
Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

author:You're a 1

1. Krypton gold points

Zero Krypton and local players skip, and local players are all Krypton

Very recommended for top-up

(1) Chamber of Commerce Contract (Pass)

$68 to get a four-star ssr character + the character's skin + 2000 diamonds + 60 draws + a number of coins, materials, gifts, avatars, etc

Among them, the Krypton Pass can receive one star ssr character + 30 draws + several items (see here is still more friendly for zero krypton)

(Roughly estimated, I was already twenty-level contracts when I wrote this guide)

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

(2) Adventure Incentive Plan (Small Monthly Card) 30 yuan to get 1800 diamonds

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

Micro Krypton player considerations

(1) Skin, xp file to consider the skin

A single skin is a bit expensive98...

Skin packs are still more cost-effective 138 with three skins

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

Second, diamond spending points

(1) Buy stamina every day A single 60 stamina, the first 10 diamonds, the second 50 diamonds, it is recommended to buy twice, followed by a single 100 diamonds, 150 diamonds, 200 diamonds, 250 diamonds

(2) Challenge Ticket Combo Pack (Orchestra Experience Consumption) 80 Diamonds 5 Challenge Tickets

(3) Drama ticket combination (lottery ticket) 600 diamonds five drama tickets (since you can only buy them once a day, you need to keep at least 32 draws before the event starts)

(4) Music Theory Competition Tickets (Arena Tickets) are recommended to buy two or three times in the early stage to about 50 diamonds, and to give up the purchase after a stable ranking in the later stage.

3. Daily physical strength arrangement

(1): The memory corridor sweeps three times a day, the character improves the important way to improve the combat strength, a ten-level recall can provide about 500 combat strength, and the recall upgrade needs to cost a lot of dog food, which requires the player to be full of memory copies every day, even if the day is opened with memories that they do not need, they must also be swept.

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

(2) The secret realm is swept three times, and the materials consumed by the character skill upgrade come from the copy, and the character skill upgrade requires a lot of materials to be accumulated by the player every day

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

(3) The Trial Quest is swept three times, and the materials required for the character to break through come from this quest, which also consumes a lot of materials.

(4) Novices pay special attention not to expend a lot of physical strength on gold coin copies, and there is no shortage of gold coins at level 30, and there are still 200w gold coins left

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

(5) Ingredient quests, when the player's physical strength is still rich, you can consider sweeping the ingredient copies, because the level of the early card character is generally a breakthrough material.

Fourth, other key points

1, the role lineup is particularly important, the early high star sr role and r role strength is higher than the low star ssr role, during the opening of the wilderness, it is recommended to upgrade the high star character level forty can be

2, backyard entrustment can be brushed to orange commission, this type of entrustment can be completed after the probability of sending ssr role, need to pay attention to be sure to ensure that the entry is lit more than three, it is best to reach four lights.

Pure white chord novice pit avoidance raiders

There are only two lights up in this case, so it is not possible to get the ssr role in the end.