
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

author:Shanghai Baoshan
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Under the unified arrangement of the Organization Department of the district party committee, 49 cadres of district-level organs have successively entered the Dachang residential area to carry out reinforcements. They have changed their roles, quickly integrated, overcome difficulties, bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, fought side by side with residential cadres, and become a living force in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, and have served 33 residential areas so far, providing strong support for the grassroots.
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

Make up for the position in time and be a good "commander"

In the residential areas where the cadres of district-level organs have sunk, many residential party organization secretaries have temporarily left the neighborhood committee due to illness or isolation, but the epidemic situation does not wait for anyone, and the residential areas urgently need the "main backbone" to complete various important tasks. At the moment of emergency, the party members and cadres of the district-level organs walked in the front, set an example, and made up for the role as "temporary secretaries" to ensure that the community epidemic prevention and control work was promoted effectively.

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

Jufengjing is the third largest permanent population of Dachang Town, the relocation of housing and commercial housing mixed, complex personnel structure, residential district party organization secretary due to continuous work fell ill in the post, the district animal disease prevention and control center Lu Ren initially reported, helped the residential area to establish a general framework for epidemic prevention and control work, especially for the community people with a large demand for living materials, the introduction of a standardized platform to do a good job of supply, the formation of community supply 100 meters special class, to ensure the timely transfer of materials.

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

The secretary of the Qianxi Four-Residence Party Organization, where Jin Minghua of the law enforcement brigade of the district agricultural and rural committee is located, is unwell and barely at his post, and he takes the initiative to take over the "baton." Due to the long-term closure of residents in the community from March to the present, panic has emerged, Jin Minghua used the community communication and WeChat group for the first time to disclose the epidemic information of the community, and the building where the positive residents are located, the number of positive people, the number of people who have been transferred, etc. are dynamically updated, and the micro-grid management is carried out according to the "piece-building-building".

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

District Agricultural and Rural Committee Law Enforcement Brigade Yu Xueyuan is located in Dahua a village three residences, the secretary due to isolation needs can only work remotely, the number of communities he manages from 1 to 5, under his leadership, nucleic acid sampling to take the "doctor moves, people do not move" approach, as far as possible to reduce the flow of community personnel and contact.

Overcome difficulties and be a good "combatant"

The objective conditions of each residential area are different, and the difficult and complex problems expressed in the prevention and control of the epidemic are also different. After the cadres of the district-level organs sink the Dachang community, they give full play to the work experience of the post, combine the actual situation of the community, take the lead in tackling tough problems, gnawing hard bones, adhere to the problem orientation, open up key links, and stimulate the vitality of the cadre team in the residential area.

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

After Chen Zhen of the District Children's Amateur Swimming School came to Qianxi Baju to reinforce, in view of the serious situation of "attrition" of volunteers in the community due to long working hours and high intensity, through the remobilization of party members in the "Pioneer Shanghai" community, 35 young volunteers were successfully recruited, and according to the age, gender, and strengths of the volunteers, they were divided into six working groups of "nucleic acid testing, express delivery, patrol security, environmental sanitize, dispensing medicines for medical treatment, and publicity information", and each working group performed its duties and combined work and leisure. Ensure the safety and stability of the volunteer team. At the same time, in view of the weak strength of the corridor sanitize, residents are organized to regularly participate in the sanitize of the corridor after training, effectively blocking the spread of the virus.

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

Dahua Second Village Five Residences Secretary and some of the resident committee cadres isolated in the office can not carry out normal work, the district second juvenile amateur school Wang Liang reinforcement, actively assisted the director of the neighborhood committee, in view of the older age of the building team leader, limited energy, in the community to recruit young volunteers as the building team leader assistant, effectively promote the implementation of the community's various epidemic prevention tasks; at the same time fully mobilize the subjective initiative of residents, set up a neighborhood mutual aid group, strengthen the communication between neighbors, and form a centripetal force Adhere to the writing of anti-epidemic logs, do a good job of public disclosure of basic information, and alleviate residents' anxiety.

Care and care, be a good "waiter"

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

After Jin Ye, the District Market Supervision Bureau, came to the Nanxiu Yayuan residential area for reinforcements, he contacted the elderly living alone in the community every day to understand their physical condition and help them apply for the town support materials. Establish two WeChat groups for dispensing medicines and seeking medical treatment, arrange for special personnel to collect residents' medical insurance cards within a fixed period of time, register residents' medication information and medical needs, and actively communicate with health service centers and town medical security classes in a timely manner, so as to smooth the channels for medical treatment and drug purchase.

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control
Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control

He Youqiang of the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued management rules for group purchase takeaway, taking the volunteer backbone as the first auditor of group purchase, and after strictly checking the content, supply qualification, quantity, date and other links of group purchase, and then reporting to the neighborhood committee to form a group, which can not only maximize the limited distribution force, do a good job in the basic living security of residents, but also reduce the risk of cross-infection caused by unnecessary group purchase, and protect the safety defense line of residents.

Ma Kangtai, the law enforcement brigade of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, fully mobilized nearly 300 volunteers from Jinqiu Garden to carry out the dry management of the villa area, Tian Chonglin, the third group of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, assisted the Huifeng Jingyuan residential area to improve the nucleic acid process, and Wang Siqun of the District Greening Construction and Management Center reviewed and provided feasible suggestions after daily work.

Cadres of district-level organs give full play to their own professional advantages, or organize groups to enter the system, and under the leadership of the team leader, make every effort to make up for it

The problem of insufficient manpower in residential areas, or single-handed stationing, as a good staff officer, assistant, to help residential areas solve practical difficulties.

They have taken responsibility to effectively reduce the burden and increase the energy of the grass-roots level, and jointly build a solid fortress for frontline epidemic prevention and control.

Edit: Xiao Lu

Proofreader: Zhao Huimin

Source: Baoshan Party Building

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan

Cadres of district-level organs reinforce the Baoshan community to build a solid fortress for epidemic prevention and control