
There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

author:Xingfu doctor popular science

First, let's take a look at the nutrition and efficacy of eggs

1, eggs contain almost all the nutrients needed by various organs in the human body, such as protein, fat, cholesterol, lecithin, vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, so it is called the "ideal nutrient library".

2, eggs contain more vitamin B2 and rich selenium elements, these substances can decompose and oxidize some carcinogens in the body, help to prevent cancer.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

3, eggs contain more zeaxanthin, vitamin A, lutein, lecithin, etc., to protect vision, protect the liver, enhance immunity has a huge effect and role, so eggs play a very important role in our daily life.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

- Stronger immunity

The immune system is a very important protective direction in the human body, which has the effect of protecting the body, can resist the invasion of external viruses and bacteria into the body, help reduce the burden on the body and mind, and is more conducive to their own health.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

Because the nutrients in eggs are relatively rich, so in daily life to eat eggs can reduce the burden of body and mind, but also enhance their own immunity, if you do not want to reduce immunity, it is recommended to eat an egg every morning to enhance.

- Aging is slower

Eating eggs can provide high-quality protein for the human body, supplementing a large number of nutrients for the human body, with the increasing age, iron and protein will continue to lose, eating eggs can supplement nutrients for the body, through eating eggs can also achieve anti-aging effects, although the benefits of eating eggs are many, but also can not eat too much at once, to avoid disturbing the normal digestive system of the body.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

The peristalsis speed of the stomach and intestines will become more and more slow with the increasing age, which is to choose to eat an egg in the morning, which can make the garbage accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract gradually disappear, and can also achieve the purpose of calcium supplementation, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

- The liver is more vigorous

The liver is a very important internal organ in the human body, mainly responsible for decomposing and metabolizing toxic substances, secreting a large number of coagulation factors and regulating endocrine, in order to promote digestion and absorption.

Liver and human health problems are closely related, if the liver function problems, then other organs in the body will also be implicated, if you want to better care for liver health, to avoid the loss of liver cells, may wish to eat some eggs in the diet.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

Eggs contain a large number of components such as lecithin and amino acids, which can help repair damaged liver cells after entering the human body, show the burden on the liver, and increase the activity of the liver.

- Stronger memory

I believe that everyone has heard the old man say that eating an egg every day can grow tall and smart, although this statement is only one-sided, but eating an egg every day does have the effect of enhancing memory.

Because eggs are rich in nutrients, such as yolk esters and cholesterol, insisting on eating an egg in the morning every day can supplement the nutrition needed for the brain, and can also delay the aging rate of the brain, improve the efficiency of work and study, and improve memory.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

An elderly person over 60 years old, due to the gradual decline of memory with the addition and subtraction of time, it is very easy to forget things, and it is also very easy to cause the elderly to suffer from The probability of Alzheimer's disease is greatly increased, so insisting on eating an egg every morning can enhance the memory of the brain and make the aging rate of the brain slow.

How many eggs a day is best?

1, because the cholesterol content of eggs is relatively high, it is not easy to eat more in daily life, daily consumption should not exceed two elderly people per day to eat one is appropriate, if there is dyslipidemia or hepatitis patients are best not to eat egg yolk can eat more egg whites.

The lecithin and vitamins in the egg white can promote the growth and development of the human body, achieve the effect of nootropic brain and improve memory, and the high-quality nutrition in the protein is very suitable for infants to eat.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

2, tea eggs also try to eat as little as possible, because tea and eggs are an unhealthy way to eat, because tea contains a lot of "tannic acid".

3, in the process of boiling will lead to tannic acid substances penetrate into the eggs, combined with the iron elements in the eggs will stimulate the stomach, affecting the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract, so tea eggs should also eat less.

What foods can replace the nutrients in eggs?

Protein-rich foods can replace eggs, such as pork, beef, lamb, fish, shrimp, milk, soybeans and other non-allergic plant and animal protein foods.

Meat food contains protein is a high-quality protein, not only contains the three comprehensive layers required by various organs in the body, but also a large number, and the proportion is appropriate, close to the understanding of protein, very easy to digest and absorb.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

Fish meat is rich in high-quality protein, relatively easy to digest and absorb, low fat content, contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, zinc, selenium and other inorganic salts and vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B and so on.

The nutritional value of shrimp is relatively high, which is rich in high-quality protein, fat carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Milk is very rich in nutrition, contains 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, and is also rich in protein, in the stage of growth and development of children, it is by drinking milk can improve their own strength, enhance the development of bones.

There are only 4 gaps between people who eat eggs every day and people who don't eat eggs, so you may wish to understand them

The main nutrients in beans include carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and protein is an important component of douli.