
Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

author:Dr. Duan talks about health

Hypertension as a common chronic metabolic disease, is the primary killer of the health of the elderly, hypertension is also known as "rich disease" Most patients diagnosed with hypertension have long-term overeating bad habits. #Philharmonic Health Guide #

Hypertension in the early stage of the body has no obvious adverse reactions, often ignored by people, and when it is found, it often has reached a very serious point, if not treated in time, suppressed as soon as possible, it will also induce myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke and other serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease development, affecting health, life-threatening.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

According to the survey, the current number of confirmed hypertension patients in the mainland has reached 310 million, and on average, 3 to 4 out of every 10 adults will have hypertension patients, and the outbreak of hypertension diseases has also caused many citizens to fall into endless fears and worries.


What abnormalities occur in the body after blood pressure rises?

1. Headache

After high blood pressure, patients are often prone to headache symptoms, and if the disease is mild or early onset, the headache is not strong. If the condition is severe or the duration of the disease is relatively long, the patient is prone to severe headaches.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

2. Palpitations

Palpitations are also one of the most common symptoms, which occur when the mind is tense and emotionally fluctuating, and some patients will also be accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, physical weakness and other symptoms.

3. Memory loss

After the blood pressure is high, it will cause the platelets in the blood vessels of the brain to condense into clumps, and it will also affect the blood circulation in the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, and in the long run, patients will have memory loss.

4. Limb numbness

High blood pressure often leads to limb numbness in patients, some patients are only numb to the fingers, some patients are numb to the whole hand, and the disease is more serious, which can be accompanied by numbness in the limbs.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

5. Lack of concentration

Because the increase in blood pressure will lead to a hypoxia of the brain, so patients often have symptoms such as inattention and mental disorientation, which will be more obvious if they are in a high temperature environment.


Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"?

Tea as one of the world's three major functional drinks, green tea as a common tea drink, green tea contains a variety of beneficial nutrients for the body, which catechins and vitamin C, can improve the body's antioxidant capacity, effectively eliminate free radicals, reduce the growth of wrinkles, play a role in whitening the skin, delay aging.

Green tea contains caffeine, can stimulate the central nervous system, to achieve the effect of refreshing the brain, often drink green tea can improve the body's metabolic capacity, reduce the accumulation of fat, to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

Green tea can also effectively reduce blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure, blood flow throughout the body, reduce the achievement of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood vessels, and effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Some people on the Internet say that patients with high blood pressure cannot drink green tea, in fact, such a statement is wrong.

Patients with hypertension can drink a little green tea appropriately under the advice and guidance of a doctor, in the case of stable condition, which will help reduce blood pressure, diuretic and reduce edema, promote blood flow and reduce the pressure and burden on the blood vessel wall.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

The vitamin C contained in green tea can expel cholesterol, prevent blood clotting and thrombosis, and protect the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Although green tea is good, it is not suitable for too much drinking, otherwise it will lead to excessive intake of tea polyphenols and water, affecting the quality of human sleep, hypertension patients usually in addition to controlling the amount of green tea drinking, but also to develop the habit of regular monitoring of blood pressure, once found that the blood pressure value fluctuations are abnormal, to report to the attending doctor in time, take the corresponding treatment.


Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

1. Drink less drinks

As the weather gets warmer, a variety of carbonated drinks are also the favorite of most people, the sugar content in carbonated drinks is too high, and the cold and cold taste brings people a unique taste bud experience.

In addition to diabetics to drink less carbonated drinks, control the intake of sugar, hypertension patients should also drink less sugary drinks, so as not to increase the rate of physical obesity, increase the pressure and burden of blood vessel walls, induce increased blood pressure.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

2, drink less salt water

With the improvement of national health awareness, more and more people realize the importance of health care, many people have the habit of drinking light salt water in the morning, and feel that salt water can play a role in sterilization and disinfection, effectively remove odors in the mouth, reduce the residue of bacteria and fungi, and improve the body's immunity.

For ordinary people, drinking a little light salt water in the morning is indeed beneficial to health, but it is not suitable for hypertensive patients to drink salt water, because the most feared thing for hypertension patients is the intake of salt, and a large amount of salt intake will increase the sodium ions in the body, inhibit the production of potassium ions, which is not conducive to the stability of blood pressure, so that the blood pressure value is suddenly high and low.

Patients with high blood pressure are best not to drink light salt water, but also to control the daily salt intake, it is best not to exceed 3 grams.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

3. Drink less alcohol

Wine is grain essence, the more you drink the younger, the appropriate amount of drinking is good for health, but also effectively reduce the pain of the body, the main component of wine is ethanol, this substance into the body will damage liver health, induce cirrhosis and alcoholic liver.

Relevant data studies have found that the intake of alcohol is directly proportional to the level of human blood pressure, excessive drinking will increase the level of corticosteroids, resulting in the central nervous system secretion of excited dopamine so that people have been in a state of tension, increase vasoconstriction, increase the peripheral resistance of blood pressure, so that blood pressure is difficult to stabilize.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"


For people with high blood pressure, please eat the following foods sparingly

【Spicy Food】

Spicy foods actually have many advantages and are also good for the human body, promoting metabolism and draining water.

However, spicy food is not eaten for patients with high blood pressure, and spicy food will only cause constipation problems in patients with high blood pressure, resulting in increased abdominal pressure during defecation. It is difficult to stabilize blood pressure, and it is necessary for patients with hypertension to avoid spicy food in terms of diet, and the diet should be as light as possible, which can better reduce blood pressure and reduce the burden on the blood vessel wall.

【Greasy food】

Greasy foods contain a lot of fat, which is easy to cause diseases such as high blood lipids.

High blood lipids can cause high blood pressure problems, but also easy to induce coronary heart disease and other diseases, greasy food include fatty meat, fried food, grilled meat and other types of food, patients need to avoid eating the above several greasy foods.

Blood pressure is high, can not drink "green tea"? Doctor: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, drink less "3 water"

【High Calorie Food】

Most people with high blood pressure have obesity characteristics, ranging from long-term intake of large amounts of high-calorie foods. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should reduce the intake of high-calorie foods.

Including fried food, hamburgers and other types of food, control calories within the safe value, is conducive to keeping blood pressure levels in a stable state, hypertensive patients should also control weight changes, not too obese, will aggravate the hypertension situation.
