
Find a way to correct stuttering yourself, what problems do you need to pay attention to?

author:Sunshine Speech Therapist

Soon it was almost the college entrance examination, a high school senior student was very distressed, he said that recently he always had insomnia, and he woke up at 5 a.m. when he went to bed at 1 o'clock.

One reason is the stress of studying, and the other is stuttering.

"Recently, I feel that the stuttering has become aggravated, the online class teacher asks questions, and I can't speak across the screen for half a day, so embarrassing!" I feel that the whole class is hiding behind the screen laughing, when it comes to answering the question, the voice is particularly tight, the individual tones cannot be made, the beginning of b and d are very difficult, and several times can not be sent...

Stuttering is really a problem that makes people die and live, as soon as they open their mouths, they are inferior, they are shy when they say half of it, and they can't look up everywhere in life, which makes people very embarrassed, especially affecting learning and life.

Find a way to correct stuttering yourself, what problems do you need to pay attention to?

Find your own way to correct the stuttering?

Every adult who stutters has had the experience of correcting himself, of course, there are many cases of failure, so are the methods they try wrong? This issue should be viewed objectively.

Because stuttering can take many different forms, some stuttering is much lighter than others. After spontaneous training, it can be alleviated or even eliminated very quickly. For some of the more complex problems of stuttering, although it does not completely solve the core problem of stuttering, it can at least become a milder stutterer.

It is difficult to completely correct stuttering, especially for an adult, and it is not a goal that can be achieved in a short period of time.

Find a way to correct stuttering yourself, what problems do you need to pay attention to?

An adult stutterer, sharing the experience

About breathing

1, I found that when Stuttering, the breathing is tense and short, and the breath is not enough. People who do not stutter, after strenuous exercise or when frightened, will also breathe quickly and stutter, so proper adjustment of breathing status may be helpful for stuttering. As long as you usually develop good talking and breathing habits, it is necessary to do some targeted breathing training.

2. In addition, stutterers do not stutter when singing, is it because the way and rhythm of each word are pronounced when singing are changed, which reduces the occurrence of stuttering? I tried to hold my breath, clench my teeth, and even breathe in and pronounce it, and it improved.

3, and usually when stuttering, feel the vocal cords are nervous, I can't control it, but when I read aloud according to the book, I obviously relax a lot, many voices are also clear, and the speed of speech can be adjusted. Shouldn't it be time to practice speaking?

With the above insights in mind, the adult stutterer reads a book for one to two hours a day, and before reading, takes a deep abdominal breath to increase the intake of air in the lungs.

When reading aloud, first deliberately control the speed of speech, try to slow down the rhythm, soothe a little, bite the words as accurately as possible, so that each word is not too urgent, and maintain a certain rhythm.

After practicing it slowly, I really feel that there is some effect. When reading according to the book, you can not jam for 30 minutes, the words are round, and the bite words are clear.

Although there has been a lot of progress, there are still some stumbling blocks when improvising with others. Why is that? In fact, he saw some methods on the Internet, and the skills he understood belonged to the "direct intervention method" of stuttering, and many exercises were no problem, but they still lacked some important content.

Find a way to correct stuttering yourself, what problems do you need to pay attention to?

Stuttering direct intervention method, check the defects and fill in the gaps

1. Training on speech fluency

How do I slow down my speech? Everyone speaks at a different speed, has their own characteristics, even if the same person, in different contexts of the speed of speech is also variable. Speed of speech has a lot to do with spoken fluency, and for stutterers, slowing down is a common means of interfering with stuttering.

It is not difficult for stutterers to slow down the speed of speech, the difficulty is to control the speed of speech during improvisational expression, to slow down the speed of a sentence, not simply for each phrase, a word to speak slowly, which may require sentence breaking practice, while slowing down the speed of speech, do not destroy the overall rhythm of expression.

In general, most of the jams occur in longer sentences, and a long sentence should be divided into several parts, with a certain pause in each part. For example, "Do you have confidence in Chinese football?" This sentence has ten words, and the following two ways can be used to break the sentence. 1. Are you confident in Chinese football? 2. Do you have confidence in Chinese football?

2. Control the rhythm

Since stuttering is called rhythmic expression disorder, it shows that some people lack a sense of rhythm when speaking, and often pursue to finish in one breath, which invisibly brings great pressure to the language center while thinking and speaking. If slowing down the pace of speech has difficulty, we can add additional means to help coordinate, one of which is to identify without saying a word and knock on a finger to give yourself a hint of a beat. You can start with your thumb, rotate to the little finger, and cycle through.

Find a way to correct stuttering yourself, what problems do you need to pay attention to?

If you are also a stuttering patient, are suffering from stuttering problems, anxiety, especially after trying many methods and can not see hope, please contact us by private message, let us analyze your problem together, find a better way,

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