
Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

author:Beiqing Net

For fatty liver, everyone should be familiar with it. In the mainland, the number of people suffering from fatty liver disease exceeds 200 million, of which the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is as high as 35.5%, covering people of all ages in old, middle and young.

Early fatty liver is not painful or itchy, patients may also have no symptoms, seemingly "mild", but it is an "invisible killer", not only affecting the liver, but also may destroy the system of the whole body, resulting in osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

How can we detect signs of liver damage as early as possible? In daily life, how can we nourish the liver and reverse the path of early fatty liver to cirrhosis and liver cancer?

1 Three major types, self-test fatty liver stage

The national-level famous old Chinese medicine doctor Guan Youbo Guan Lao has his own system and theory in the treatment of liver disease, proposing that early, middle and late fatty liver belong to different types of traditional Chinese medicine. You can test yourself for which stage of fatty liver you belong to by comparing the following symptoms.

(1) Early representative certificate type: wet turbid internal suspension certificate. It mainly presents with symptoms of swelling of the right flank ribs, and may also be accompanied by symptoms such as physical obesity, heavy body difficulties, fatigue, chest congestion, dizziness and nausea, reddish tongue, white and greasy moss, and slippery pulse strings.

(2) Medium-term representative certificate type: damp heat containment certificate. Symptoms of right flank swelling and pain may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, indigestion, jaundice, red tongue, lichen yellow, and the number of pulses or slips.

(3) Late representative type: sputum stasis mutual evidence. Symptoms of tingling of the right hypodynix or right hypochondria may also be accompanied by dark complexion, dark tongue, ecchymosis, lichen, slippery or astringent pulse strings.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

In addition, we can also go to the hospital for liver ultrasonography to screen for early fatty liver and cirrhosis.

◎If the value of the liver fat content index is 200-259, it belongs to the mild fatty liver;

◎If the value of the liver fibrosis degree index is below 7, it means that there is no cirrhosis.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

2 a soup, a tea and a porridge, home to nourish the liver

Xu Chunjun, chief physician of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, based on his many years of experience in practicing medicine, tailored three liver-nourishing medicinal meals and teas for early fatty liver populations:

Hawthorn crucian carp soup

Long-term use of hawthorn crucian carp soup, help to enhance physical fitness, phlegm, warm stomach, early fatty liver people, especially phlegm wet physique has a good conditioning effect. However, there are hot people on the fire, and it is not recommended to use it.

【Hawthorn crucian carp soup】

【Method】: Take 30 grams of raw hawthorn, 1 crucian carp, 10 grams of citrus fruit, and an appropriate amount of ginger, add water and drink soup after cooking.


Crucian carp can supplement protein; raw hawthorn can digest phlegm and improve fat metabolism; citrus aurantium can promote liver drainage function; ginger warms the stomach.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

Tangerine peel salvia tea

Tangerine danshen tea is suitable for people with long-term alcoholism, obesity, red tongue or purple tongue and thick moss. However, people with severe qi deficiency are not recommended to take it, or it can be appropriately taken with American ginseng or astragalus.

【Tangerine Danshen Tea】

【Method】: Take 8 grams of tangerine peel, 10 grams of salvia, add water to boil, simmer for 30 minutes, take the juice as tea.


Tangerine Peel gasifies phlegm, salvia can both activate blood and nourish blood, and the combination of the two can improve blood circulation and promote fat decomposition.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

Party ginseng millet porridge

【Party ginseng millet porridge】

【Method】: Take 10 grams of ginseng, 10 grams of poria, 20 grams of lentils, 100 grams of millet, add water to boil the ginseng, poria and lentils for 30 minutes, remove the residue to leave the soup, and then add millet to cook into porridge to eat.


It can play a role in strengthening the spleen, replenishing qi and reducing dampness, and is suitable for people who are obese in the early stage of fatty liver, have tooth marks on the side of the tongue, and white tongue moss.

Fatty liver can be reversible, but it can also cause cancer! Three major types of evidence, the stage of self-testing! One soup, one tea and one porridge, it is healthier to raise the liver at home

[Note]: Dietary remedies are suitable for people with fatty liver but no abnormal indicators, but if there is an increase in transaminases indicators, be sure to go to a professional hepatology department to treat them to avoid the continued progression of the disease.

Summary for today

Early fatty liver is painless or itchy, and patients may also be asymptomatic. We can go to the hospital for liver ultrasound elastography to screen for early fatty liver and cirrhosis; we can also self-test the fatty liver stage through the three major types.

Patients with early fatty liver disease can help reverse liver damage and take care of their health by improving their lifestyle and combining traditional Chinese medicine with traditional Chinese medicine conditioning.

(I am the Great Doctor Official)