
Listen to the story of "Star Picking Mom" and launch rocket models here for children to fly their space dreams

April 24 is the seventh "China Space Day", today (23), chongqing Liangjiang New District Chongguang Primary School more than 20 student representatives walked into the Chongqing Zero One Aerospace Science Popularization Base, to carry out the "Dream Aerospace Wisdom Labor Education" research and practice theme education public welfare activities, close to the development of the aerospace industry, explore the mystery of flying to the universe.

"On April 16, did the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft successfully return to you?" "Do you know who was the first Chinese person to fly into space?" At the scene of the event, the base counselor told the children a vivid story of space heroes and the touching story of "star-picking mother" Wang Yaping.

After the students further learned about the achievements of the spaceflight through the video, a student representative issued a proposal to the youth of the city to "building dreams and aerospace, wisdom labor education", calling on everyone to strive to be a disseminator of the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" and the spirit of manned spaceflight.

Listen to the story of "Star Picking Mom" and launch rocket models here for children to fly their space dreams

Subsequently, in the exhibition hall, the students visited the field and touched the wireless communication products and guidance control products launched by the rocket with their hands. "These instruments are so delicate, it's no wonder that rocket launching is a difficult job full of technology." The students expressed their admiration.

Listen to the story of "Star Picking Mom" and launch rocket models here for children to fly their space dreams

The most exciting part is to sit in the mobile measurement and control cabin used for the rocket launch site, look at the behemoth next to it, the rocket launch vehicle, and imagine the remote control of the rocket launch at the launch base. In order to let everyone better experience the process of rocket launch, Zero One Aerospace Science Popularization Base also prepared a manual launch rocket model activity link for students.

"It's so cool, I've seen launch rockets on TV before, and today it feels even cooler to see them live!" Xiang Hongyu, a first-grade (9) class, is a small space fan, and after watching the space objects and space models, and experiencing rocket assembly and launch, he was excited, "I also want to be an astronaut when I grow up and fly to outer space." ”

Listen to the story of "Star Picking Mom" and launch rocket models here for children to fly their space dreams

It is understood that as a science popularization base in Chongqing, Chongqing Zero One Aerospace Science Popularization Base was officially opened to the public in June 2021. Wang Hongbo, executive director of Chongqing Zero One Aerospace Science Popularization Base, introduced that the base contains four major sections: aerospace achievement display, activity teaching, model assembly, and rocket launch experience, which can provide young people with aerospace knowledge teaching, space model making, spacecraft innovative design, satellite measurement and control experience, and space robot design.

The event was jointly organized by Chongqing Youth Social Education Association and Liangjiang New District Youth League Working Committee. At the scene of the event, the organizer awarded the "Aerospace Hero Story" volunteer propaganda team flag to the school and the base, and also awarded the base the title of "Red Story Publicity Demonstration Post".

Zeng Jian, secretary general of the Municipal Youth Social Education Association, introduced that in order to further promote the coordinated development of "smart labor education" for primary and secondary school students in the city and guide young people to establish the ideal and belief of advocating science, exploring the unknown and daring to innovate, this year, the association will rely on various labor education bases, scientific and technological intelligence bases, national defense education bases and red education bases in the city to organize primary and secondary school students in the city to actively participate in practical experience activities. At the same time, the association will also invite experts and professional interpreters from these four types of bases to the campus to spread popular science knowledge for the majority of young students by opening courses or lectures.

Upstream journalist Qin Jian

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