
Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

author:I'm a jogging rabbit

Soon after the summer, the summer festival marks the arrival of summer, many people are able to feel the enthusiasm of the weather, at this time eat more vegetables is conducive to health, then the summer festival, eat which kinds of vegetables are more appropriate?

First: bamboo shoots

Lixia, there is a custom of eating "foot bone shoots". Foot bone shoots are actually wild mountain shoots, bamboo shoots peeling shell row split city flat shape, and then cut into small sections of about 4 cm, it looks like the shape of the foot bones, everyone uses to eat "foot bone shoots" to mean "foot bone health" (good health)

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Ingredients: 2 pounds of foot bone shoots, light soy sauce, a piece of rock sugar, a little salt, a little chicken essence

1. First, peel off the shell of the foot bone shoots, wash the old roots, fish them out, put them on the board and pat them with a knife to cut into 4 cm segments

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

2: Heat the oil in a pot, stir-fry the foot bone shoots cut into segments, then add water to boil, then add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, add a piece of rock sugar and a little salt, and then add chicken essence

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

3: Bring to a boil after seasoning, and finally cook until the soup is about to dry. Serve out of the pan

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Second: Amaranth

Amaranth has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, astringent and stopping bleeding, anti-inflammatory and swelling, treating diarrhea, and has certain auxiliary functions for red diarrhea caused by damp heat and liver fire, red eye pain caused by liver fire, and unfavorable throat redness and swelling

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Ingredients: 1 pound of fresh and tender amaranth, 3 cloves of garlic, a little salt, a little chicken essence.

1: Pick off the old branches of the amaranth, wash and prepare, mince the garlic, put a little (2) salt, and then rinse with water and set aside

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

2: Heat the pot and put the oil into the amaranth with controlled water, stir-fry twice, initially change the baby, and then put salt and chicken essence

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

3: Then stir-fry until the amaranth is completely juiced, serve on a plate, pour the garlic juice on the dish, and stir well with chopsticks

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Third: Shredded white flesh

The texture of the white is tender and the taste is sweet, so it is regarded as a good product among vegetables, and it is fried with meat food, and its taste is even fresher. The organic nitrogen of the young russet white exists in the state of amino acids and can provide sulfur, which is delicious and has high nutritional value.

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Ingredients to prepare: russet, lean meat, garlic, green and red pepper, soy sauce

1, white to remove the old skin, and the root hard place. Wash and cut into strips, lean meat into strips, green and red peppers also shredded, garlic minced.

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

2, put the oil in the pot to heat the russet white stir-fry until slightly soft, pull to the side, vacate the place into the minced garlic and shredded meat, stir-fry together, after the shredded meat changes color, pull together with the zibai grill, and then add green and red pepper shreds, stir-fry on high heat

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

3, Add salt, a few drops of soy sauce to taste, add a little water, slightly stuffy, start to collect water. Add a little chicken essence and white pepper before cooking and serve on a plate

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Fourth: hollow cabbage

Hollow cabbage is rich in nutrients, the vitamins contained are higher than tomatoes, because it is rich in crude fiber, so it can promote intestinal peristalsis, laxative detoxification, but also play a role in reducing swelling, dispelling the use of poison.

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body

Ingredients to prepare: hollow cabbage, garlic, salt, oil

1, the hollow cabbage washed, garlic minced, put oil in a hot pot, the minced garlic is fried until it smokes, put in the cabbage and stir-fry, add a little salt after changing color, a little taste is very fresh, stir-fry again, immediately out of the pot

Eating these four vegetables before and after the summer is healthier for the body