
Chinese Medicine Journey to Chinese Civilization (1)

author:The Sound of Han and Tang Dynasties

An archaeologist is ready to give himself a vacation, to travel to the polar regions, and to get some archaeological inspiration, at this time, he meets a Chinese medicine doctor, and because of his interest in Chinese medicine, he has a conversation with the Chinese medicine doctor.

Old Man: Hello young man, where are you going?

Traveler: Hello, where is this Master going, and is he also going to travel?

Old Man: No, I came to Yunnan to collect some medicinal herbs, and recently there are some difficult and complicated diseases that I can't treat.

Traveler: Are you a doctor?

Old Man: I am a Chinese medicine practitioner

Traveler: I know chinese medicine, but it is difficult for Chinese medicine to have a real market in the medical field.

Old man: Well, maybe, but I'm not a graduate of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I don't have a medical license, but I just rely on some ancestral things to treat people.

Traveler: In fact, I am quite interested in Chinese medicine, I know that Shennong tastes hundreds of herbs, the core of Chinese medicine is dialectics, I don't know if the current medicine has mastered this science.

Old Man: You call it science?

Voyager: Yeah.

Old Man: But the scientific community has not officially accepted it. Even if you accept it, you can't call it science, because the local phenomena of the knowledge of the discipline produced by science, and it is impossible to fully understand Chinese medicine by calling it science.

Traveler: I really want to know the amazing world of TCM, for me TCM is really more than just a discipline.

Old Man: Please look at your own ear, it doesn't look like a fetus in the womb?

Traveler: Emergency statue.

Old man: When you change from a fetal cell to a person, the information of the fetal cell has already been transmitted to various branches of the body, and each branch reflects the whole, or the condensed whole, the reduced whole.

Voyager: Why is that?

Old Man: This is the law of the universe, not only the human body, even trees and flowers have this phenomenon and law, some branches of trees look like a miniature version of the tree, and such branches can also be divided into smaller branches and branches, and smaller branches are enlarged like a complete tree.

Voyager: In that way, it can be divided indefinitely, right?

Old Man: Theoretically, it is possible, and a discipline called fractals on the previous page of mathematics can be infinitely divided.

Traveler: So what does it have to do with Chinese medicine?

Elder: Please don't think that Chinese medicine is to taste the hundred herbs, if there is no correspondence of the five elements, the taste of the hundred herbs has long been poisoned, and the five elements are a form of interdependence, and mutual restriction of the relationship form, only by grasping these well, can you taste the hundred herbs, otherwise you will die sooner.

Traveler: Can you understand that to learn Chinese medicine well, you must also learn philosophy?

Old Man: Half right, but unfortunately it is not so simple, because the human body is a wonderful thing, it is an organized organism, with a more orderly and complex system than flowers and trees.

Voyager: Where is the magic of the human body?

Old man: The human body is actually not just an organic organization, the internal organs are all of its own mutual reason, in addition to these, there are veins, meridians in the human body, the most important relationship lies in the correspondence between nature and the universe, the flow of energy and network structure of the human body is like a fractal universe.

Traveler: Is the human body also a small universe?

Elderly: People can achieve the role of opening up the veins by practicing certain breathing exercises, and they can also develop various potentials of the body through practice. In ancient times, many people engaged in this sport, and now there are two schools, one called Qigong and the other called Martial Arts.

Voyager: Ancient? How long and how far is it? Actually, my interest is in archaeology. I do think many things in ancient times are incredible, but now I am also interested in the human body, but I don't want to dissect the human body.

Old Man: I have gone a little far, to say that the incredible nature of the human body is far more than this, but some people have cultivated the ability of modern people to call special functions through specific ways, and these abilities are only the tip of the iceberg now. That is why some people in ancient times were called immortals, and people called these people by certain titles, which is also a reasonable phenomenon.

Traveler: I knew that humans had a little blank space before the Xia Shang Week, what was that? Long before our civilization, it seems that we heard that there is a richer civilization? Human beings have had such abilities, beyond the ability of modern humans, to pay more attention to physical or spiritual things.

Elder: This is also the main reason why the first choice of human body science appears in China, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic is human science, the reason is that we inherit such a thing, the reason is that China is the only ancient civilization that inherits the four major civilizations, and other civilizations no longer exist.

Traveler: Isn't the teacher a TCM practitioner?

Elder: Chinese medicine was not Chinese medicine before, so why give it a name?

Traveler: But what you said seems to be related to ancient civilizations, as far as I know, human beings used to have lost civilizations, and these civilizations are often accompanied by many myths and even circulated in tribes, sorry, I am just an archaeologist, even the Quran and the Bible also mention our ancient civilizations, is it a coincidence? Even in Mesoamerican civilizations, something similar to the Taoist Taiji Tuna and Yin Yang Pisces motifs have been found, is this a transmission of civilization or a universal phenomenon in which civilization itself is linked?

Old Man: Chinese medicine is not Chinese, so we can't call it Chinese medicine.

Traveler: Maybe Chinese medicine is really not Chinese, it may be the world, but it should be the pioneer of Chinese Taoist human science, right?

Old Man: Our civilization and culture have a long history, and my view of history is also this, and perhaps only we can explain it in this way.

Traveler: We don't know that Chinese medicine actually has a long-term relationship with ancient civilizations, and we don't know that Chinese medicine is a profound dialectical philosophy.

Old man: Haha, although I am a Chinese medicine doctor, I want to tell you more than just Chinese medicine, you must pass the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.

Traveler: Sure, didn't you just say that? However, many people do not understand and understand this book, and the ancients also recorded some things.

Old Man: Does it mention in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classics that ancient humans are more than 100 years old? It's because they know how to maintain health.

Traveler: A good ancient man must be a very distant past.

Old Man: Aren't you an archaeologist, take a closer look at the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.

Traveler: We should take it slowly to understand it, I don't know the history, especially the history of China, I only know that Shennong had a man named Fuxi before him, who occupies a great place in the mythological story, and it is said that he founded the innate gossip.

Old Man: Fuxi is a character in a mythological story, and even the Classic of Mountains and Seas is not necessarily a myth.

Traveler: Yes, I not only know the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, but I have also heard of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which is said to be an ancient geography magazine.

Old Man: Yes, some geographical phenomena and some strange creatures at the beginning of ancient civilizations.

Traveler: Maybe we should pay more attention to our history.

Old Man: How long has our past been great.

Traveler: Teacher, have you heard of the Mayan civilization in Central America? They are known for their math and haircuts.

Old Man: I've heard of it, but first of all, we must understand our ancient pioneers.

Traveler: We have always heard many myths and legends, but we have not really understood the significance of their formation and existence, perhaps when we see the megalithic statue, we only regard it as a human work of art, rather than humanistic thinking.

Old Man: Actually, I don't know much about what you said, I don't know much about megalithic statues, but I know about Chinese medicine, at least modern people don't pay much attention to this medical system.

Traveler: Where does this lack of attention occur?

Old people: they are not confident in the past and their lack of understanding of culture, and they always think that it is the result of the imagination of modern people, who are not too concerned about what is real medicine and philosophy.

Traveler: Why doesn't science go into it?

Old Man: As I said earlier, that is not the scope of their understanding, and it is not something that Western science can study.

Voyager: Let's make a hypothetical exploration of our science, ancient civilizations, ancient human science, our ancestors.

Old Man: Let's start with the human body.