
Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

Sasha today in its history.

Author: Sasha

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Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? 27 April 1992: The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, composed of Serbia and Montenegro, is proclaimed.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

You may wonder why, after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, almost all the countries became independent, and only Montenegro stood with Serbia.

When the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was bombed that year, Montenegro was also unlucky.

Why does Montenegro do this?

The reasons are not complicated.

Montenegrins are Serbs, and the two countries are fundamentally one.

Around the 6th century AD, many Slavs crossed the Carpathian Mountains and came to the Balkan Peninsula.

They eliminated and integrated the local indigenous people, the Ilyas, to form the Serbs.

Until the 12th century, montenegrins were no different from Serbs, and the Montenegrin region was only a province of Serbia.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

In the 14th century, the Ottoman Empire invaded and conquered many parts of the Balkans and controlled Serbia.

Interestingly, the Turks were not interested in montenegro in the mountains. After several unsuccessful armed conquests, the Turks simply abandoned the Montenegrin region.

Thus, at the end of the 14th century, Montenegro became independent and established a theocratic state. This Orthodox state was hostile to the Islamic Turks and Albanians until they joined the Kingdom of Serbia after World War I.

Of the entire Balkans, Montenegro is the only one not occupied by the Turks, maintaining its original state of religion and culture.

Therefore, montenegrins and Serbs are not very different, so they have been tied to Serbia.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, composed of Serbia and Montenegro, was proclaimed, which we know as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Are the Montenegrin nation strong? No, they only had a population of 10,000 in ancient times, nothing remarkable.

So why didn't the Turks annex Montenegro?

They believe that Montenegro has no economic, military or political significance. Montenegro is only more than 10,000 square kilometers in size, with only a few areas near the sea that have a little plain, and the rest are steep mountains.

The southwest of Montenegro is a famous karst terrain in Europe, and most of the area is stone and grass is not grown. Some of these rocky mountains, from a distance, appear to be black, and "Montenegro" got its name.

Even in the relatively gentle central region, there are peaks with an altitude of more than 2500 meters.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

In the eyes of the ancients, Montenegro even had almost no arable land, could not produce any valuable materials, and a small number of mountain people lived by grazing cattle, which was not worth occupying at all.

Even in the Yugoslav era, Montenegro was the most backward region. There is only tourism and the aluminium industry (some aluminum frames are found in modern times), and the economy is very backward, with a population of just over 600,000 today.

Moreover, the mountain people of Montenegro are not easy to deal with, and they are brave and good at fighting as a family unit.

Some of the most famous mountain thieves in ancient Yugoslavia were Montenegrins. Even today, many mountain people in montenegro have guns in their homes, and most men will release guns, which is quite tough. Whenever it was time to celebrate, they also did not have firecrackers, so they fired guns into the sky as a substitute.

In the eyes of the Turks, the occupation of Montenegro was pointless, but it would require a long-term garrison, unless the head was clipped to the door.

For 500 years, Montenegro was a region of three.

They are also proud of this, believing that they are the most innocent Serbs.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

There were many historic buildings in Montenegro, but they were all destroyed by bombing in World War II.

For example, the capital, Podgorica, has long been occupied by the German army, and it is also the only way for the German army to retreat in Albania and Greece.

To this end, the Allies continued to bomb the city, almost flattening the small city with a population of only 10,000.

Today, there are few ancient buildings left in Podgorica, and only a few remains can be seen.

However, there are still some small cities and towns in Montenegro that have not been affected by the war, and they still retain the original Serbian architecture, which is also unique in the world.

Montenegrins do not have a strong idea of Greater Serbianism, unlike the Serbian madman Minoszevic, who does not hesitate to maintain the dominance of his people through war.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

Montenegrins have always had their own language, which is Montenegrin. Montenegrin is very close to Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, etc., similar to Chinese Beijing dialect, Northeast Dialect, Tianjin dialect. Serbian was spoken as the official language in Montenegro until many years after independence.

Montenegrins make up fifty percent of Montenegrins, thirty percent Serbs, and the rest are predominantly Bosnians (Muslims) and Albanians. Judging from the ethnic composition, montenegrins do not blindly exclude other ethnic groups, and in general, the various ethnic groups are at peace.

Montenegro does not oppose but does not support Minosevic's participation in the Croatian War, the Bosnian War, the Kosovo War, etc. in which Minosevic participated.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

When NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it was clear that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was Serbia and Montenegro, but Montenegro was only bombed symbolically.

Montenegro is a small country that has always walked with Serbia.

Later, serbian civil unrest tied the fuehrer Minosevic to NATO na and threw his name.

In this case, is there something wrong with Montenegro following Serbia?

In May 2006, Montenegro held a referendum in which 55.5 per cent of the population supported independence, thus separating Montenegro from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

In 2017, Montenegro officially joined NATO.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

The EU believes that Montenegro, although poor and backward, generally meets EU standards and is expected to formally join the EU in 2025.

Once it joins the European Union, it can be expected that montenegro's economy will develop greatly.

As a small country with an army of only 1,000 people, Montenegro understands that it has no importance in Europe, or it is better to follow a big brother and let the people live and work in peace.

The herds are chasing deer, and it will never be Montenegro's turn.

Why did the small country of Montenegro join it after being bombed by NATO? On April 27, 1992, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established

In addition, the beautiful bridge in the old Yugoslav movie "The Bridge" is in montenegro. The bridge, which is more than 360 meters long, was built in 1940 during World War II and was blown up during the war. The bridge was rebuilt in 1946 by the post-war Yugoslavia and is still in use today.

Unfortunately, it's a good bridge!


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