
Than nucleic acid testing is orderly, new Jersey legally sold marijuana on the first day, Americans lined up overnight

author:Bing Jian Tang

Compared with the so-called "human rights", the inclusiveness of drugs in the United States can be said to be quite large. Even the fact that tens of thousands of Americans die every year from overdose will not stop the United States from legalizing some of its drugs. Just like marijuana, which has always been labeled as a drug by many countries, the United States seems to be highly inclusive, the federal government wants to legislate to legalize marijuana, and the 18 local governments in the United States have promoted "legal" poisoning of Americans before the federal government.

Than nucleic acid testing is orderly, new Jersey legally sold marijuana on the first day, Americans lined up overnight

The Observer Network reported on the 23rd that after the 17 states in the United States, New Jersey has also entered the era of "legal" poisoning americans. Since the 20th is the so-called "International Cannabis Day", New Jersey chose to stagger the days and arranged for 13 pharmacies in the state to sell together on the "first sale day". Outrageously, these pharmacies open at 10 a.m., and local Americans actually get up all night to queue up, and in the early morning there is a long queue in front of the big pharmacies.

New Jersey officials responded with a very positive response to such a "pomp and circumstance," which means that New Jersey's approach does fit the voice of the locals, and we are very happy that Americans can legally buy marijuana locally." Not only that, but the New Jersey officials emphasized that the state has received more than 300 applications, which will then be reviewed and prioritized for licensing to veterans, marijuana offenders, and minority schemes in the near future.

Than nucleic acid testing is orderly, new Jersey legally sold marijuana on the first day, Americans lined up overnight

Thus, the 13 pharmacies that sell cannabis are only part of the "legal" sale of cannabis in New Jersey, and there may be hundreds of pharmacies that sell cannabis. Such an approach is unacceptable in the eyes of opponents. These opponents said that such a "legal sale" of marijuana is "legally poisoning" Americans, pushing the previous underground marijuana sales to the table, and completely becoming a poisoner for poisoning Americans.

In fact, not only new Jersey and 17 other state governments, but even the U.S. federal government is trying to completely "justify" marijuana. Shortly before that, U.S. lawmakers launched a proposal to completely legalize marijuana, while stressing that only in this way can we "stop cannabis crime" and only in this way can we truly help Americans who need marijuana.

Than nucleic acid testing is orderly, new Jersey legally sold marijuana on the first day, Americans lined up overnight

According to the report, marijuana is a full-fledged drug, although it is not as harmful as synthetic drugs such as heroin and methamphetamine, but it is enough to affect the mental state of the smoker, which in turn threatens the health of these people. In fact, not only cannabis, but other drugs are also rampant in the United States. Like opioids, the United States alone consumes 80 percent of the world's opioids, resulting in tens of thousands of American deaths each year.

Look at what the U.S. government is doing, in Detroit's drug street, a large number of Americans are smoking drugs every year, and even some people are openly peddling drugs, while the American police turn a blind eye because they understand that they can't get any valuable information from these "habitual criminals".

At the same time, in order not to be bothered, the governments around the United States have also launched the official "legal big smoke house". U.S. officials say such official pilots provide a place where Americans can take drugs, while also providing the medical treatment necessary to prevent anyone from being at risk for drug abuse.

In fact, such an "official big smoke house" is a manifestation of the laziness of the United States. The United States tries to cover its ears and ring the bell through such a "big smoke house", legally ignore the phenomenon of drug abuse in the United States, and at the same time label itself as "freedom and human rights".

Than nucleic acid testing is orderly, new Jersey legally sold marijuana on the first day, Americans lined up overnight

In the long run, the United States will surely go further and further down the road of "drug legality" until all drugs are fully legalized, and Then American citizens will no longer have health to speak of. So what kind of ability does such a country have to develop and become strong? Even without the push of other countries, Americans will drag themselves off the "altar."

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