
Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)


Hello everyone, it's great to meet again! Let's continue with the previous part and continue to tell the story of the wild bull.

Leyte Gulf Count, a tumultuous operation of stud players

The plane escorting Doolittle took Halsey a lot of time back and forth, and by the time he returned, he had missed the Battle of Coral Island. Later, during the Battle of Midway, he was unable to participate in the war because of a skin disease, which also became a regret in Halsey's life. But soon, he waited for another opportunity.

In August 1942, the American army attacked Guadalcanal, but the Japanese army was cunning and well defended, and the fight was still stagnant for more than two months, which greatly angered President Roosevelt, and he ordered Gormley's removal from his post and replaced halsey. This decision proved to be quite dangerous, because soon, the brute bull's one-handed operation frightened a group of naval leaders. The generals accused the US military of not being able to defeat Guadalcanal because they were afraid of their hands and feet and did not fight resolutely enough. As soon as Halsey took office, he made a decision to shut everyone up: Grandpa Stud!

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Wild bulls in the Pacific Theater

With his friendship with the president, Halsey brought in a large number of supplies from home to comfort the soldiers, and he often went to Guadalcanal to boost morale. Under his leadership, the battle slogan of the US army became "Kill the devil, kill the devil, kill another devil!" During the battle, the U.S. army still held its position despite heavy losses, while the Japanese side looked at the wild vegetables every day and their eyes turned green. Finally, after paying huge casualties, the American army captured Guadalcanal, and Halsey was also loved by the soldiers. By the way, he also organized people to shoot down the Japanese gambling monster Yamamoto seven by eight, and finally avenged the Arrow of Pearl Harbor to the United States. Until now, it seems that everything is working properly without any problems.

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Supplies for landing forces

For Halsey, however, the real play is yet to come.

In October 1944, the largest naval battle in human history, and the last aircraft carrier showdown to date, the Battle of Leyte Gulf, began, and the commander of the U.S. aircraft carrier formation was Halsey. At first, the American side planned quite well: you suppressed the main force of the Japanese Navy, and I sent an escort formation to cover the landing of the Marines, and we would give him a small day to take it as soon as the two sides cooperated! When it's time to go home and drink wine and eat meat, won't you be happy?

Wonderful, indeed wonderful!

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Schematic diagram of the Battle of Leyte Gulf

However, the battle became more and more wrong. While the light carrier was covering the landing of the Marines, they discovered the Japanese battleship Yamato, the largest battleship in the history of the human Navy, which frightened Kinkaid, who was still covering the landing. What about Halsey? Didn't you kid protect me? What about you people? Nimitz also wondered how the Yamato had come up, what the Wild Bull was doing! He quickly asked Halsey where he was. So, there was the shocking question: "The whole world wants to know, where is Halsey?" ”

Where is Halsey? A: Halsey was led away by a Japanese aircraft carrier disguised as the main Japanese fleet. At this time, the wild bull was eager to take the lead (the Spruance he recommended at Midway was too brilliant), so he studed his fleet in one wave, and all went to chase the small-day Tsuru carrier. Halsey had won the plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, and it was too late to think of returning to help. Fortunately, at this time, there was a dramatic scene: the menacing Japanese were actually scared away by the escort fighters who were determined to fight to the death! The light aircraft carrier took off all the aircraft to approach the Japanese, the destroyer also opened fire violently, and after the Navy's real man, the Taffy III squad, caused some losses to the Japanese army, Xiao Tian was instigated, and thought that this was the main force of the US Navy, so he turned around and ran. This has to be said to be the favor of heaven for Halsey, if the Japanese Navy does not retreat, then the landing of the US troops will have to face the Yamato's huge cannon alone.

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Schematic diagram of the Yamato number

Later, Halsey's command was fiercely criticized, and if it were not for Nimize on the top, the wild bull would have to shed its skin. However, this naval battle almost completely annihilated the Japanese Navy, which also made Halsey famous, established his position in the navy, and later rated five-star admiral, which was also an important capital for him.

Children of the Storm, is it really the wild bull's fault?

After the annihilation of the Japanese Navy, it is said that after that, it is some work of cutting melons and chopping vegetables, and Halsey only needs to regularly put a little aircraft carrier formation to wait for the Japanese to surrender. However, it was precisely at this time that Halsey inflicted extremely heavy losses on the U.S. Navy. What's going on here?

It turned out that Halsey later broke into the center of the storm twice with the aircraft carrier formation, and the kamikaze of nature was much stronger than that of a small day. Huge winds and waves lifted up and fell the US aircraft carrier formation, and the human strength seemed so small in the face of nature, and eventually caused great losses to the US aircraft carrier formation. According to the statistics afterwards, the two typhoons caused three destroyers of the US Navy to sink on the spot, hundreds of aircraft were lost, more than 800 crew members were missing or killed, and even more than a dozen aircraft carriers such as the Langley were damaged to varying degrees.

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

The aircraft carrier that has suffered a storm, the foredeck has been severely deformed

The casualties inflicted on the U.S. Navy by these two storms were quite heavy, so Wild Bull was suspended from his post for investigation, and the committee was ready to repair him fiercely. Thanks to his old superior, Nimitz, an old man in the Navy, who tried his best to defend him, he was able to get rid of the wild bull and keep his official position. Later, the wild bull got a nickname: Children of the Storm.

But can these two intrusions really be Halsey's fault? I don't think so. Let's do a little bit of analysis.

The first time I broke in, it was because the destroyers of the carrier formation at that time needed to refuel. Halsey had two options: One was not to refuel and move on, but that would cause the destroyer to stop. You know, the destroyer has no oil at sea, and if it encounters a storm, it will basically be abandoned. The second is that the whole fleet stops refueling. The wild bull chose the latter. According to my analysis, there may be two factors to consider: one is that the wild bull is famous for loving soldiers such as sons, and it is obviously unlikely that he will leave the destroyer to death; second, if the aircraft carrier formation loses the destroyer, the air defense and anti-submarine capabilities will be greatly reduced, and the navigation risk factor will also increase. Thinking of it this way, Halsey ordered the fleet to stop refueling as a reasonable decision. But the wild bull was not very lucky, the intensity of the storm he encountered for the first time was rare for decades, and the conflict of various complex meteorological information led to Halsey's misjudgment, and he plunged into the center of the storm, which caused the tragedy. So let me say that this matter is mainly the pot of the meteorological department, and it has little to do with wild cattle.

The second time was even more wronged, at this time, the wild bull had just been reinstated as an official for three months before encountering another storm. He received early warning and made a thorough plan. He ordered the fleet to split into two waves, advancing along the edge of the storm in order to cleverly avoid the storm. But unfortunately, one of his own teams passed smoothly, and the other team got rid of it and plunged into the storm again, causing losses in the rear.

Therefore, in my opinion, these two storms really have little to do with the wild bull, but his luck is too bad. "Children of the Storm", you should all listen to a joke, don't take it seriously.

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Terrifying underwater storms, humanity is vulnerable before the power of nature

After achieving fame, what kind of flower work did the wild bull give to the little day?

Later, the Wild Bull led his fleet to support the landings on Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and at this time he could not find any opponent except for the kamikaze of his small days. In this way, the wild bull waited for the surrender of the little day.

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and the surrender ceremony was held on the U.S. Navy's battleship USS Missouri, the flagship of the Wild Bull.

To say that this wild bull is also a personality brother, the little days surrendered and did not forget to give them a whole job. He brought an American flag from the American Museum to hang on the warship, which was the same flag that perry had hoisted when he led the fleet to open the gates of Japan. The wild bull came to this hand, which meant to say to Xiao Tian: "Japanese devil, it was we who made you civilized back then, and now it is we who beat you down, and we don't want to rebel against the door." Raising his hands and feet, the wild bulls were expressing four words to the little day: I am your father!

In fact, after the war, Japan has indeed been very jealous of the United States, and it is still the case today.

In December 1945, Halsey was promoted to five-star admiral in the Navy and retired in 1947.

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

The USS Missouri was surrendered

Children of the Storm, stud players, who dares to use typhoons to harden aircraft carriers? (Part 2)

Guess which one is the Wild Bull?

Will the stars fall, how about the wild bull wind evaluation?

After retirement, the wild bull will write books without any problems, earn some writing fees, and live a good life. But unfortunately, he was unable to save his Enterprise, and the legendary aircraft carrier was eventually dismantled, which must be another major regret for him. Just like this old buddy, the wild bull has also ushered in the end of his life.

On August 16, 1959, the five-star admiral of the U.S. Navy, William Frederick Halsey Jr., died in San Francisco, leaving the merits to be judged by future generations.

Halsey has a heroic personality, affinity, and combat bravery, especially good at commanding aircraft carriers to attack quickly, and has made great achievements for the U.S. Navy. However, his personality is too straightforward and has offended many people. For example, when evaluating the five-star admiral, the Naval Operations Department suspended his promotion and did not issue an order until the end of the war.

Writing it down, I think Halsey and Barton have many similarities. They are equally strong, brave, and go on a rampage, and they all have a lot of controversy. It's really a hero in the world!

What do you think of Halsey's tumultuous operations, about his character and exploits? Leave a message in the comments section to let me know!

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