
Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour


After 8 months, the game version number was re-issued again. On April 11, the official website of the State Administration of Press and Publication showed that the first batch of game versions were issued this year, and a total of 45 domestic online games were approved. Among them, the relevant "red theme" games were the first batch of version numbers this year, which caused heated discussion in the market. Taking the red theme as the guide, deepening the connotation of the game in a fun and educational way, giving full play to the social education function undertaken by the game, and creating a positive energy game are not only the signals sent by the first batch of red games this year to obtain the version number, but also the needs of the development of the industry. Earlier, the person in charge of the Publication Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department mentioned in an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Press, Publication, Radio and Telegraph that the Publishing Bureau will focus on the implementation of the "Positive Energy Leading Plan for Online Games", and the Publishing Bureau will guide the publishing units to get close to the audience of readers such as minors, launch a number of high-quality online games with distinct main themes and positive energy, and vigorously create an online and offline publishing environment conducive to the healthy growth of young people. The reissuance of this edition number is a major event after the rectification of online games, and will also bring a new round of development opportunities and changes to the game industry, and will better promote the standardization of the game industry.

Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour

Take the game as the carrier of dissemination culture, and give play to the benign guiding role of the game

In the era of science and technology, the widespread use of technology has made online games popular, and the relaxed and cheerful way of games is more easily accepted by the public, so relatively speaking, the impact of games on people accounts for a larger proportion than other forms, and the role is more prominent. Taking games as the carrier of disseminating culture, highlighting the benign role of high-quality games in educating people and influencing people by culture, is conducive to weakening the characteristics and characteristics of game entertainment, and giving play to the role of game education, which is the need of the times and an important measure to enhance cultural soft power. For game companies, while constantly enriching their forms and types, they also need to continuously strengthen the integration of game characteristics and social values, and dig deep into the connotation of game culture. In a fun and educational way, it gradually affects teenagers in a subtle way, establishes a correct value orientation, and plays a benign guiding role in the game.

Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour

Taking history as the foundation and the spirit as the plough, absorbing the power of red culture, consolidating the roots of culture, deepening the innovation of game models, educating people with history, educating people and educating people, passing on the red spirit, and strengthening cultural self-confidence with cultural consciousness, contributing to the prosperity of socialist literature and art. As the only online game company in China that has always adhered to the red culture as the main development direction, Zhongqingbao is not only the pioneer and leader of red online games, but also the inheritor of red culture, since its inception, 19 years has always been adhering to the development purpose of "carrying forward traditional national culture and creating high-quality original online games", continuing to conduct in-depth research in the field of the game industry, and making every effort to create a patriotic boutique red online game with edutainment and education, and is committed to carrying forward the soul of the nation. Cultivating young people's patriotism and sense of historical mission is a heavy task.

Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour

Deeply excavate the connotation of red culture and continue to export traditional cultural content

While innovating and developing online games, we continue to dig deep into the connotation of red culture, take red culture as the background culture blessing, deepen the role of cultural transmission value, and strive to build a red IP ecological chain in the new era; driven by red culture and emerging technologies, to create a multi-terminal collaborative development model such as "terminal game + page game + mobile game + cloud game + VR/AR"; continuously innovate in the red tour project, develop classic red game "War of Resistance", "Bright Sword", "The Last Shot" and other games, with the game business as the core, digital + technology + cultural IP creation, Radiate multiple production capacity areas; deepen cultural empowerment + technology-driven role, red classics build red tourism. With the attitude of the inheritor of red culture, we will continue to export traditional culture and lay the brand influence of the first brand of China's red tour.

Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour
Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour
Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour

(Part of the Red Tour Project Map)

Carry forward the red culture and strive to be a | of red generation ZhongqingBao red tour cohesion, red classic building red tour

At the same time, in the field of online games, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the offensive and defensive business strategy, increase investment in emerging technologies, cloud services, cloud games, VR/AR, digital technology, etc., make other businesses bigger and stronger on the basis of doing a good job, help the innovation of the red tourism industry in a multi-industry linkage way, continue to output red culture + digital technology, empower the development of the industry with advantageous cases, and gradually create an emerging digital industry economic ecology with the "digital +" model, innovate to promote the door of new development, and promote the development of the red cultural industry. Adhere to the innovation promotion role of cultural focus and classic empowerment of industrial IP formats, continue to explore in the field of red tourism, further create a new game ecological chain, and promote the development of the industry of Zhongqingbao.

Red IP empowerment, build a solid cultural foundation, and innovate the development of the red tourism industry

Remember history, inherit culture, further promote red culture, interpret the connotation of red culture, and build a solid cultural foundation. With blood-colored revolutionary feelings, condensing powerful forces, showing the style of the times, and transmitting patriotic feelings, on the road of future development of the red tour industry, Zhongqingbao will continue to forge ahead, constantly pioneering and innovating, forging ahead, optimizing the industrial structure, upgrading the business growth model, innovating into the national 14th Five-Year Plan strategy, and constantly launching innovative red tour products. Take inheritance as our responsibility, and promote development with innovation.

In the future, Zhongqingbao will take advantage of the century-old wind of the founding of the party, continue to shape the brand with ingenuity, deeply excavate the spiritual connotation of traditional Chinese culture and red culture, tell the red story well, continue the red gene, and take the mission of promoting the patriotic spirit and promoting the development of red culture as the mission, and constantly build the red tour brand. Zhongqingbao will continue to actively innovate the traditional online game model, continue to exert efforts in the field of red tourism, focus on the integration of industries in the field of national culture and online games, and create a unique red tourism industry format. Continuously integrate red culture with patriotic main themes, practice technological innovation to empower development, create more red cultural IP, and unswervingly take the long march of the new era. With perseverance, vigorously develop emerging industries, digital technology empowers thousands of industries, promotes the digital transformation of enterprises, leads the development of the industry, builds a multi-industry collaborative development of digital ecology, and helps the real economy to develop better and faster.

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