
"Little love" 12 years of keeping, conscience car quality makes users trust, the sense of security is bursting

author:Sea Battle 2 Hardcore Sea Battle Game

"Kai Xiao Ai has traveled 70,000 kilometers and has not once dropped anchor. The skin of little love is really worthy of the name. This is the voice of Mr. Xu Xiangyi, the owner of dongfeng Citroen Elysée, when communicating with the author.

In the past 12 years, Mr. Xu's Elysee has driven more than 70,000 kilometers. For the car, Mr. Xu feels that it is like a loyal servant, diligently burying his head in work, going in the wind and rain, witnessing his married life with his lover.

"Little love" 12 years of keeping, conscience car quality makes users trust, the sense of security is bursting

Economical and durable, it was the reason for choosing the Elysée 12 years ago

Talking about his experience of buying a car, Mr. Xu seems to have endless words: "Unconsciously, Xiao Ai has accompanied us for twelve years. According to Mr. Xu, they bought the car in the spring of 2010. At that time, he and his lover had just married, because he considered that the place where he worked was far from home, and it was extremely inconvenient to squeeze the bus to commute to work every day, so he had the idea of buying a car.

"We had just bought a new house at that time, and we didn't have much money on hand, so my lover and I discussed and set the price of buying a car within 100,000 yuan." At that time, Mr. Xu and his lover checked the information on the Internet many times, looked for people who knew cars to help recommend, and finally set the goal at citroen Elysée produced by DPCA.

"Little love" 12 years of keeping, conscience car quality makes users trust, the sense of security is bursting

"I agree with my lover that since it is economical, it must be durable, like the married life we expect, and live a down-to-earth life." After seeing a news story about the Elysée driving millions of kilometers and still intact, Mr. Xu was even more determined to buy the Elysée. In his opinion, so many taxis are Elysées, running around every day, and the quality is absolutely good. Later, they went to the Dongfeng Citroen 4S store and "married" Xiao Ai back home.

Safety and excellent quality are the basis for continuous trust and selection of Shenlong

Speaking of his Elysées, Mr. Xu felt that it was more like a friend and partner, always accompanying them and shielding them from the wind and rain. Mr. Xu said: "I still remember that there was a year when Xiao Ai saved the lives of me and my lover at a critical moment. ”

It was a winter of one year, Mr. Xu was in Shiyan City, where he suddenly fell heavy snow, when he drove Xiao Ai to the Xingye section of Shiyan West Industrial Park, he found that the wheels were slipping, the steering wheel did not listen to the call, the car twisted left and right, and took the snake-like route. At that time, the weather was cold, the road was snowy, and when he saw that he was about to crash into the vehicle in front of him, Mr. Xu subconsciously slammed on the brakes, and the soles of his feet felt a tremor that he had never felt before, clucking, clucking, like a nail sticking out and firmly stuck to the ground. The car, finally stopped, at this time only 5 meters away from the accident vehicle.

Recalling the events of that time, Mr. Xu always couldn't help but sigh, fortunately, Xiao Ai at that time had the "ABS" technology, which played a key braking role in the sudden encounter with slippery road brakes, and escorted their safety at the time of a thousand gunshots.

Meticulous and professional after-sales service is the guarantee for customers to rest assured and feel at ease with the car

In addition to safety performance and excellent quality, the professional, meticulous and serious after-sales service of DPCA has also deeply captured Mr. Xu's soul. "To be honest, in the past twelve years, my family's little love has never broken down, which also has a lot to do with the careful and meticulous after-sales service of the 4S store." Mr. Xu was very emotional.

"Little love" 12 years of keeping, conscience car quality makes users trust, the sense of security is bursting

According to Mr. Xu, every year in the middle of the year and at the end of the year, the 4S store will have someone call over to remind you to maintain your car. Every time, whether it is a small guarantee, or a large insurance, just drive to the maintenance workshop, there are special people to come to pick up the car, inspection, maintenance, and each time will inform the cost in advance, the price is transparent, let people feel very kind, warm, there is a feeling of home. In order to verify the condition of the car, after each maintenance, there are special people who drive the little love out for a spin.

When talking about the experience of maintenance in the 4S shop, Mr. Xu mentioned, "Once a colleague advised me, next time don't go to the 4S shop for maintenance, anyway, you can go to the roadside store to do maintenance, the price is cheap." But Mr. Xu feels that doing maintenance in the 4S shop is a peace of mind. Moreover, the price is not too high and acceptable. Because Mr. Xu has long insisted on maintenance in the 4S shop, Xiao Ai is still like a new car, having driven 70,000 kilometers and has not once dropped an anchor.

For Elysée, Mr. Xu felt that he was very right to choose Elysée, from the initial leather durability to the later safety quality, Elysée is truly worthy of quality. From Elysée's body, Mr. Xu has seen the direction of buying a car in the future, and if he needs to change the car one day, the next car will still be the first choice for the Dragon Car.

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