
World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

author:From a good teacher

Yesterday's public account content of a novel caused a classroom storm: why do girls feel offended? Unsurprisingly, it caused a lot of controversy, and there were quite a few wonderful comments in the comment area.

Post-00s girls reading Lu Xun Literature Award-winning novels feel "very uncomfortable" and "disgusting", of course, we do not have to be "inexplicably surprised".

It is estimated that this content may be more controversial today.

First of all, this post-00 Zhu Taoyu is the representative of a class in the third year of high school that I took, and his seriousness and resilience in learning are surprising.

Since July 2, 2021, I added my WeChat, and there are more than a thousand chat records between the two of us, most of which are questions he asked about language learning, and I answered questions. A few days ago, a famous sentence silent writing question and I went back and forth 30 pieces of information.

At first, the impression was that although he was very diligent, he was estimated to be separated from literature by Mount Everest or the Mariana Trench.

The usual impression of Chinese teachers is that the better the science students, the greater the obstacle to learning chinese, because they like to solve language problems in the way of natural science. From a certain point of view, the least important thing is the "facts" that science respects, what scenes, what methods, what feelings people give, and more important.

But today's student is often a diamond, and we often see only one side of him.

Once, when he borrowed me a white shirt at school, I learned that he could sing.

One day, seeing his video of speaking about literature on the B station made me sigh even more directly that "people cannot be guessed, and the sea water cannot be scooped."

Before that, I hadn't read "I Want to Be Miss Jiaran's Dog", and I didn't know who "Miss Jiaran" was.

Baidu took a look.

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

He spoke for ten minutes before class that day, and I felt that this content could be shared with everyone as a record of the reading and aesthetics of this generation of students.

I searched for this content, only typed "I want to do" four words, out of all this content, it can be seen that its spread is wide, it can be seen that we are often separated from the post-00s between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench, we and them live on different isolated islands of different tribes.

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

They called this "popular literature."

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

Introduction to the author of the text

Author: Zhu Taoyu

Status: Representative of the Chinese language class of the third (4th) class of the second attached high school of The Chinese Normal University

Hobbies: Algebraic geometry, condensed matter physics, equestrianism, A-SOUL, Nerin

Ideal University: Tsinghua University

人生信条:When there’s a will, there is a way.

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"


Before I begin, I'll talk about why I'm talking about this topic.

Many of the major changes in history have occurred unexpectedly, and one night one of my roommates sent me a video of a literary appreciation of "Miss Jiaran's dog, who appreciates this work that is widely circulated on the Internet in an almost far-fetched way.

As a widely circulated mass literary work, today I bring "How language is the art of words, on the impact and influence of mass culture on art and literature" ---- take the example of "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog".

I mainly appreciate this work from three perspectives: cats, mice and dogs, the meaning and value of literature, and the struggle of popular culture.

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

I. Cats, rats, dogs

Zhang Ailing once said: Humble to the soil, will only become the soil, can not blossom a flower. The article "Miss Jiaran's Dog" is a satire on the lowly.

The reason why people are alienated, encounter PUA, deprived of rationality as human beings, and only have practicality as tools, is often because I fall into an illusion: as long as I try to abuse myself, be a cat, be a dog, and not be a normal person, I will be in exchange for the high opinion of the object / superior / authority.

Some people even asked the question, "If I don't have much ability, but I have the determination to die for the leader, will the leader give me a high salary?" The answer is no.

When the American sociologist Sudd investigated the Chicago gangs, he found an interesting phenomenon: in a representative gang, the average gang member would encounter 5.9 arrests and 2.4 injuries per person in four years, with a mortality rate of about 25%.

Taking such a big risk, it is said that you can get a good return, right?

However, survey data show that most drug dealers not only live in slums, but also have to eat old age because they can't afford to pay rent.

The lowest-level street drug dealers earn an average of $3.30 an hour, and the average hourly wage of a small boss at the grassroots level is about $7. In 1991, Chicago's legal minimum wage was $3.80.

Is it because they don't know how to find an electronics factory or a fried chicken shop to work?

Some people do indulge in the illusion of becoming gang bosses, but others are unable to find a normal job because they are out of school and have a criminal record.

There is no way out of the road to be poor, to weep and cry, and even if you are alienated and exploited, you must have certain qualifications.

Some people can exchange their lives for money at 996 and 007, but more people don't even have the opportunity to exchange their lives for money. What is more terrible than being a dog is that even the opportunity to be a dog is not given a chance, and there is nothing more real in the world than this.

What is the source of suffering? Maybe it's because there's a thick transparent barrier between people that you can spy on, but you can't get past.

She can speak to "me," show "me" her life, and if you spend a few bucks, send a few big boats, or even temporarily pretend to be the superior to gaze.

It's like anyone with a green yard can walk into the Yerba Buena Mall, get up close and personal with expensive leather bags, and go to the store opposite the Regency Hotel and hold the Steering Wheel of Aston Martin.

You can talk to all of this and enjoy rights other than possession. But you can't possess it after all.

As Hegel said: The tension between irresistible primitive desires and the subtle feelings transformed by those desires and the object of desire that lies outside the individual, is beyond the control of the individual, is the core of human tragedy.

From this point of view, the mouse is humble, and the cat is the winner.

However, from another point of view, there is no substantial difference between the three.

Rats, as poor spectators, look up at their illusory objects of illusion;

The dog, as her plaything, is actually just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time;

Even the cat who was able to sit on her shoulder at this time through the so-called Ah Feng Ying was able to sit on her shoulder and "proud of the heavens", but only "temporarily gained itself" by seeking perfection.

The protagonist in "On the Bridge" still wants to pursue his spiritual home when "they sewed my legs for me and provided me with a stable job; Strickland still gave up "sixpence" and resolutely pursued the bright moon in his heart when he had a happy job and family. "Zhumen wine smells of flesh, and there are frozen bones on the road."

In terms of the meaning and value of life, there is no difference between the three.

The "I" in the work probably knows this too, because "I" said:

Thus, the tragic color of the article is further strengthened: when he realizes that his humility is doomed to wishful thinking, the protagonist says to the world, then wishful thinking, crushing into dust.

From suffering in exchange for happiness, to pursuing suffering in order to endure suffering, asking neither the living nor the ghosts, neither materialists nor praying for future lives, greed and anger, but not entering into samsara, this is beyond the scope of science and religion.

What's even more brilliant is that this layer of irony is so buried that it is difficult for the reader to discern whether the author is using the tragedy of "I" to warn the reader, or whether he is gently chanting the song of the Kraken to lure the reader into a martyrdom of a strange nature.

Just like this sentence, some people understand that frozen rats are drowned out by the sound of the wind even if they still have a heartbeat;

But there are also those who believe that the kingdom of heaven can really be built on earth, and that the sacrifice of "I" becomes the ladder to the Promised Land.

What is the purpose of the Wind moon treasure book? Is it to cure the disease of evil thoughts and delusions, or to let people indulge in it and die?

In fact, the mirror flower water moon does not hurt people, the key is how people transport it.

This reminds me of the end of The Matrix: here is a red pill, a blue pill, you can swallow the red pill, do not do the brain in the vat, get out of the void, throw yourself into the dangerous real world; you can also take the blue pill and enjoy the sensory pleasure in the virtual world.

So, what about your choices?

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

II. The Meaning and Value of Literature

Some people say that the richest inner world of mankind is like a hidden jungle, in which the poet explores and records fleeting realizations.

But does this mean that as long as a person has a real understanding in life and can type, then he can become a poet, a writer? Not really.

Mr. Rena said: The essence of the poet is to participate in the Zen Enlightenment Path, which is not the so-called one-hearted Buddha of the Buddhists, but the use of the language of enlightenment, exploring the boundaries and essence of things, and even more exploring what literature is all about.

Shkolovsky wrote in "Art as a Technique": If all people's complex lives are unconsciously lived, as if they had not been, it is precisely to restore the experience of life, to feel the existence of things, in order to make the stone a stone, the so-called literature exists.

In a word, the role of literature is to make a stone a stone, and it is easy to say: Don't you say it is equivalent to not saying it, and the stone itself is not a stone.

In fact, the reason why we can think of stones as stones today is itself a process of idealization, and this fiction is the core of literature.

The essence of literature is to singularize things and to use language creatively.

As Picasso said: The singularization of things, the increase in the difficulty of feelings and the technique of time, the feeling of time, is itself a way for the art of purpose to experience the production of things, and what is already there is not important.

The difficulty lies in the use of public language to express personal feelings, and it is often difficult to describe when we often have special feelings for something in our lives, except because of the ignorance of thinking, because public language is limited, and personalized feelings are infinite (from a mathematical point of view, it is equivalent to the non-compactness of language covering feelings to form a manifold).

Therefore, literature often directly expresses feelings and omits others, such as what Mr. Waste Name wrote in "Huahong Mountain": Huahong Mountain simply does not have their seats, but in fact omits that the mountains are all flowers; the burning eyebrows, writing the strong visual contrast formed by the sun shining on the mountain red, including this mountain has no grass for your horse to eat, and the language of the seemingly sick sentence omits "give", directly highlighting the theme.

Literature, on the other hand, is vague and aesthetic.

For example, in chemistry, pH 6.99999 at 25° is acidic, 7.000001 is alkaline, there are clear artificial regulations, and this is not the case in literature, and the name can be compared with looking at peach blossoms and seeing rhododendrons, which care about aesthetics, not precision.

Finally, let's explore what literature is. In today's society where rationalism and efficacyism monopolize, many people shout that literature is useless. But one passage says it well:

The reason why we want to study literature is because when we see a flock of birds flying over the lake, we can say: the sunset and the lone bird fly together, and the autumn water is long and colorful. Instead of arguing, I went, all birds.

When we are traveling in the Gobi and riding horses, we can meditate in our hearts: the desert is lonely and the sun is setting, rather than shouting: Oh mom, it's all sand, hurry back. Of course, it's just a joke.

But he inadvertently stated the purpose of literary existence: in addition to giving people aesthetic experience and humanistic care, it also updated the boring world that had been worn out, opening a window to the world that did not exist, allowing people to live poetically in it.

More importantly, literature and art represent a kind of mass struggle, a struggle that transcends identity and class, time and space.

A hundred years ago, Duchamp named a urinal a spring and began the rebellion by sending it to the highest-standard art exhibitions of the time.

Art belongs to the masses, and the leadership of art should be returned to the masses. The discussion of the literary value of "The Dog Who Wants to Be Miss Jiaran" is essentially an exploration of artistic standards.

Greenberg writes in Art and Culture that the real and important function of avant-garde art is not to experiment, but to discover a path that allows culture to move forward in the midst of ideological chaos and violence.

Painting, for example, was originally intended to be documented, and was popular, although it became elitist due to the requirements of its technique and the commercial blessing of avant-garde art, but after the flourishing of photographic technology, the public regained control of it.

It also reflects the need for a visual language to record themselves and the world around them, as well as the fantasy world, and literature is one of these ways to de-elitism.

Looking at the present, art is so far away from life, the symbols of Network culture can refer to the flood, who takes poetry seriously, art is gradually deconstructed by consumerism, or becomes a tool for people's entertainment, people gradually fall into the abyss of entertainment to death, and what we should always remember is the resistance of art: it reserves the flame of resistance for everyone.

Finally, we return to this work: "I Want to Be Miss Jiaran's Dog" has such a protesting nature, which is the impact of popular culture on traditional art, and because of its wide dissemination, its value can even be compared with such a great literary work as "Letter from a Strange Woman".

But the fly in the ointment is that although the author is trying to use fictional language and create the so-called defamiliarization of the language of literary works in mathematical and biological terms, heterogeneity is not the same as using obscure terms for ordinary readers, but an extraordinary use of everyday language. Therefore, it cannot be called a real work of literature.

Finally, I would like to conclude with Greenberg's evaluation of Picasso's paintings: the educated viewer can find from Picasso's paintings that the ultimate value comes from the second activity, which is the result of reflection on the direct impression of the stylistic value of the paintings.

In the process of dissemination of "The Dog who Wants to Be Miss Jiaran", every forwarder, critic, and adaptor has participated in the process of literary creation, and this process is the process of literary disenchantment, the process of individual reflection, and the rebellion against today's efficacy and rationalism, and this is the ultimate core of mass culture.

Thank you!


World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"
World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

Miss Jiaran's dog

Inch light

I really want to be Miss Jiaran's dog."

But Miss Jiaran said she liked cats, and I cried.

I know why I'm crying, which is neither a dog nor a cat. Because I'm actually a rat.

I never had the luxury of expecting Miss Jiaran to like herself. I understand that everyone likes cute dogs or cats, and no one likes mice with wet and sick diseases.

But I asked Miss Jiaran anyway, "Can I be your dog?"

I knew I was doomed to be a dog. But if she likes dogs, I can always be around and watch her, even if she always has a dog in her arms.

But she said she liked the cat.

She was still looking at me, still amusing me, because the cat hadn't yet appeared, and only my rat crept out of the hole every day and looked at her from a distance.

When her favorite cat arrives, it's time for me to roll back into my hole.

But I still like her so much, can she look at me a few more times while I'm still around her?

Miss Jiaran said that she would spend every Christmas Eve with everyone. I don't know who you're referring to. I wish this set could do a cellulite for me.

Cat cat is still afraid of Miss Jiaran.

I'll go and bring in her beloved cat.

I knew that if I wasn't careful, I would be buried in the cat's mouth.

At that time, Miss Jiaran would probably pack up my body and throw it outside the door.

Then I became a pack of rat strips, lol.

I wish she could throw me closer, because I still like her so much. Will always like it.

My soul looked in through the window, the bells hanging softly, Miss Jiaran lazily leaning back on the couch, and the very docile orange cat sitting on her shoulder. The fire of the fireplace shone on her face, and my frozen heart burned slightly in the wind.

World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"
World Reading Day: My language class representative reads "I want to be Miss Jiaran's dog"

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