
A selection of Klopstock's poems |For those who despise the motherland, my blue eyes will glare at him

author:Read to sleep
A selection of Klopstock's poems |For those who despise the motherland, my blue eyes will glare at him
A selection of Klopstock's poems |For those who despise the motherland, my blue eyes will glare at him

Klopstock (1724-1803) German poet, one of the pioneers of the wild racing movement. The poetry collection "Ode" is his most successful work, with the themes of friendship, love, and love for the motherland, and the poems are full of fiery natural feelings, which caused strong repercussions among young people after its publication in 1771.

Rose flower band

I saw her in the shade of spring,

I tied her with a rose ribbon:

She didn't feel it, she just slept there.


I looked at her, my life

With this sight tied to her life,

I felt it, but inexplicably.


But I whispered to her wordlessly,

I shake the rose ribbon and rustle,

So she woke up from her sleep.


She looked at me, her life

As her gaze tied to my life...

All around us became Elysium.

In 1753

Translated by Qian Chunqi

Song of the Fatherland

I'm a German girl!

My eyes are blue, my eyes are gentle,

I have a heart,

It is noble, proud and kind.


I'm a German girl!

For those who despise the motherland,

My blue eyes will glare at him,

My heart will hate him!"


I'm a German girl!

I will never choose any other country

Be my motherland,

Even though I have great freedom of choice!


I'm a German girl!

Who is hesitant about this choice,

My noble eyes will also sneer at him,

Glanced at him sarcastically.


You are not a German youth!

If you do not love the motherland as much as I do,

You're just going to hesitate so coldly.

You are sorry for your motherland!


You are not a German youth!

If you despise the motherland,

My whole heart will despise you,

You outlier, you idiot!


I'm a German girl!

My good, noble, proud heart

Hearing the sweet name of the motherland,

Will beat violently!


Let it hear such a young man in the future

The name also beats, and he is just like me

Proud of the motherland, he is one

Good, noble Germans!

Translated by Qian Chunqi

Focus on reading and sleeping, poetic inhabitation

A selection of Klopstock's poems |For those who despise the motherland, my blue eyes will glare at him

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems".

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