
Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

author:Xingfu doctor popular science

Nowadays is an era of national advocacy of health, TELEVISION stations, radio, newspapers and other media, health knowledge is everywhere, everyone understands the importance of health, but everyone can not do healthy health.

Want a healthy body, it is really not a very easy thing, you need to pay a lot of time can not be too arbitrary, health care in the world thousands, thousands of but changeable, that is, must have a good attitude and a good living habits.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

A good mentality is like a good weather, everything grows by the sun, the heart is a sunny day, so as not to breed melancholy, a happy person is to eat coarse tea and light rice, all race through the mountains and treasures of the sea.


Is health maintenance life?

Daytime loss repair at night, discharge during the day, sleep at night is charging, only 50% of the power is charged at night, then 100% of the power is released during the day, where does the 50% come from? It needs to be borrowed from the internal organs of life.

The five viscera in the ancient books for the five treasures is the meaning of hiding, hidden is the essence of the human body, and the essence is the body stored in a large number of nutrients, if we understand the world, then the average person explains 5 years, the body will gradually collapse, so when you are young, there is no feeling, after forty or fifty years old, some chronic diseases will all come to the door.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

So health is life! Health can not immediately make you young to 10 years old, or 10 years later, the people around you are 10 years old, and you are still the way you are today, health can not immediately let your illness heal but insomnia, after the people around you may have left, and you are still the same as today.

Health may not be able to get rich immediately, but the people around you will be fatally broken, when you borrow money everywhere, you have no worries about food and clothing, free, not alarmist, but the reality in reality, health is the greatest wealth in life.


What is bracken?

There are many wild vegetables that are popular in daily life, especially a wild vegetable called bracken, which is very popular, many people have tasted it, but there are also many people who do not know what leeks really are.

The original land of leeks is actually not in China, it is in Europe and the United States, and later it took root in China, this plant is very unique, its whole plant height can reach about one meter, and it is surrounded by some red villi, with the continuous growth, these villi will slowly fall off.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

The shortest leaf stalk length of green vegetables is about 20 cm, the longest can reach 80 cm, and in many places distributed in China, it is generally very common in the Yangtze River area and the northern region, just like the mayor in the sunny place where there is plenty of sunshine to grow dense bracken.


Is bracken a hair product?

Different types of wild vegetables have different characteristics, in fact, bracken is a very characteristic wild vegetable, and this can also be loved by some people, but there are also many people will be very concerned, that is, bracken is a hair product?

The nutritional value of leeks is indeed very high, it is also one of the best in many colors, although this nutritional value is very high, but it belongs to the hair.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

Everyone may not know much about the hair, the hair substance is that after eating it will cause certain damage to health, it will cause some internal diseases in the body, if I suffer from certain diseases, then you can not eat bracken, if you eat too many leeks, it will cause your own illness to become more serious, so bracken belongs to the hair.


Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

As early as 1983, a famous Japanese scientist did a corresponding study on whether vegetables are healthy or carcinogenic.

First of all, understand the nutritional composition of bracken

In this very unique plant, many of the nutrients contained in it are also relatively rich, and they are also relatively comprehensive, especially some of the carotene and vitamins contained in it are very high.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

In addition, it also contains a lot of protein and a lot of sugar, the content of crude fiber is also very rich, the most worth mentioning is that in the vegetables contain a variety of amino acid substances needed by the human body with up to 18 kinds of more, no matter which kind of nutrients, for the health of the body is very beneficial.

——Can eating bracken be healthy?

Folk also known as bracken as the king of anti-cancer, cancer lies in one of the malignant tumor diseases of the former good disease cells, which is very harmful to the health of the human body.

Once the cancer occurs, the cancer cells will quickly spread to the various organs in life until it affects the entire system of the whole body, causing the body to gradually collapse and disintegrate.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

Because the introduction is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients, for the body's beneficial nutrients, most people feel that leeks are a health care, eat more vegetables can reduce the accumulation of toxins in food.

The antioxidant capacity of these dishes is very strong, so eating bracken in daily life can resist the spread and invasion of cancer cells, and can help some elderly people achieve anti-cancer and anti-cancer health care effects.

——Does eating too much bracken really cause cancer?

Bracken contains a chemical component, protoferns, which can cause diseases such as digestive tract cancer in mice, so this substance has been listed as a Class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

The meaning of this type of carcinogen is that the risk of carcinogens does appear through animal experiments, but it has not been tested on humans, that is, it is possible, but it is not certain that 100% of them will have a carcinogenic risk.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

Although there is a certain scientific reason for bracken picking, the premise is that under the condition of large consumption, ordinary normal adults cannot complete a set of bracken in just one day, so the claim about bracken picking will also be self-defeating.


What months should bracken work best?

Bracken is generally listed in May, so May of each year is the worst time to eat, during this period of time to buy bracken or pick their own bracken, are relatively high-quality.

Because this is his normal production period, if it is not the bracken purchased in this month, then it is possible that he is not fresh, or it is possible that he is growing against the season, so although this type of bracken has a certain impact, it is not recommended to eat too much.

Bracken, is it "health" or "cancer"? The results are announced, and the sooner you know, the better

Because some anti-seasonal foods are not very conducive to their own health, so everyone generally chooses to eat bracken around May, when bracken contains the most nutrients.