
Every flower has spring

author:Summer days are long and windy

#春日生活打卡季 #

After the valley rain festival, spring is nearing its end. Peony flowers, also known as valley rain flowers, bloomed just the other day. The real thing is that if the teachings should be poured into the country, Ren is ruthless and moving.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

On the way to work, passing through Yuyuantan Park, the flowers of the tree and tree have long disappeared, like a dream, quietly dying. I remember the cherry blossoms in full bloom, and the news of flowers every day. People came from all over for a spring date.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

Begonias, which coincided with the cherry blossoms, also had no news. There are several Xifu begonias in the peony garden of Zizhuyuan Park. When the begonia flowers are in full bloom, the peony has buds. Now the peony has fallen in sight.

Every flower has spring

Brilliant begonias

Every flower has spring

Brilliant begonias

Every flower has spring

Xifu Begonia

Every flower has spring

Xifu Begonia

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

Bicolor sticker-stemmed begonias

Every flower has spring

Sticking stemmed begonias

Every flower has spring

These flowers are more famous. But in the spring there are thousands of flowers. More unknown flowers also bloom in the spring.

Wisteria flowers, like strings of small purple bells, hang in the spring breeze, and at the same time have a faint fragrance.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

Lilac flowers, there is a word for incense in the name, obviously known for their aroma.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

February Orchid, also known as February Blue, scientific name Zhuge Cai. The flowering period is relatively long, and it can be seen in February until early summer. Enter a dormant period in July and August.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

There is a small garden on the side of the road on the way to work, let's call it a garden. Several kinds of flowers were planted that I didn't recognize. I looked it up to find out the name

This is the wild poppy . Very gorgeous, a bit like Yu Meiren.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

The yellow one is the wild poppy

Every flower has spring

Flying swallow grass, this is a small flower that I met by chance on the side of the road.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

Speaking of Lu Binghua, it is estimated that people have heard of it, but I only knew it this year. Scientific name Lupine.

Every flower has spring

Lu Binghua

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

Sage, here is purple. There are many other colors, but I haven't encountered them this year.

Every flower has spring

Honeysuckle, scientific name honeysuckle. Also called gold and silver wood. Mainly because its flowers are white when they first bloom and golden when they are about to fall, it is named honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is a good medicine for detoxification and detoxification, and the sweet and cold qi is fragrant, which can not only dissipate wind and heat, but also be good at detoxifying blood poison.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

This is the Dutch chrysanthemum

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring

This is geranium, aka hydrangea.

Every flower has spring
Every flower has spring


Every flower has spring

This is a brocade flower. Flowering occurs from April to June. It also has white, pink, dark red and other varieties, and at the moment I have only met pink.

Every flower has spring

The flower language of the brocade flower is to wait for you to return home. At the intersection of spring and summer, there are flowers waiting for you, and it is quite beautiful to think.

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