
Parent-child reading, that's what I do

author:Listen to the rain 4869 by the window

#In the name of the book #Parent-child reading, I do it

When I was three months pregnant with my daughter, I was found to have an incorrect fetal position. From then on, for about half a year, I had to spend half an hour a day on my knees on the ground, following the doctor's instructions to do knee-thoracic recumbent exercises to correct the fetal position.

I prefer to listen to classical music, and when I have time on weekdays, I will turn on the small tape recorder and play the tape to listen. In those days when the fetal position was corrected, life was more regular, and there was more time to listen to music. Doing exercises while listening to music is a very interesting thing, and after the exercise is done, the music is almost listened to.

In general, guzheng and piano music are listened to in turn. Guzheng music mainly listens to "Mountain Flowing Water", "Spring River Flower Moon Night", "Han Palace Autumn Moon", "Pinghu Autumn Moon", piano music mainly listens to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", Schumann's "Dream Song", Schubert's "Serenade" and Brahms's "Lullaby" and so on.

These beautiful and elegant, euphemistic and moving classical music, some brisk, some warm, some dreamy, some soft, some romantic, let people's mood be stable and happy, and the tension is gradually relaxed.

In addition to listening to classical music, I also have the habit of reading before going to bed and after waking up. Such a habit was not disrupted by the sudden appearance of her daughter.

At that time, although the conditions were not good, I subscribed to many magazines such as Prose Poetry, Youth Digest, Zhiyin, Reader's Digest, Youth Expo, and so on. In addition to reading magazines, I read more books related to literature in ancient and modern China and abroad, and when I encounter short articles or poems, I will read them aloud, read them not addictively, and I have to record them and enjoy them repeatedly.

As I closed my eyes and listened to my own voice, I noticed that my daughter in the womb seemed to be breathing, opening her mouth, and rolling over. Sometimes active, sometimes quiet.

When my daughter was born a hundred days ago, it coincided with the summer vacation, I took her to Kunming for the first time, a whole afternoon, walking around the city, she did not eat or drink, but did not cry or make trouble, looking back at her, her eyes were full of longing, small people, staring at colorful balloons and billboards, laughing quietly.

Suddenly, I know that bright colors are easy to attract the attention of children and make them feel happy. I immediately decided to go to the department store to buy a set of foam puzzle floor mats, and when my daughter was older, I would spread it in the living room and let her crawl and play.

When my daughter was eight months old, there were more picture books such as reading pictures and literacy in the toys, which were painted with fruits and vegetables. Large characters and large pictures, also equipped with Hanyu Pinyin.

Every evening, when I come back from a walk, I will first put my daughter on the jigsaw mat and then put on the picture book. Then page by page, page by page, page after page, page after page, At moments like that, she was surprisingly well-behaved, giggling from time to time.

Sometimes, when I had to prepare lessons or do housework, I would just show her the books, of course she couldn't understand them, but she had the ability to tear them up. Tearing one book, I added another one, and slowly more and more books were added, and more and more damaged ones were broken.

When she could really read, I gave her her broken books, and she said, "Was I so naughty when I was a child?" In fact, when she said this, she was only four or five years old. Enlightenment picture books such as "Melons, Fruits and Vegetables", "Animal Knowledge", "Learning Tang Poems", "Learning Pinyin", "Early Reading tang poems", "Three Character Classic", "Disciple Rules" and so on nourish my daughter's soul through my voice.

Although I am not sure whether she can feel the eternal classics and extraordinary charm of her as a child, the joy and enlightenment given to her are obvious.

At that time, reading to my daughter became my best way to relax after school. After she became literate, accompanying reading became my best leisure after class, and the time we arranged was usually twenty minutes to half an hour. The content of books, or small stories of family life, or anecdotes of ancient celebrities, or folklore, or classic masterpieces. Books such as "Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales" and "Grimm's Fairy Tales" are not only good books for children to read, but also adult books that affect the development of children's literature, which are quite popular with our mothers and daughters.

In the process of reading with my daughter, I have many wonderful experiences that I have never had before. Picture books, easy-to-understand stories, excellent adapted adult books, and various folktales, myths and legends enrich our bookshelves and penetrate deep into our daughters' hearts.

In my collection, there are Indian poet Tagore's "Gardener's Collection", "Crescent Moon Collection", "Birds Collection", "Wandering Thought Collection", "Honghu Collection" and other works. These collections of poems have been with me since I was in college. In the past, there was no distinction between love for them. Ever since my daughter came to my world, I've paid more attention to Crescent Moon.

The Crescent Moon is a collection of Tagore's prose poems, and although it was not written specifically for children, the main object of its description was children. It was also the first of Tagore's many prose poems. My daughter was still in the mother's body, so I often picked out some fragments to read to her. When she can consciously read, she will take the initiative to find it.

My daughter did not attend kindergarten, and her childhood was like a flower in the field, growing freely. Her thirst for knowledge was extremely urgent. She would draw words on my books that I couldn't understand, and would make annotations on her picture books that I couldn't understand. Walls, floors... Wherever she could reach, she was left with colorful marks.

The most interesting thing is that every time I see an illustration of a little girl in my magazine, she circles it with a pencil and writes the word "angel" next to it. I have never taught her this word, I don't know, where did she learn it, how did she define this embodiment of pure goodness? It has always been a mystery in my heart.

My daughter was a little over four years old and in preschool, and that's when I found that she especially liked to read extracurricular books. First I flipped through my textbooks and teaching books, then my magazines, and finally I climbed into a chair and climbed into the bookcase to find other books to read. One day when I was five years old, she suddenly told me that the history of "Qin Shi Huang unified China" was in lesson 9, which surprised me. Because I myself have never noticed. Since then, I have bought her children's encyclopedias, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Harry Potter Fern, and Five Thousand Years of History.

When I was about the third grade, my daughter began to read novels, regardless of content and nationality, and we let her read whatever she could find and reach at home, and we did not limit the time and amount of reading. Such free reading will not make her feel bored, and it will also make our relationship very relaxed.

In the fourth and fifth grades, she began to be exposed to prose and poetry, and tried to write some philosophical poems. At that time, she liked to read Tagore, Bingxin, and a few meters of text, and whenever she felt something, she recorded it in the book. She gradually gained an open-mindedness and atmosphere that surpassed her peers.

After my daughter went to junior high school, she lived in school. Since the age of eleven, the reading time that belongs to our mother and daughter every day has disappeared. But her reading of extracurricular books has not stopped.

On weekends, we would mention ancient books such as "Shi ji" and "Zizhi Tongjian" that girls were not very interested in, watch Tagore's "Jitan Jiali" together, talk about Guo Jingming or Han Han, talk about their "Magic City" and "Sorrow Against the River", and sometimes talk about Yasunari Kawabata and Haruki Murakami.

In our home, Lin Yutang's "Chinese", "The Art of Living", Whitman's "Blade of Grass", Zhou Guoping's "Quiet Location", "Confetti in the Wind", Goethe's Lyric Poems, Bible Stories, Euphemisms" and "Bold Words" and many other books are the favorite readings of our mother and daughter. Mr. Yang Dai's "The Two of Us" was a birthday gift from my daughter when she was thirteen years old.

We are all people who dare to think and love to think, and we are happy to hold a book before going to bed and after waking up, reading quietly. Reading makes us read wisdom, read happiness, read truth, goodness and beauty, and read self-improvement, self-love, self-confidence and self-reliance. In reading, we inspire each other and grow together.

Over the years, we have cultivated a love of prose poetry. From the initial reading to the later creation, Tagore's "New Moon Collection" has not affected us. Therefore, I especially want to recommend this work to parents and children involved in parent-child reading.

This is a masterpiece that unconsciously brings people from the adult world of doubt and greed to the crescent moon country of young and innocent children, "as soon as it is turned over, it is immediately like two magic wings, which can make oneself fly from the miserable situation of reality to the beautiful and innocent children's country." (Zheng Zhenduo)

In this collection of poems, Tagore incarnates in a variety of roles: sometimes innocent and lovely children, sometimes gentle and kind mothers, sometimes kind and affectionate poets.

Through the children's novel and lively imagination and the mother's words of true pure love, the works transform beautiful emotions into beautiful concrete images, resulting in a dazzling charm. The work focuses on depicting innocent and lovely children, and is committed to praising the most precious thing in human life - innocence. Tagore used his genius to create a number of angelic children's artistic figures with both gods and shapes and shining.

These artistic images are not so much living in the real world as they are living in the clouds, on the seashore. It was the sea that played with them, singing enchanting songs for them; it was the crescent moon and the autumn clouds that gave them the first smile in their dreams. They are human beings and "gods." The hazy and mysterious colors that pervade their bodies make them more like the "angels" in people's minds from form, personality, language, action, fun, and even the living environment, full of poetry and interest.

In this collection of poems, Tagore does not regard innocence as an independent factor, but rather associates it with maternal love, praises and praises, and regards the two as complementary things.

Such a performance provides a broader background for children's innocence and the emotional basis for the existence of innocence. From a higher level, it shows the children's golden childlike heart. Most of the children in the poem are curious and fanciful. On the wings of curiosity and fantasy, children's thoughts, personalities, love and hatred, as well as yearning and pursuit are often attached.

Tagore said that love creates the world, and the essence of the world is love; and maternal love and child love are the most sincere and simple emotions of human beings. This emotion is infused into everyone's daily life. Like a babbling stream, it is quiet and pure.

The Crescent Moon Collection contains a total of 37 works, all of which are very cleverly conceived. Almost every chapter contains philosophy and fully expresses the childlike motherly love and natural beauty. They do not exist in isolation, but are allegorical to the situation, to the scene: the reason, the situation, and the scene have reached a close and harmonious unity.

The New Moon is a romance brought to earth by angels, a poem from heaven to the earth. Today, I have only opened a window for everyone, as for the beauty outside the window, parents and children who like it also need to appreciate, taste, and understand it themselves.