
Eco Report Card and iPhone 14 Update! Apple's big moves this year? 丨 European boundary


European Report:

Apple has always been a leader in technology companies, leading the industry in terms of product performance, brand image, and ecological construction.

Product performance is nothing to say, the A series chips on the mobile phone are known as extraterrestrial technology, at least one and a half generations ahead of Qualcomm; The M1 chip has also recently made a chip package stacking technology, and the performance of the M1 ultra directly brushes the boundaries of our imagination; Ecological construction does not need to say, how efficient the collaborative office between iPhone, iPad and MacBook is, everyone has a deep understanding. Only the brand image, which has always been relatively hidden, may not be much concerned by small partners.

Eco Report Card and iPhone 14 Update! Apple's big moves this year? 丨 European boundary

Apple's investment and effort in brand image does not have to be less than other aspects. The early Apple logo has been very classic, simple and advanced also penetrated into the genes of enterprise development. When Android mobile phones were still in the flood era, plastic shells and strange shapes filled the major brands, Apple mobile phones were simply dimensionality reduction blows on these mobile phones in appearance, and the iPhone 4S of that year looked like this:

Such a mobile phone design is not outdated today, and it is no wonder that the market is sought after Apple mobile phones. At that time, Meizu only borrowed from Apple's design concept, which was known as synonymous with small and beautiful, and became a clear stream of Android mobile phones, which shows how hard Apple mobile phones work in product design.

Eco Report Card and iPhone 14 Update! Apple's big moves this year? 丨 European boundary

Now entering a new era, Apple is not ambiguous, in today's increasingly serious environmental pollution and energy consumption, Apple promotes the concept of environmental protection, to help the further upgrading of product image. Recently, Apple released a two-year environmental report card, thanks to the cancellation of the original chargers and headphones from the iPhone 12 series, Apple saved 550,000 tons of copper, tin and zinc ore. The decision has been so much criticized by the market that Apple has been accused of sharing its environmental performance among consumers, who must buy additional charging heads for this purpose. We don't care what this decision is, but Apple's achievements in environmental protection are undoubtedly real.

Eco Report Card and iPhone 14 Update! Apple's big moves this year? 丨 European boundary

The second news is the exposure of the latest rendering of the iPhone 14, this time the Pro series finally abandoned the ancestral bangs screen design, using a capsule hollow screen design, the screen ratio is further improved. The rear main camera will also rise from the ancestral 12 million pixels to 48 million pixels, with a larger aperture, the resolution is greatly improved; it is reported that the iPhone 14 will add orange-red and pink, these two colors will have how to behave in the face value, we wait and see! Expect to see the iPhone 14 perform even more brilliantly!

Eco Report Card and iPhone 14 Update! Apple's big moves this year? 丨 European boundary

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Source: Online editing, if it involves copyright issues or seeks to report, please contact the European Media Network in time!

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