
Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

author:First Chef

Whether the quality of sleep is good or not, it often reflects the condition of the body, and in the spring, it is the time when the temperature rises, and some friends will have irritability, sleep, and are particularly prone to fire.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Liver fire will cause the above problems, it is recommended to eat more of these 6 kinds of "fire-removing vegetables" to lower the liver fire, nourish the spirit, and often eat and sleep soundly.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, is the most commonly eaten vegetables, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, often used by people as a fruit to eat, but people with spleen and stomach deficiency, remember to eat less.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: 1 tomato, 4 eggs, spring onion, green pepper

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, white vinegar, chicken powder, pepper

1. Put a cross knife on the top of the tomatoes, put them in a small pot and add boiling water to blanch for one minute, first peel off the skin of the tomatoes, then cut into thin slices, put them in the pot and set aside.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. Take a small bowl and beat 4 eggs, add 1 gram of salt to the bottom flavor, then add a few drops of white vinegar to increase the flavor, use chopsticks to beat well, two shallots cut into green onions, and half a green pepper into small slices.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

3. Add a little cooking oil to the pot, pour in the egg liquid, stir with a spoon, stir-fry the pot, pour out the oil control after the eggs are fried, add a little cooking oil to the pot, first pour in the green onion and stir-fry, then pour in the tomatoes and green peppers, quickly stir-fry for 15 seconds, pour in the scrambled eggs, then stir-fry a few times, start seasoning.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Add 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, stir-fry quickly on high heat, pour in a little water, continue to stir-fry, and then pour in a little sesame oil, simply stir-fry evenly and deliciously.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Second, lettuce

How can you not eat lettuce in spring, it represents the taste of spring, eat some lettuce at this time, refreshing and appetizing, enjoy the beauty of spring.

Recommended recipe: Onion mixed with lettuce

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: 1 lettuce, 1/2 onion, coriander, garlic, millet pepper

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, white vinegar, shallot oil, sesame oil

1. Peel a piece of lettuce, first cut into thin slices, then cut into even filaments, put into a basin of water, half of the onion cut into thin wires, and bamboo shoots together, reduce the spicy taste of the onion.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. A small handful of coriander is cut into segments, a few garlic grains are flattened, cut into minced garlic, two millet spicy are cut into thin rings, and the minced garlic is placed together.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

3. Pour the soaked bamboo shoots and onions into a colander with water for later, take a mixing pot, pour in minced garlic and pepper, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 1 gram of sugar, 5 grams of white vinegar, 3 grams of shallot oil, 3 grams of sesame oil, stir with chopsticks, pour in the bamboo shoots and onions, mix well, put in the coriander segment and mix well again, you can eat on the plate.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Three, loach

Loach meat is delicious, rich in protein, as well as a variety of vitamins, belongs to the high protein and low fat food, suitable for most people to eat, regular consumption can improve the body's immunity.

Recommended recipe: Sautéed loach with Wujiang vegetables

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: 1 pound of loach, green onion, ginger, garlic, red pepper, green pepper, 1 packet of Wujiang squeezed vegetables, starch

Seasoning: cooking oil, cooking wine, pepper, salt, chicken essence, pepper salt, cumin powder, sesame oil, spicy crisp

1. Prepare about a pound of loach, wash and put it in the basin, burn a little hot water in the pot, pour in the loach and blanch it, cover the lid, fish out the control water after a minute, remove the internal organs of the loach, wash it again with water, control the moisture, and put a flower knife on the loach.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. A small piece of green onion, ginger and garlic is flattened, put into the pot, add a little cooking wine, half a spoonful of pepper, two spoons of salt, half a spoon of chicken essence, grasp by hand and marinate for five minutes, half of the red pepper is cut into strips, half of the green pepper is also cut into strips, a small piece of ginger is cut into slices, a few grains of garlic are cut into garlic slices, put into the cooking bowl together, prepare a pack of Wujiang squeezed vegetables into the bowl, red dried pepper several cut into sections and put into the bowl.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

3. After the loach is marinated, add the appropriate amount of dry starch and mix well, pour the cooking oil into the pot, burn to 60% heat, add the mixed loach, change to medium heat and fry for three minutes, fry until the loach surface is golden and crispy, you can fish out, wait for the oil temperature to rise to 70% hot, and then add the loach to re-fry once, and you can fish out the oil control in about a minute.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the onion, ginger, garlic and red pepper to stir-fry, then pour in the Wujiang squeezed vegetables and stir-fry a few times, add green and red peppers to continue stir-frying, pour in the fried loach, add five grams of pepper salt, three grams of cumin powder, add green onion, pour in three grams of sesame pepper oil, add three grams of red oil, a little sesame oil, turn on high heat and stir-fry a few times, then add ten grams of spicy crisp, simply stir-fry a few times to turn off the heat and put the pan on the plate.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Crucian carp

Crucian carp is one of the most commonly eaten fish, its meat is tender, the meat taste is sweet, the nutritional value is very high, every 100 grams of fish contains 18 grams of protein, and its fat content is extremely low, whether it is the elderly or children can eat more.

Recommended recipe: Crucian carp stewed tofu

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: 1 crucian carp, 1 piece of tender tofu, ginger, green onion, garlic, peppercorns, dried red peppers

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, pepper, cooking wine, bean paste, chicken powder, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce

1. Prepare to choose a washed crucian carp, cut 4 knives diagonally on both sides of the fish body, pay attention not to cut through, make the crucian carp more likely to taste, put it in the basin after changing, add salt, pepper, cooking wine, put in ginger slices and green onion slices, spread the seasoning by hand, put the green onion and ginger into the fish belly, put it aside and marinate for 10 minutes.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. Cut a piece of tender tofu into equal thick slices, slice a piece of ginger flattened into minced ginger, two grains of garlic cut into minced garlic, and put together with minced ginger, and then grab a few peppercorns and red peppercorns for later.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

3. Heat the wok and add a spoonful of cooking oil, when the oil is 50% hot, sprinkle a little salt, then add the marinated crucian carp, shake the wok, fry until the crucian carp is golden brown on both sides and pour out the control oil.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Add cooking oil to the pot, pour in the ingredients and stir-fry fragrantly, add 5 grams of watercress sauce, stir-fry and fry the red oil, add an appropriate amount of water, add crucian carp, add 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 0.5 grams of sugar, 5 grams of cooking wine, add 5 grams of light soy sauce, a few drops of dark soy sauce, cook until boiling, then add tofu cubes, simmer for about 8 minutes.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

5. Finally, hook a little water starch to make the soup more rich and viscous, and then pour a little sesame oil, you can turn off the heat and put it on the plate, sprinkle with green onion and garnish, delicious.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

5. Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua in ancient times was a court delicacy, so it was called "emperor's dish", Artemisia annua has the clear breath of artemisia, the sweet fragrance of chrysanthemum, and now is the time when Artemisia annua is the most tender, so try the "spring flavor"!

Recommended recipe: Steamed Artemisia annua

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: a handful of artemisia annua, garlic, flour

Seasoning: vegetable oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil

1. First prepare a handful of Artemisia annua to wash with water, control the water, put it on the cutting board, cut it from the middle with a knife, put it into the basin, add a little vegetable oil to the basin, then mix well with chopsticks, sprinkle the appropriate amount of flour, shake it with your hands and mix well.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. Boil water in the pot, put on the grate, cover the pot lid, bring the water to a boil, wait for the water to boil, spread the artemisia evenly on the grate, cover the pot lid, turn on the high heat and steam for about 3 minutes.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

After 3.3 minutes, take out the grate, pour the steamed artemisia on a clean board, use chopsticks to quickly shake the artemisia, sprinkle with a little salt, and then use the chopsticks to shake and mix well, and put it on the plate.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Prepare 2 garlic grains, pat flat in turn, cut into minced garlic, put into a small pot, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil in the pot, and then add a little warm boiling water, stir to open the seasoning.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

5. Finally, pour the juice evenly over the steamed artemisia annua and it will be delicious.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Sixth, bitter melon

Bitter melon in the folk, has the quality of "not passing on one's own bitterness and other things", known as "gentleman's dish", it can not only be eaten as a vegetable, but also can be made into a drink, is an essential vegetable for heat dissipation and heat dissipation.

Recommended recipe: Bitter melon with meat foam

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

Ingredients required: 1 bitter melon, 1 piece of pork, green onion, garlic, millet pepper, green pepper

Seasoning: cooking oil, vegetable oil, salt, oyster sauce, sugar, chicken powder, pepper, soy sauce

1. Prepare two bitter melons, first cut from the middle, one point and four halves, then slice to remove the inner slices, cut into thin slices with a diagonal knife, put them in the basin for later, prepare a small piece of pork, first cut into thin slices, then chop into minced meat, put into a small basin.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

2. Cut a section of green onion from the middle, cut into green onions, a few grains of garlic flattened into minced garlic, and put together with green onions, 3 millet peppers cut into chili rings, put into a pot, half of the green peppers are cut into small pieces, and millet peppers are placed together.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

3. Boil water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt and a little vegetable oil, after the water boils, add the bitter melon, flip it with a spoon a few times, make the bitter melon heat evenly, blanch the water for about a minute, you can fish out the controlled water and pull it cold, put it into the dish for later.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the minced meat and stir-fry quickly, fry until the minced meat changes color, pour in the minced onion and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add 3 grams of oyster sauce, stir-fry, add half a spoonful of water, add 1 gram of sugar, 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of soy sauce, hook a little water starch, pour in green and red pepper, pour in a little bright oil, stir evenly, you can turn off the heat and start the pot.

Frequent insomnia or liver fire! It is recommended to eat these 6 samples often, protect the liver and reduce the liver fire, and sleep until dawn

The above is to share with everyone, how to prevent liver fire in the diet, poor sleep recipes, soon to the summer, quickly learn a few dishes to prepare it!

(First Chef Editor: Yang Yang)