
Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

author:Shen Xin One

Beware of using tactics to harm people

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

In order to free up the May Day holiday, only one day off this week. The daughter did not come back, saturday to take online classes, the wife went to Gaochun yesterday afternoon. Alone at home, feeling lonely, just use this time to calm down and read some books.

When I went to the library, I accidentally borrowed a copy of "Thirty-Six Plans". The content of the book is about the thirty-six tactics of war in ancient China, and the time of compilation should be in the early or middle Ming Dynasty. It is a military book summed up based on ancient military thought and rich experience in struggle, and is one of the long-standing intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

Its content is only more than 6700 words, which is composed of three parts: counting names, main text and language. The name is a four-character idiom, the text content is very small, involving the principle of yin and yang transformation of the I Ching, and the language is obscure and difficult to understand. According to the maximum number of words, each strategy is elaborated, and the reader is helped to deepen his understanding through relevant battle examples or author's experience.

I often hear that "thirty-six counts, go to the top plan", as well as the empty city plan, the beauty plan, the bitter meat meter, etc. are also familiar, if you do not read books, you really do not know that "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" is the first plan of the thirty-six counts.

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

To cross the sea without concealment, literally, to hide from the sky, and then secretly cross the sea. You can imagine how difficult it would be if it could be achieved! Therefore, it is impossible to use it. The extended meaning refers to the use of some means of deception and lying to conceal one's true intentions, so that one can act secretly behind one's back.

Just from this point of view, this strategy is small and stingy, and it is not interesting. However, once this kind of behavior rises to the level of "concealing the sky" and "crossing the sea", it is quite magnificent. Moreover, it cannot be simply thought that it is only through deception and lying, in fact, the ancients used the principle that things must be reversed.

We ordinary people all believe that the sky is the most difficult to hide, the sea is the most difficult to cross, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve it. The plotter took advantage of the enemy's belief that it was impossible, and precisely used this means to "conceal the sky" and "cross the sea.", and once it was realized, it was completely unexpected by the enemy.

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

The main text reads: "Bei Zhou is sluggish, common is not doubtful, yin is within the yang, not in the pair of yang, the sun, too yin." This means that if the defense is particularly thorough and strict, the thinking will be lax. If you see something too much, you don't doubt it. Yin and yang are opposing concepts that can be transformed into each other, and may also be within each other. The greater the publicity, the easier it is to trigger strategic attempts.

In successive wars, strategy has been like a pen, outlining concrete outlines on canvas. Tactics play a role in depicting details and adding color.

At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, only the Chen state in Jiangnan was not conquered. Emperor Wen of Sui summoned hundreds of officials to discuss, and the chancellor Gao Hao came up with a very poisonous plan, first abolishing Chen Guonong, then destroying his savings, and through false and real news, making them neglect to take precautions and paralyze their carelessness, and then arranging for the general He Ruobi to send troops to take advantage of his lack of preparation, seize the best opportunity to attack, and easily complete the great cause of great unification.

Gao Hao and He Ruobi used a strategy of concealing the sky and crossing the sea. Previously, they took true and false military actions, which made Chen Guo relax his vigilance and form a mindset mentality. The so-called stereotypical psychology refers to the fact that when two things that are not related appear repeatedly at the same time, it is easy to form an inertial thinking for people, and when one thing happens, it will be thought that another thing or corresponding conclusion will appear.

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

When we were kids, we all heard the story of "Here Comes the Wolf." At first, the child shouted that the wolf was coming, and the villagers immediately ran out. It turned out that the child was lying, and after a few times, the villagers developed a mindset. When the wolf really came, no matter how the child shouted, the villagers still did not believe it, and as a result, the sheep was really taken away by the wolf.

Therefore, the best principle for using this method is to cultivate the enemy's mindset. Let the enemy have a completely common premonition of our actions, so that no precautions will be taken. The core of using this plan well, the most important thing is to conceal, whether it can be concealed well, whether it can be done well, whether it is completely concealed, completely conceal its strategic intentions, the illusion is vivid and natural, take the initiative to induce the other party, and psychological boldness and courage, which is the key to success.

This tactic was commonly used not only by ancient Chinese military experts, but also in modern warfare. During World War II, in order to completely eliminate Nazi fascism and end the war as soon as possible, the Soviet Red Army fought in Germany and planned the last battle, the "Battle of Berlin". The Germans relied on the Oder River to build fortifications and prepare for a final decisive battle. In the early morning of April 16, 1945, The commander of the Red Army, Zhukov, first issued the order to attack. The Air Force and Artillery bombarded German positions. After more than 20 minutes, the order was stopped.

The Germans found that they were not bombing, and quickly climbed out of the trenches, drilled out of the bunkers, mounted heavy machine guns, picked up submachine guns, and prepared to resist the Soviet charge.

During World War II, ground scrambles were all the same procedure, starting with fire coverage, bombing the enemy's entire position, and after the explosion, the infantry began to charge. At this time, you can't fire artillery, and it is easy to injure your own people by mistake.

The war began that day, choosing the early morning, to use the dark night to make the enemy unable to see clearly. The Germans came out to meet the battle according to this idea, but they did not expect that what was waiting was not infantry, but the secret weapon of the Soviet Red Army - "lamp". The 143 giant searchlights "clicked" and turned on at the same time, illuminating as bright as day. The Germans faced the concentrated light of the pillar of light, their eyes glazed over, and they were briefly blind. Zhukov was worthy of being a great military man, and then with another order, two rounds of fire coverage, and then infantry charging, easily broke through the first line of defense of the German army...

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity

According to the words of the cloud: "Conspiracy cannot be carried out in secret places." Stealing in the middle of the night, killing people in secluded alleys, foolish deeds, not the work of strategists. "It shows that this plan is superficially a conspiratorial act, but for the strategist, it is very particular about the wind and character." That kind of obscene and sneaky work is not the work of a real strategist.

The more concealed the real strategist's strategy, the more openly and boldly he deliberately uses actions that everyone knows to show the cleverness of his plan and his extraordinary noble character.

The thirty-six plans summed up by the ancients were initially applied to the military. Because in war, in the face of your life and death, it is reasonable to use all schemes to deceive the enemy.

So, what if this scheme is cracked? The first thing is to strengthen the army. Only when our army is strong enough to strike at all enemies overwhelmingly, then any scheme can be dismissed.

However, in today's real society, online fundraising, early childhood training, health care, etc., which often appear, use people's desire to get rich, do not let children lose on the starting line, expect physical health and other psychology, and defraud many investors, parents and the elderly of money. The schemes they use, I think, are to hide the sky and cross the sea.

My father-in-law, who visited Chengdu last time, had a massage bed in his living room. At that time, listening to the other party's advocacy, lying down regularly every day, making the body sweat, can play a detoxifying and health effect. The old man listened a lot, and naturally believed that spending more than ten thousand yuan to buy home, lying on it for a while is sweating, in fact, it is just the principle of electric heating. After a few years of use, people were selling mattresses again, and I heard that they paid a higher price. The bed became a place to pile up debris. When my father-in-law is not at home, ask the person who collected the waste to carry it out together. The bed frame was very heavy, and the master smiled and gave twenty yuan, just as a scrap iron...

There is also a sparseness in the hundred secrets. Deceptive tricks, even if they are well planned, will certainly have loopholes. In how to prevent deception, we must enhance our ability to identify, do not be greedy and cheap, do not listen to people, do not just think of good things, ask more whys, maybe we will not suffer losses and be deceived.

In daily work, life and study, it is very inappropriate to deceive people with tricks. In today's harmonious society, whether it is education and training, medical and health care, business exchanges, or in all walks of life, only if you treat others with sincerity, others will truly treat you with sincerity. If you use a trick to harm others, the lesser one will be morally condemned, and the heavier one will be severely punished by the law.

(April 23, 2022)

Only by treating others with sincerity will others truly treat you with sincerity