
Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

author:Entertainment at the forefront

They were the first underage band in China

In just a few songs, it stunned many rock veterans

They're the Flower Band

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

In 1999, Zhang Wei, who was in middle school

Form a band with a few friends called Confused Baby

When I was rehearsing on the grass that day

I happened to meet Ding Wu, who was drinking bean juice, and heard these children singing

Thought it was kind of interesting

So I took a few of them to the Busy Bee Bar, which brought together the old cannons of the whole Beijing rock music

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Big Zhang Wei A few of them were singing at the time

Sitting in the audience were the Tang Dynasty Band and the Wheat Field Watchmen Band

After listening to the children's singing

They were surprised

This is a confused baby, this is a rock bombshell

They couldn't believe that a 14-year-old could write the song "Still".

At that time, Song Ke had just returned to China to start a wheat field music company.

He half appreciated and half hesitated, "Underage rock band, is this okay?" ”

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Time is not waiting for anyone, Song Ke's Fu Chong, who is responsible for arranging the performance, is very rare for these children, and seeing that the boss is undecided, Fu Chong resigned the next day and went it alone.

The first thing he did solo was to sign "Confused Baby" to change his name to Flowers. Formed China's first underage band

The home of the Flower Band is the Galaxy Choir because of the big Zhang Wei who was replaced by the inverted voice

The drummer is Wang Wenbo, a social idler who studied beauty salons at a vocational school

The bassist is Guo Yang, who talks punk all day but has not touched the strings a few times

The eldest Zhang Wei is only 14 years old, and Wang Wenbo, who has some seniority, is only 19 years old

In the words of Da Zhang Wei

It was as if Schwarzenegger had entered the widow's compound and felt a scale between heaven and earth suddenly rise!
Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

When they made their first album, the seniors poured out

Cui Jian's drummer helped them record

Zhang Yadong gave them the guitar

Ding Wu really had nothing to do

Just teach them to play pool

All the big guys began to teach the method around, and the flower band pinned all the high hopes of the rock circle

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

In 1999, the first album of the flowers, "Next to Happiness", was released

Da Zhang Wei alone took care of all the songwriting

The album sold more than 500,000 copies and posters were everywhere

The streets were filled with three boys with thorns in their heads, and the flower band became famous in one fell swoop

They have won numerous awards, performed in various places, and even appeared in time magazine.

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, around Qianxi, rock and roll was no longer the mainstream of young people for various reasons

At that time, Zhang Wei was on the stage

The audience covered their ears

A strange look looked at the flower band

The music is still that music, and the stage is still that stage

But the audience changed, and the popularity of the Flower Band dropped instantly

At that time, Da Zhang Wei understood that they were standing on the shoulders of giants, and they did not expect that giants also slipped on their shoulders

The 18-year-old Zhang Wei could not accept the fact that he had passed, so he took his brothers to change tracks

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

After several rounds of negotiations with the agency broke down, the Flower Band decided to bear a huge liquidated damages and became a band that could play anywhere except sweep the stalls

In that half a year, Da Zhang Wei listened to all the pop music

After that, he hummed out a few melodies of brainwashing, and it took only 10 minutes to create this song "Hip Hop".

When Da Zhang Wei took this song to the members

They were all confused

Is this rock'n' roll?

Da Zhang Wei said

There's no rock 'n' roll in this song, but there's money to be, and you'll be able to buy a BMW soon

As soon as "Hip Hop" came out, it quickly became popular

But with the flowers band once again popular

The former rock circle has begun to tolerate them

Get them out of rock 'n' roll and think they're vulgar

But what is vulgar

All vulgarity is defined by those who think they are elegant, because only then can they feel different

But in my eyes, pretending to be elegant is really vulgar

Zhang Wei, who said this, was only 22 years old

The flower band has money, bought a Mercedes Benz to buy a BMW, drank soy milk and dared to buy two bowls, drink one bowl and pour a bowl.

After becoming popular, the flower band soon ushered in the "plagiarism door"

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Da Zhang Wei quickly apologized, at that time the copyright awareness was weak, Da Zhang Wei did not know that his original behavior was plagiarism

But netizens continue to be unforgiving

The team members also had disagreements

Wang Wenbo said he wanted to be an actor

Guo Yang chose to return to his family

Four years later, the Band Flowers officially announced their dissolution

It's ridiculous that the Flowers band hasn't had a single concert together in 10 years

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

The only time I sang was a farewell concert

At the farewell concert, Da Zhang Wei did not shed a tear the whole time

I can only cry when I sing "Can We Not Break Up"

That night, he was really going to say goodbye to the Flower Band


Someone once asked Zhang Wei what his ideal object was

He said without thinking

I like white, chubby girls who look as festive as a New Year doll. Then, you have to understand me, understand the kind that I'm vulnerable. It would be better to be 3 years older than me, and the female junior holds the golden brick.

Da Zhang Wei said very seriously, but everyone thought that Da Zhang Wei was joking

Later, people learned that Zhang Wei was talking about Liu Ying

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Liu Ying is Da Zhang Wei's agent

It was the person who accompanied the flower band after they dispersed

One of the things that Zhang Wei often said was,

Because my wife is my agent

She knows very well where my vulnerabilities lie

At that time, Liu Ying was not only The agent of Da Zhang Wei, but also held the resources of many stars such as Jing Bairan in his hands, and at the Flower Concert, Da Zhang Wei thanked the people who supported him all the way

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

This kind of person to thank in particular is Liu Ying

And that Liu Ying, really thank you very much

And Liu Ying, who was in the audience, also blushed after hearing these words

Two years after the dissolution of the Flower Band, Da Zhang Wei felt that there was no better development in the company, so Da Zhang Wei decided to leave

Termination means paying a huge amount of liquidated damages, at this time Liu Ying, who is an agent

Gave up all the resources in his hands and said to Da Zhang Wei

I'll go with you

After saying this sentence, Da Zhang Wei was both surprised and moved, because at that time, Da Zhang Wei had nothing

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Not the current scribble hand

Not even a variety show

It's a total celebrity

But Liu Ying still chose Zhang Wei

Choose to spend this time with her

During that time, although Da Zhang Wei felt a lot of pressure, he did not feel sad

In 2011, Da Zhang Weigang released a new song and prepared to promote it on "Star Online" hosted by Dapeng

In the beginning

Da Zhang Wei's state is still very normal, and he still answers with the host like a stream

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

But slowly, Da Zhang Wei began to yawn and trance, and even answered the questions that were not answered

At that time, Da Zhang Wei's fame was not as good as before, and his mental state was not good

The host Dapeng felt that he did not get the respect he deserved and left the scene angrily

After that, this video was exposed on the Internet, and many netizens felt that Zhang Wei must be xd, because the day is too big to appear such a situation

Liu Ying, seeing the situation, quickly helped Da Zhang Wei hold a press conference, and Da Zhang Wei insisted to the outside world that he did not have xd

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Because the production of new songs is too tired, coupled with excessive weight loss, it triggers low blood sugar

In addition, before the show, I also deliberately drank coffee on an empty stomach to refresh my mind, and I did not think that this still happened

But no matter how Zhang Wei explained

Rumors of his drug use spread

This has a very bad impact on him who has just released a new song, and many people reject his song and even call him "out of the circle"

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Da Zhang Wei was very anxious every day and couldn't sleep well all day and all night

At this time, the agent Liu Ying was constantly comforting him around

Seeing people's hearts for a long time, in the entertainment industry, it is destined to experience big winds and waves

This was the first time that Da Zhang Wei felt that the future was uncertain

I even feel sorry for the agent's efforts

So he said to Liu Ying

What do you mean with me, you still give someone else to be an agent

After saying this, Liu Ying did not leave, but made a huge decision

In order to alleviate Zhang Wei's anxiety, Liu Ying offered to become his wife

He was with him for the rest of his life

We will share our hardships and walk hand in hand.

In 2014, Da Zhang Wei and Liu Ying were married in a low-key manner, without a big feast, or even announcing the good news

In order to make Da Zhang Wei less gossipy


This is definitely the most "instigated" photo of Da Zhang Wei

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

On a Friday in December 2015, tens of thousands of viewers saw on screen the last thing Zhang Wei wanted to face in the reality show "Adventures With Bell."

In the variety show "Follow Bell to Adventure", the artist Da Zhang Wei wears a helmet with a camera

Wearing a blue stormtrooper suit, he was lying on a wire rope

Below is the rushing river

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

As asked, he was going to climb over, but he felt like he was going to fall in the next second

Zhang Wei, who had lost his strength, began to shout

Tears also flowed from the eye sockets.

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Seeing this scene, many viewers laughed at Zhang Wei

Are you still like a man?

And the agent Liu Ying is also suffering from the insults of iron fans

Scolded her for messing up the show, thinking about money and going crazy

But people don't know that Liu Ying's seemingly crazy move

In fact, it is to cure Da Zhang Wei's depression

Since Zhang Wei became popular again because of the song "Ber Shuang"

Da Zhang Wei began to feel sad, because he was afraid that this song "Ber Shuang" would be the same as "Xi Er" and would soon pass

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

He experienced once

I began to develop severe anxiety about my future

Even Zhang Dawei was insomniac

I also told Liu Ying

I don't want to live anymore

Such words. Liu Ying felt the seriousness of the matter

It increased the frequency of his visits to the doctor, but the effect was not great, Liu Ying knew

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Da Zhang Wei never opened his heart, only really let him feel the difficulty of survival

He will understand the preciousness of life and life

In 2015, it coincided with the team of foreign adventure experts Bell to come to China to do the reality tv show "Follow Bell to Adventure". The great thing about this show is that it is a real wilderness survival show, and it will never be faked or put on a show.

Liu Ying feels that this kind of survival challenge is very suitable for Zhang Wei to experience and challenge.

Because only by experiencing life and death challenges

People can gradually become more enlightened

Of course, Da Zhang Wei did not know that the program would encounter many difficulties, but also obeyed Liu Ying's arrangement to participate in the program

In the show, Da Zhang Wei also has to eat earthworms, cattle and other strange creatures at every turn

Scolded for eating earthworms is not a man, and the agent has been married for many years, and Zhang Wei's alternative life

Big Zhang Wei who eats bull's eye

Countless times in the show trembled and cried bitterly

However, after experiencing many difficulties, Da Zhang Wei opened his heart

A sunny smile appeared

After the show, Da Zhang Wei called Liu Ying

I'm no longer depressed and afraid, thank you, thanks to you, I won't let you worry anymore. ”

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