
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


The grass flowers are tender and the wood flowers and leaves are deep, which must be said also. However, in the wood flowers, its leaves bloom with the flowers in the spring. For example, peach plum begonia apricot, although it is a wood flower, the leaves should also be tender. Autumn and winter leaves, it is advisable to be deeper.

【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


The leaves of the herbaceous flowers are tender and the leaves of the woody flowers are deep, which is the definite saying. Among woody flowers, however, the leaves bloom with the flowers in the spring. Just like the peach plum apricot, although it belongs to the woody flower, their leaves are also suitable for painting softly. The leaves in autumn and winter are naturally suitable for painting deeper.

【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


The grass flowers and leaves are tender, so it is advisable to reverse the leaves. As for the laurel, orange, camellia and the like, they have not withered through frost and snow, and have not moved through the wind and dew, although their color should be deep and the leaves have yin and yang to the back, it is natural that they must not use anti-leaves. However, this kind of positive leaf should be deep with green, and the reverse leaf should be shallow with green.

【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


The leaves of herbaceous flowers are tender, so it is suitable for using the reverse leaf. As for the leaves of flowers such as laurel, orange, camellia and the like, although they experience frost and snow and will not wither, they will not waver after experiencing wind and dew, although their color is suitable and deep, but the leaves have yin and yang to the back, which is natural, and it is not possible to use anti-leaves. However, the positive leaves of this flower are suitable for dark green, and the reverse leaves are suitable for light green.

【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


Where the leaves are rendered, the back must be hooked, the thickness of the tendons must be weighed with the flower shape, and the thickness of the tendons must be weighed with the leaf color. People know that the use of green in the leaves is divided into shades, but they do not know the use of red in the leaves, and they are also tender and decaying. Where spring leaves are born, the tender tip is reddish; Autumn wood will fall, and the old leaves will be red first. However, the young leaves are not comfortable, and their color is suitable for fat; The leaves are about to fall, and their color should be ochre. Every time you see the flowers and fruits of the old people, in the thick green leaves, there is also a slight dew where the scorched insects eat, and turn to win, and you must know it.

【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style
【Chinese Painting Learning】Mustard Garden Leaf Painting Method: Woody Flower and Leaf Starting Style


After the leaves are rendered, they must be hooked, the thickness of the leaf tendons should be commensurate with the shape of the flower, and the thickness of the leaf tendons should be commensurate with the color of the leaves. People know that the green color of the leaf is different from the shades, but they do not know that the red color of the leaf also needs to be tender and decayed. The spring leaves are born in the first place, and the tender tips are mostly red; Autumn trees will fall, and the old leaves will turn red first. However, the young leaves have not yet stretched, and their color is suitable for fat; The decaying leaves are about to fall, and their color should be ochre. Every time you see the flowers and fruits painted by your predecessors, in the thick green leaves, you also slightly reveal the place where the scorched insects eat, so as to enhance the painting effect, which is also indispensable.

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