
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents

author:Dr. Bo talks

With the increase of age, the functions will gradually decline, especially after the age of 50, the body will gradually send out some aging signals, but also many diseases come to the door.

For the middle-aged and elderly, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a major killer of health threats, and now due to height problems, irregular work and rest, unhealthy diet and other problems, many people suffer from this disease, such as atherosclerotic coronary heart disease and other heart diseases, if not treated in time, it is easy to endanger life.

Therefore, we must pay attention to protecting the heart and protecting blood vessels, do more things that are beneficial to health, stay away from behaviors that harm the body, and also eat more foods that are conducive to cardiovascular health.

Mention of tomatoes, I believe everyone is very familiar, it is a very common food, want to protect blood vessels and heart, usually you can eat more tomatoes, because the rich lycopene, can reduce blood lipid levels, hinder bad cholesterol is oxidized, is conducive to the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

In addition, you can also eat some goji berries, as a typical representative of the homology of medicine and food, goji berries contain a variety of substances beneficial to the human body, such as goji berries polysaccharides, various vitamins and trace elements, with the function of lowering lipids and blood pressure, usually can be soaked in water to drink porridge can also be eaten directly raw.

In addition to the above two foods, there are many other foods that can play a role in protecting blood vessels, and then reveal them through a set of illustrations.

A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents

A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents
A "red food list" to "escort" your heart, after reading it, to tell your parents

The several introduced in the article are that I have a lot of benefits for the body, do you usually eat it often?

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