
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

author:Yingze release
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

The spring of 2022 is particularly valuable, working from home, online classes at home, nucleic acid every two days... It has become an indelible memory, and it has also made us cherish the spring day a little more.

Fortunately, we have been moving forward side by side, fortunately, the city is moving towards the new step by step, the spring breeze is blowing again, and it is good that love and blessing are always by our side...

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea
"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

The language of tulip flowers represents endless love and blessing, and each flower is a messenger of love. A beautiful spring day, let us walk into Yingze Park together, let this gorgeous tulip flower sea, bring us unlimited good mood.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Entering the park from the north gate, rockeries, flowing water, flowers and plants suddenly come into view, and the vast natural atmosphere comes to the face.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Outside the promenade on the left side of the North Gate Square, tourists lean on the gallery to take selfies, and the wisteria on the vines on the top of the corridor is like a waterfall, flashing dreamy colors in the sun, making people crash into a dazzling purple without paying attention.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

After passing through the rockery, the view becomes wider, and the lake shines with broken gold sprinkled by the sun, gently swaying the dreams on the ripples.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Facing the lake, walking slowly for hundreds of steps to the southeast, you come to the tulip-covered large lawn scenic spot. The windward tulips are surrounded by crowds watching it.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

These tulips imported from the Netherlands, after the brewing of winter, red, yellow, orange... Intense and elegant, delicate and colorful, it is like walking into Monet's oil painting.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Walking through the Great Lawn Scenic Area, it is the Elephant Scenic Area, where the tulips are even more spectacular. The horticulturists skillfully arranged, using fluttering curves, tulips with different flowering periods, colors and shapes were arranged in the sparse grass, creating a very lively and joyful atmosphere.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

When in full bloom, rows and rows, the flowers are full, the petals are textured like brocade, and the green leaves are set off. From a distance, it looks like God has overturned the color palette and painted colorful patches of color, giving people a strong visual impact.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Even if it is not a sea of flowers, a plant and a bunch are beautiful. The multi-color varieties "Apollo" and "Apollo Essence" are as beautiful as a noble and elegant goblet and as beautiful as an Islamic girl wrapped in a turban.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Heavy-petal new varieties "red hydrangea", "yellow hydrangea", the flowers are large, full and multi-layered, shaped like a peony, more gorgeous and rich than the single-petal variety...

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

The breeze blows, the flowers sway, and the tip of the nose lingers with a long and elegant fragrance, just like this gentle spring day, silently, bringing long sweetness to life.

In addition to wandering alone, you can take yours or him and walk hand in hand along the sea of flowers to add some sugar to the romance of spring.

"Yu" sees the sea of flowers, and "incense" meets the sea

Tips: Tulips flower for about two weeks, divided into early, middle and late stages, and can continue to bloom from mid-April to early May. Citizens who like tulips can enter the garden to enjoy the flowers and feel the romance of the tulip "sea of flowers". At the same time, please observe the flowers in a civilized manner, abide by the rules in the garden, and do not step into the grass.