
"Great White" was once "Wave White", and on the day of Navy Day, he received a special surprise on the front line of the war epidemic


Once, he wore the "wave white" military uniform, guarding the sea frontier with his comrades-in-arms; Today, he is wearing a "big white" protective suit and guarding his homeland on the front line of the war. His name is Sun Qiang, and he is a retired soldier in the West Lane community of Daminghu Street County. On April 23, on the Navy's "birthday", he received a special surprise.

"Great White" was once "Wave White", and on the day of Navy Day, he received a special surprise on the front line of the war epidemic

Born in 1982, Sun Qiang was a navy wearing a "wave white" uniform. A few years after retiring from the army, he became a retired soldier public welfare post in the county's West Lane community, and together with other veterans in the community, he formed a "veteran commando team" to devote himself to the work of serving the residents of the community. In peacetime, the "veteran commando team" is a solid "team" in the community, going wherever there is a need, helping residents solve many problems.

"Great White" was once "Wave White", and on the day of Navy Day, he received a special surprise on the front line of the war epidemic

During this time, in all aspects of epidemic prevention and control, they are fighting day and night on the front line of the "epidemic", assisting the community to carry epidemic prevention materials, scan codes and measure temperature, register information, and maintain order... Non-stop. Taking off the military uniform and putting on the protective clothing, although the identity has changed, what has not changed is the enthusiasm for serving the people, the responsibility of defending the family and the country, and the persistence of running day and night. When their figures appear in the community, the residents feel very grounded and at ease.

"Great White" was once "Wave White", and on the day of Navy Day, he received a special surprise on the front line of the war epidemic

On the day of Navy Day, Sun Qiang wished the People's Navy a happy birthday in the circle of friends and shared his old photos of his youth. After seeing this circle of friends, Lu Xiaozhen, a staff member of the County West Lane Community Neighborhood Committee, and his colleagues "planned" a "surprise" to send to Sun Qiang, "ordered a cake for him, on this special day, thank him for his perseverance and dedication." ”

"Great White" was once "Wave White", and on the day of Navy Day, he received a special surprise on the front line of the war epidemic

"It makes a lot of sense for me to receive this special surprise on the front line of epidemic prevention and control." Sun Qiang and his colleagues shared this "surprise", and hurried back to his post to continue his work of guarding his homeland, he said, "The epidemic will not retreat, we will not disperse." ”