
The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

author:Bai's view of literature and history

After the "July 7 Incident", the enemy's iron hooves stepped into the Taihang Area. Due to the people's rule and shackles under the rule and shackles of the feudal politics in the country, they were not alert enough to the aggression of the national enemy, and the collapse of the old regime; although the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army established a new anti-Japanese regime for the sake of national survival and the interests of the masses. However, the set of organizational structures that began when the government led the people in the struggle against the enemy was not perfect, and the experience of the masses in dealing with the war was not rich, so in the early stage of the War of Resistance, the losses of the masses were very serious, and the number of deaths was very huge.

Later, under the leadership of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party and the Anti-Japanese Government, the masses gradually gained an understanding of war and a way to cope with the atrocities of the enemy; as a result, the rate of death and loss of the masses gradually decreased, but the cruelty of the enemy's method of killing people and the tragic death of our compatriots are indescribable. Here are a few examples:

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

In 1937, the enemy attacked from Shijiazhuang to Shanxi, passing through the village of Changshengkou in Jingxing, capturing more than 80 of our youth and shooting them all with machine guns. On November 19, the people of Zanhuang Beima Village, surrounded by the enemy at dawn, hunted and killed more than 20 people at a time, and threw dead bodies into the fire. In the spring of 1938, when the enemy besieged the Ninth Road and stayed in the village of Kongzhuang on the Shahe River, the masses fled out of fear of the enemy, and the enemy deceived the masses back in the name of "meeting." More than 100 young and middle-aged people were arrested at the venue, tied with hemp rope, tied to a river beach outside the village, and "named" with machine guns. As a result, only one person remained undead, and the rest of the innocent compatriots died, and until now there are very few men in the village!

Nine roads besieged, more dead people. In Wuxiang County alone, more than 1,500 people were killed. In the spring of 1940, the enemy surrounded the Sheep's Head Rock in Shouyang, and all but a few of the people in the village fled, and the rest were driven to a large temple, first strafed with machine guns, then fired with shells, and finally set fire to the temple, and more than 120 people died in the temple. After-the-fact statistics: there are more than 40 households that are completely dead, and more than 30 families are left, weak, orphaned and sick, and the bodies are exposed and no one is buried.

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

In October of the same year, the enemy carried out a "sweep", went to the county well shop, lured the masses back to the village, and one of my simple peasants actually formed a team to meet the enemy, and as a result, it was strafed by enemy machine guns, and more than 200 people were slaughtered: the masses of Dongzhai Village fled to the ravine, were discovered by the enemy searching the mountain, drove to the wall of a temple, and were killed more than 80 people. The Xiyu incident in Xiyang was a bloody massacre that broke the historical era, and more than 360 people were slaughtered, details of which are attached.

The enemy was equally brutal to the maintenance of the village. In 1941, Shouyang maintained the village of Han Zhi, and the enemy surrounded the village on the charge of leaking news to our side, called a meeting of the masses, and even used machine guns to strafe, killing 360 people at a time. In the autumn of 1941, the enemy caused "no man's land" in 8 villages, including Nanhuzhuang, Beihuzhuang, Dawangbang, Qiantouzhuang, Qijiaogou, Nangutai, Beigutai, and Persimmon Zhuang, totaling more than 1,100 households, which were burned by the enemy for seven days and seven nights, more than 4,000 people were captured by the enemy, and more than 350 people were slaughtered by the enemy.

In 1941, when the enemy "swept" smoothly, there was an old couple in Wangzhuang Village who were more than 50 years old, and before they could escape, the enemy stabbed several times with a bayonet and died; the old man personally watched the lovers of half a generation die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, jumped off a cliff and committed suicide.

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

In October 1941, the Xiangyuan Yuting enemy went to the base area to "solemnly fight" and captured 24 people, and Lieutenant Sato took these 24 people to the well, cut his head down with a knife, and then threw the corpse into the well. In May 1942, during the anti-"sweeping" campaign, 62 men and women in Yushe Yuantuo Village were driven by the enemy to the "West Zen Room", set fire to the fire, and screamed loudly, and the lives of 62 people were reduced to a pile of "human ashes".

In Xiyang County alone, more than 2,000 innocent people were slaughtered. After arriving in Liaoxian in 1944, more than 500 people were killed by him. In the past eight years, the people of Liaoxian County have died in the enemy's secret service agencies in the city, that is, more than 2,000 people. Xingtai Ridge stronghold, war criminal Morikubo. Before 1942, more than 1300 Chinese were killed. In short, wherever the enemy goes, the masses are slaughtered.

But the brutal slaughter of the enemy did not hang the indomitable will of the Chinese people. With the exception of a very small number of heartbroken and Chinese traitors, 99 percent of the broad masses of the people are fighting the enemy day by day. In 1942, more than 40 villages in Wuxiang and Yushe interrupted the enemy's maintenance, and the villages near the strongholds also launched a campaign of non-cooperation with the enemy: no true information, no grain, no Ding, and various legal and illegal forms of struggle.

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

While the enemy was embarrassed, he surrounded the villages one after another with poisonous hands, and in the name of "holding a meeting," he killed more than 40 people on the spot and captured 150 of them, and the enemies of Duan Village and Han Village also ordered the small villages to be merged into the big villages, and the people of the small villages were forced to go to the big villages to build the wall and force them to live within the wall. The masses said: "The village is not clear." In the anti-"sweep" in October 1942, Mr. Hao Jingxiu, an enlightened gentleman of Soburg in The county, was unfortunately captured by the enemy, and the enemy forced his activities to maintain.

Xingxi Zhengjiazhuang, Mr. Zhang Lao, is more than 50 years old, the enemy forced him to confess the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians buried materials in the cave, has been tortured 3 times, but there is no follow-up. After the enemy cut off his ears, he also shouted incessantly: "I am a Chinese, and I would rather die alone than let the whole village die." Wu'an Xijing Guo Pinyi, more than 70 years old, in the war, there were 3 soldiers left behind by our army, went to his house to change into plain clothes, and broke out. After being discovered by the enemy, he was tortured 3 times, never telling the truth, and finally burned to death in a tree.

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

The masses of Zehu Village, Xingtai, fled to the top of the mountain, and under the will of resolutely not being the enemy's captives, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and used stones to strike at the ghosts searching the mountain, but in the end, because they were outnumbered, more than 20 unarmed peasants died under the enemy's butcher's knife. When the enemy slashed at him with a command knife, he violently resisted the snatching of the knife in his hand and fought a bloody battle with the enemy, killing two of the enemy and cutting off one of his arms. Helpless to fight alone, he finally martyred himself.

In 1942, when the enemy was attacking Huangshuiyu and capturing the "Red Red" (that is, the Eighth Route Army), the masses all said they did not know, the enemy killed two people in a row and asked questions, the masses still said they did not know: there was a 15-year-old child inside, and the enemy threatened: "If you don't say, I will kill you." The child was undaunted: "Kill! Kill me and I won't find Red Red. "The enemy was brutal and killed the child at once, but it did not achieve its goal.

In 1942, the wife of Hao Jingyuan, a shop in Henan, Xiangxian County, was defiled by the enemy's desire, and she rose up to resist and scolded, and the enemy's wish was unsuccessful, and she became angry and stabbed him to death with a bayonet. Hao Xiongyuan's mother was also killed for resisting the enemy Qiang J. In 1939, 10 villagers in Shahe Xiaguan Village were forced to build roads for the enemy, but they were not reconciled, repaired day and night, and waged an indefatigable struggle with the enemy. Unfortunately, the road was broken overnight, and 9 people were captured by the enemy and all buried alive.

The old man personally watched his wife die tragically at the hands of the enemy, and in anger, he chose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide

As the enemy became more brutal, it aroused greater hatred among the people, and at the same time inspired the wisdom of the people: on the one hand, on the one hand, on the other, The three divisions generally created the miracle of "cave defense war", saving themselves and killing and wounding the enemy. Both men and women, regardless of class, in the course of anti-"sweeping" and in the face of the enemy, they have demonstrated lofty national integrity and their indomitable will to struggle.

The Eight-Year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was a history of struggle that could be sung and wept, and the outstanding sons and daughters of China, more than 170,000 Compatriots of Taihang, died tragically at the hands of the enemy in such a struggle. According to the current population, on average, one person dies for every 31 people.