
Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

According to the 2021 U.S. Health Organization statistics, of the global pork consumption, Chinese demand for pork accounts for 65.9% of the world's total pork demand, equivalent to mainlanders eating half of the world's pork. #爱乐养生指南 #

As the saying goes: "pork fragrant meat", pork as the mainland people's favorite meat, in the chef's exquisite process, the pork into a different delicious, according to the world nutritionists on pork extracted ingredient data research shows: pork contains protein is 0.8 times that of other meat, eat more pork can supplement protein, improve the body's immunity, resist the invasion of virus bacteria, to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, pork is also a medicinal and food homologous plant, in ancient times due to the backward medical level at that time, many ancient people were sick by eating pork to nourish the body to restore health, the whole body of pork is treasure, pig internal organs tonic qi and blood, pig skin beauty and beauty, pig five flowers nutrition and health.

There is such a part, often ignored by people, it is said to have the effect of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids and lowering blood sugar, may wish to take a look at this good baby on the pig.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is


Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is


Pork is an indispensable delicacy on the table, and all parts of the pig can be made into delicious dishes, I don't know if you have ever eaten pork skin?

Pig skin as a kind of pork body, pig skin is rich in collagen, beauty-loving women eat more pig skin, can effectively supplement the collagen needed by the body, prevent dry skin and dry skin molting problems.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

Eating more pig skin can effectively delay aging, make the skin more firm and shiny, in addition to the beauty of pig skin, what other effects?

【Helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids】

Hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia synthesize "three highs", which are common and multi-disease that threaten the health of the elderly, and the above three diseases are chronic metabolic diseases.

In the clinical high incidence of elderly diseases, in addition to the above three most common, no matter which one, you need to take drugs for a long time, stabilize the growth of values in the body, prevent the occurrence of adverse complications, if not stabilized in time, it will lead to cardiovascular disease and cerebral infarction disease, seriously endangering health.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

Relevant experts have found that although the pig skin contains a small amount of fat and cholesterol, but for patients with mild three high diseases, appropriate to eat a little pig skin, but can effectively promote the blood flow of the whole body, pig skin surface contains glycogenase and active protein, can dilute the blood coagulated blood in the blood vessels, reduce the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride deposition in the blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of blood poisoning and atherosclerosis, very beneficial to health.

Eating more pig skin can effectively prevent cardiovascular complications, activate the activity of insulin, secrete more insulin to stabilize blood sugar, and at the same time reduce the pressure and burden of blood vessel walls, prevent blood pressure, increase blood lipids, achieve the purpose of assisting in lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar and lowering blood lipids, and maintaining the stability of various values in the body.

【Vitamin Supplement】

When the body's vitamin B12 intake is insufficient, it is easy to have memory loss, sluggish expression, slow response phenomenon, pig skin is rich in vitamin B12 is the best source of vitamin B12 supplementation.

Eating more pig skin can effectively prevent adverse complications caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, maintain good health, and improve the body's immune function.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

【Promote bone development】

Pig skin not only contains collagen, but also contains more calcium and other minerals, eat more pig skin can promote the development and growth of bones and joints, enhance bone density bone quality, prevent osteoporosis and osteoarticular diseases.


Who is not suitable for pig skin?

1. Liver disease

As an important organ of metabolic detoxification, when the body consumes too much oil and fat to lead to a significant increase in triglyceride content, the liver will store the excess lipid components in the blood, and over time form fatty liver, hyperlipidemia and other liver diseases, resulting in abnormal liver function.

People with severe liver disease are best not to eat pig skin, because pig skin is a high-fat food, eating too much pig skin will form a vicious circle, reduce liver function and induce liver disease.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

2. Obese people

Due to the very high calorie and fat content contained in the pig skin itself, for obese people, the energy ingested by eating pig skin will increase the burden on the body, aggravate the situation of obesity, and should not be consumed.

Pork skin is rich in collagen, but due to its high fat content, whether it is healthy or sick people, the number of consumption and frequency of consumption should be reduced in daily life.

3. People with allergies

Some people like to eat pig skin, there are also people who are not suitable for eating pig skin, people who are allergic to pig skin, after eating pig skin, local skin appears red, swollen, hot and painful, urticaria, body fever, breathing difficulties and other abnormal symptoms, indicating that you have a serious allergic reaction to pig skin, you need to stop using it immediately, and if necessary, you must seek medical examination in time.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

4. People with colds and fevers

Pig skin contains higher protein, after entering the body can release heat, improve the temperature of the body, is in the cold fever stage of the population and sore throat patients, it is best not to eat pig skin, otherwise it is not conducive to the dissipation of heat to aggravate the body inflammation accumulation.


What parts of the pig cannot be eaten?

(1) Pig intestine

Pig intestine, as the name suggests, is the main part of the transport of pig manure, and the fecal residue produced after digestion and absorption of food contains more pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.

Frequently eating pig intestines, failing to clean the surface impurities in time, will increase the residual amount of heavy metals in the body, seriously affecting physical health and inducing kidney and liver failure.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

(2) Pig brain

People who like to eat hot pot must be very fond of eating pig brain this dish, although pig brain is delicious and delicious, but pig brain is a high purine content and cholesterol food, cholesterol content per 100 grams of pig brain up to 2571 mg, a large amount of intake of pig brain will make the blood vessels cholesterol and triglyceride deposition too much induce hyperlipidemia.

(3) Pig neck

Pig neck contains more lymph, lymph is an important organ for the body to absorb toxin garbage, so lymph contains more heavy metal substances and toxin residues often eat pig neck will induce thyroid nodules and lymphatic lesions, seriously affecting physical health, the faster the garbage is piled up more and more, increasing the burden of liver detoxification and detoxification.


Expansion - Pork skin will be more nutritious when paired with this food

【Pork skin goji soup】

Prepare 500 grams of dehaired pork skin and blanch it in piping hot water.

Prepare 200 grams of goji berries, 5 pieces of rock sugar.

First of all, the blanched pork skin is carefully scraped again with a knife, scrape out a layer of delicate grease, wash it with water and put it in the pot, add water, add rock sugar after boiling the water, stew into a viscous soup and add goji berries to mix well, add goji berries and eat for 3 minutes.

Pigs have a good thing that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, you know what it is

After the pig skin and goji berries are matched with each other, they can play a good role in beauty and beauty, effectively improve the imbalance of yin and yang in the body, promote blood flow throughout the body, improve the metabolism and detoxification function of internal organs, and maintain good health.