
Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

author:Manxiao Sword


In 1997, 18-year-old Jay Chou would have been angry if he had not had a friend like Liu Qihong.

At that time, he had just come to work at Wu Zongxian's company, and wrote songs with Fang Wenshan, because his home was far away, he could only live in the recording studio of the company Liu Qihong, eating and drinking with him, and even his clothes had to rub Liu Qihong's clothes...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Since the company has no place to take a bath, Jay Chou uses Liu Qihong's home near the company as a bathhouse and often goes to take a bath.

Once, after playing basketball, Jay Chou ran to Liu Qihong's house to take a bath, probably for too long without washing, a wash wash for more than an hour, the result came out, found that Liu Qihong in the house has been delirious, Wen Lan has spit white foam ...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Jay Chou felt that things were not good, so he went out to find someone to help, knocked on the doors of several houses without anyone, and after the last one opened the door, he saw the thin and pale Jay Chou, and thought he was taking drugs...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

After going to the hospital for some rescue, the three people knew that it was gas poisoning, which was also a lifelong friendship...

If Jay Chou washes a little more, it is estimated that several people are hung up, the song world will have one less King superstar, fans will not be able to hear hum ha hey, the fitness industry will be less than a "Fei wife" magic coach.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Jay Chou, who is difficult not to die, wrote a lot of songs, and many of them have been returned. Even Wu Zongxian came forward and recommended "Double Truncated Stick" composed by Fang Wenshan and composed by Jay Chou to Zhang Huimei.

Zhang Huimei listened and said, "Brother Xian, I am singing 'Listen, the sound of the sea crying', how can I sing 'Hum Ha Hey'?" ”

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Wu Zongxian also recommended Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan's "Tears Know" to "Heavenly King" Andy Lau, and Andy Lau took a look: "Tears know what it means, how can tears know?" "There's no way to do that.

Just when Jay Chou was at a loss, it was Liu Ruihong who came forward to win a chance for him to get ahead!


Born in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Province, Liu Made His debut in 1990 for his participation in the TV series "Jia Jia Fu".

At that time, 18-year-old Liu Qihong liked to play basketball, although the technique was not bad, and even dunked cool, but often less than 3 seconds.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Because at that time, Liu Qihong, who looked white and thin, had no ability to resist at all, and was often injured by people...

Liu Qihong did not understand why it was himself who was injured every time, so after some research, he finally found the crux of the problem: he was a "white chopper chicken", and his body was too thin!

In order to improve his physical fitness, he began to consciously exercise. But there were no shortcuts, no decent gyms, and not much scientific fitness.

Therefore, he can only go to find some sports and fitness books and materials, learn and practice, and study and accumulate fitness knowledge little by little. He must not have imagined that a new path had been opened up...

Because of his excellent physical fitness, he later starred in "Iron-Blooded Heroes" and "Iron Horse Rider II Street Killer" starring Zhen Zidan.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

In 1997, the versatile Liu Qihong not only became a variety show host, but also formed a Taiwanese male chorus group with Wu Zongxian, Ni Zhiqiang, and Zhong Yuncheng, and became a singer.

During that time, Liu was recording their debut album S.B.D.W. Hibi Toot", so he had his own recording studio. Like Wu Zongxian, Liu Ruihong admired Jay Chou's talent very much, so he very happily lent him the recording studio to sleep...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Jay Chou writes songs day and night, almost no one cares. Once, in the performance of the record company, Jay Chou finally waited for the opportunity to take the stage, but in the face of the big boss offstage, he was very nervous, and under the suggestion of Liu Qihong, sang a song "Black Humor", and the result...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Jay Chou has not finished singing, the bosses can't understand what is singing, and there is no reaction at all. Liu Ruihong quickly ran over and begged the boss to give him another chance...

After getting permission, he ran to Jay Chou again and asked him to sing loudly.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Finally, Jay Chou got the appreciation of the boss, and thus got the opportunity to release a record, and soon became popular with his debut album "Jay".

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

At that time, Liu Qihong was fascinated by a beautiful woman and could not pull out his legs...


This beautiful woman is Wang Wanfei.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

At that time, Wang Wanfei was participating in the Miss Universe beauty contest, in an event, she looked back and smiled, and Liu Qihong on the scene was instantly coronaed, and at that moment she swore that she would not marry!

Although Liu Qihong's chest at that time was not as big as it is now, nor did it exceed Wang Wanfei's, his previous girlfriends' breasts were bigger than one, which made his friend Fang Wenshan envious.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

But after seeing Wang Wanfei, Liu Qihong was like a monkey who saw a watermelon, immediately threw away the corn, launched a fierce love offensive against Wang Wanfei, often invited her to dinner, and offered great hospitality.

In the process of pursuing Wang Wanfei, Jay Chou also often acts as a light bulb, acts as a driver for them, accompanies them to roll the road, eats and drinks together...

In 2000, the 28-year-old Liu Qihong finally captured the heart of the beauty, but misfortune soon happened again.

In the process of recording a program, Liu Qihong had a car accident, which made him start to think about life and ask himself what was the purpose of running around so much?

In search of answers, he quit the band and went to Vancouver to study to further improve his language skills. In order to repay the landlord, Liu Qihong began to take them to the gym, urging them to exercise and punch cards every day, even their dogs did not let go...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Finally, under his leadership, the family developed a good body, which also allowed him to find a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Therefore, he proposed to Wang Wanfei. In a romantic atmosphere, the proposal is successful...

At the suggestion of his father-in-law, Liu Qihong began to do clothing business, and it was difficult to create a brand and open more than a dozen stores, but due to lack of experience, he finally lost all his money.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

When he was the poorest, in order to save money for the bus, Liu Qihong did not hesitate to pull his girlfriend Wang Wanfei on foot, even so, the woman still did not give up...

Soon, Liu Qihong received a rich reward from Jay Chou.


After Jay Chou became popular, he did not forget his good friend Liu Qihong, and pulled him several times.

Once, on Liu's birthday, Jay Chou said to him: "It's time for me to take care of you."

In 2005, when filming "Head Text D", Jay Chou proposed to give Liu a role. As a result, Liu Ruihong starred in Kiyoshi Iwaki...

At the same time, when releasing new songs and shooting MVs, Liu Qihong and his wife will often participate in the performance.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

In 2006, Liu Released a new album, and Jay Chou composed music for his songs such as "Battle of the Hearts", and he did his best to win the popularity. However, Liu Qihong's MV was also filmed, the album was also released, and it was still tepid...

A year later, the 35-year-old Liu Qihong got married, the 28-year-old Jay Chou acted as a best man, and several of his ex-girlfriends were also invited to the wedding, insulated from the scandal...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

However, the best man Jay Chou was late for the wedding. Liu Qihong was not angry either, and deliberately delayed the opening of the table and waited for Zhou Dong. Therefore, Jay Chou, who is the focus of the wedding, has become the biggest focus of the wedding, and has directly robbed the groom of the limelight.

In order to express his love, Liu Qihong even threw down the bride and hugged Jay Chou was a wild kiss...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

In response, Jay Chou sang a song that made Liu Ruihong extremely embarrassed...


During the wedding process, Zhou Dong improvised and sang: "I used to think he was a gay..." All the relatives and friends present laughed...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

If this is changed to others to sing like this, it is estimated that Liu Qihong, who is covered in tendon meat, will let him come straight in and lie down to go out, who let him be Jay Chou?

During that time, Jay Chou filmed "Big Slam Dunk", once again pulled Liu Qihong into the crew, due to long-term rush to work, stiff spondylitis has recurred, even walking is very difficult, Liu Qihong began to take him to fitness, but because the skill has not yet reached the realm of pure fire, plus Zhou Dong is very busy, there is not much effect.

Soon, Liu Ruihong encountered setbacks in urging people to fitness...

Because his father-in-law has diabetes, he does not like sports, and he is very obese. Therefore, Liu Qihong put the goal of reforming "abuse" on him, often forcing the elderly to exercise, and always pulling him to walk after eating.

Who knows, the old man did not appreciate his kindness, and even quarreled with him about it. In this way, his plan to transform his father-in-law's body was stillborn, and he was also labeled as "disrespecting the elders" for arguing...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

The plan was not successful, probably because of its own lack of skills, unable to promote the elderly to participate in exercise in the silent moisturizing. Unfortunately, the old man finally fell down unexpectedly and died of sudden cerebral hemorrhage due to sub-health.

Many years later, when thinking back on this matter, Liu Ruihong always said with great self-blame: "If I insisted on it at that time, my father-in-law would not be like this, and in the future I must instill the concept of healthy life into the life of my family." ”

Since then, Liu Has been on the road of "abusing" his family, moving forward, often forcing his wife and family and even friends to exercise and fitness.

However, something even more unfortunate happened.


After getting married, Wang Wanfei was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and was told by doctors that it was not easy to get pregnant. Liu Ruihong put down his music career and took care of her wholeheartedly...

When pulling Jay Chou and a bunch of other brothers to play basketball, Liu Qihong did not let go of his wife Wang Wanfei and asked her to play together.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

On the basketball court, Liu Qihong's muscles often make opponents retreat and become the main scorer, while Zhou Dong only needs to be responsible for playing handsome and cool, and Wang Wanfei has become the object of "abuse"...

Not only that, even at home, Liu Qihong will not let go of Wang Wanfei, and before doing sports, he will play wrestling games with her to increase the interest of love.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

At first, Wang Wanfei couldn't stand Liu Qihong, thinking that he was very "perverted" in this way, but in the process of continuous abuse, her body was getting better and better, and her figure was more proud, and the two fell and fell, and the feelings further warmed up.

After that, Wang Wanfei decided to exercise for love, and through continuous exercise, she would become the best spokesperson for Liu Qihong.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Unexpectedly, many years later, this wish unexpectedly came true.


In 2009, in the movie "Thorn Tomb" starring good friend Jay Chou, the 37-year-old Liu Qihong once again won a heavier role and engaged in a fierce fight with him...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Unfortunately, the film was complained about by countless audiences, called a bad film, and the loss was a mess, and the boss Wu Dun was angry and sick. This is Jay Chou's Waterloo incident in the movie, and Liu Qihong naturally failed to become popular.

At that time, Liu Qihong's fitness level was already obvious to all, but whenever he had time, he could adapt to local conditions and carry out fitness exercises on the spot.

At the same time, in the process of taking his wife to do sports, Liu Qihong also formed a more effective set of words, which made many target objects want to stop. Wife Wang Wanfei is also in the long-term exercise, one after another gave birth to a very cute baby...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

At this moment, the appearance of a man made Liu Qihong out of the circle.


In 2011, when Peng Yuyan saw "Roll Over! After the script of "A Xin", I couldn't help but cry and didn't sleep all night. Early the next morning, I called Lin Yuxian and said, I must play "Ashin".

At that time, Peng Yuyan was 1.82 meters tall, which was not suitable for practicing gymnastics at all, but he promised Lin Yuxian to spend 6 months to transform his body.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Peng Yuyan always took "If you have only one chance to turn over in your life, you must use your best" as a creed, and gritted his teeth and began a high-intensity exercise. In order to achieve his goal, he trained with high intensity for 12 hours a day, and his muscles were overtrained to cause severe pain, and he could only wash his face and hair with his fingertips...

Fortunately, he later met Liu Qihong and achieved the effect of rebirth. Roll Over! "A Xin" became one of the four high-grossing films in Taiwan, and Peng Yuyan was nominated for the "Best Actor of the Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards" for the first time, becoming a proud "national husband".

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Liu Ruihong also further accumulated experience in shaping the body of stars, and soon after, he attacked his good friend Jay Chou...

In 2013, during the filming of "Rooftop Love", Zhou Dong asked Liu Qihong to serve as a supervising producer by name. Liu Ruihong also lived up to expectations, for Jay Chou found the heroine Li Xinai from the zebra crossing, which was rumored to be a momentary beauty talk...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

In addition to helping Jay Chou find the heroine and wholeheartedly doing a good job in supervising production, Liu Qihong also used the convenience of his power to brutally abuse Zhou Dong.

Because at that time, Jay Chou suffered from stiff spondylitis, once the disease occurred, not only was it very difficult to walk, but it was necessary to take a lot of drugs to maintain the concert, and even sleep could only sit and sleep, and the pain was unbearable...

As a good friend, Liu Used his identity as a producer to threaten Jay Chou to work out with him. Under his coercion and inducement, Jay Chou quickly achieved immediate fitness effects, fell in love with swimming, surfing, cycling and mountain climbing and other sports, and in a short period of time had eight-pack abs and mermaid lines that made fans scream, so that many people thought it was a PS effect.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Zhou Dong's fitness effect has become the best advertisement, and soon, the entertainment circle has passed ten, ten passed hundred, and everyone knows that Liu Qihong has a very good set of fitness, so they have come to the door...


That year, 41-year-old Liu Qihong was invited to participate in the variety show "Super Slimming King", transformed into a devil coach, and conducted rigorous training for the contestants, and the effect was immediate.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Since then, he has become a regular guest of variety shows, not only serving as a coach of fitness programs for a long time, but also taking his children to participate in "Where Daddy Goes" and so on, attracting countless fans and successfully opening up a new world...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Good friend Jay Chou saw such a result, very happy, often fooled around with him, not in the fitness, or on the way to fitness to eat food stalls, so that countless fans envy.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

As a good friend of Jay Chou, he not only often exposes Zhou Dong's gossip, but also is responsible for helping him reconcile relations.

In 2015, Jay Chou and Kunling got married, and a large number of celebrities in Hong Kong and Taiwan were invited to the wedding, but Wu Zongxian, the former "Bole" and owner, was very annoyed, saying that he did not receive a happy post.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

The matter was so boiling that some people even criticized Jay Chou for being ungrateful...

As a good friend of the two, Liu Qihong immediately stepped forward and constantly played round the field, while explaining for Wu Zongxian, he said that Jay Chou would privately arrange a meeting...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Under the mediation of Liu Qihong, many years later, Wu Zongxian and Zhou Dong also released their previous suspicions and smiled and hated each other.

Because Liu Ruihong is already a father of three children and has a lot of experience in this area, Zhou Dong also learns from him from time to time and learns to be a wet dad.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Liu Qihong also did not hesitate to give advice, and publicly expressed his praise for Jay Chou's progress of becoming a father within 3 months of marriage.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

That year, 43-year-old Liu's business soared, and Jay Chou showed off his muscles and personally stood for his gym, which attracted great attention.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Not only that, Liu Also opened a coffee shop and posted a photo of Jay Chou. Who knows, this move has caused great dissatisfaction among fans, believing that Liu Ruihong violated Jay Chou's portrait rights...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Who knows, Zhou Dong has a big pattern, has a great deal of right to his own portrait, and responds directly: he doesn't mind being smeared by Liu Qihong, and is even willing to help him stand on the platform!

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

Not only that, Jay Chou even came once for Liu Qihong to really insert a two-rib knife. In a program, Wang Wanfei revealed that on a birthday, Jay Chou came to accompany the couple, was tracked by paparazzi on the road, staged a drag racing drama, not to mention, waiting for the paparazzi to chase to the parking lot, Zhou Dong and Liu Qihong and paparazzi had a fight, even if the tangtang king was knocked to the ground did not hum...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

In 2017, when Wu Jing was filming "Wolf Warrior 2", in order to show Leng Feng's strong figure, he found 45-year-old Liu Qihong to conduct special fitness training, and the effect made him very satisfied, and he did not feel expensive...

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

With the blessing of a large wave of stars and variety shows, and driven by the worry-free media behind it, Liu Qihong's career soon glowed for the second spring, and also opened the star with goods mode.

In the live broadcast, Liu Qihong was suspected of rubbing the side ball because of the lack of shaving armpit hair, the chest muscles were too large, and the greeting jay Chou was mistaken for selling drugs.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

The recent very severe epidemic has led to tens of millions of people isolated at home, Liu Qihong's magic fitness live broadcast has made countless people in home isolation have new fun, not only can learn the knowledge of scientific fitness, but also harvested a lot of fun in his "Fei wife" fitness routine, released depressed emotions, and became a positive energy.

Wan Xiaodao: Liu Qihong, you deserve your fire

With the star effect and profound fitness teaching skills, Liu Qihong quickly went out of the circle and created a miracle of more than 20 million short-term fans.

This man who was ridiculed as "even Jay Chou can't be popular", finally at the age of 50, with his beloved family, singing the songs of his best friends, with decades of thick accumulation, in his own field of expertise, out of the circle, fire out of the sky.

Such a single-minded person deserves his fire!

The author of this article: Wan Xiaodao, writing stars, writing gossip, there is evidence; the image is positive, the shadow is oblique, all by themselves, welcome to pay attention to @ Wan Xiaodao headline number.

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