "12987" has never been a secret, the real secret is hidden in these more than 130 craft details and meticulous craftsman spirit. Every year when the sand is down, you can always see the old winemakers patiently pointing out the young descendants, and these nameless masters are the true breeders of the highest quality of the sauce.

Dragon Sauce Liquor: Centennial Gold Award can be traced back to the continuation of the classic to create the future

Gold Medal Quality Taste gets the classic

When harvesting grain every year, the descendants of the Wang Bingqian family must personally select and inspect to ensure that the purest and glassy Renhuai local glutinous red sorghum is brewed in the purest and glassy texture of Renhuai, and the water is drawn in the purple sandstone section of the Meijiu River, and the full-year-old mature cellar wine is accurately blended and perfectly restored according to the family brewing technology.

From 1879 to 1915, after four generations of Wang Mao inheritance, 36 years of polishing, Mao wine for the first time on the international stage shines dazzling brilliance, 1915 Panama Expo Gold Medal, is the highest honor of Chinese liquor scale, of course, is also the most beautiful year that is always worth remembering.

Today, along the footsteps of its predecessors, the sauce restores the classics and pays tribute to ingenuity, just to continue the initial touch and achieve future glory.