
Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

author:Camouflage Tiger

Mariupol, a city besieged by the Russians for more than a month, is now the focus of the world. It was able to allow the Ukrainian army to persist for more than a month in the case of being surrounded by layers of Russian troops, and during this time, the Ukrainian army also sent teams to rescue the people inside one after another, even if it failed countless times, it still did not give up. Therefore, many people speculate that there is a big fish in it, and the identity of this big fish is still very high, which can allow the Ukrainian army to rescue him at all costs.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

In recent days, under the onslaught of the Russian army on the Azov Steel Plant, it is even more certain that the identity of the people inside is not low. On the eve of the Russian attack on the steel mill, the Russian army specially opened the humanitarian passage, so that these people could lay down their weapons and surrender to ensure their lives; but what they did not expect was that the Russian army did not wait for these people to surrender, but waited for a 400-strong Ukrainian army squad in the distance to drive an armored vehicle, intending to forcibly break through from the periphery to rescue the people. After thwarting this rescue operation, Chechen forces paid a heavy price in searching one of the steel mill basements, which they found to be well stocked with food and ammunition that would last a long time. When the Russian army bombed the steel plant for a day, the Ukrainian side immediately changed its tone, and ukraine had previously threatened that if the Russian army completely annihilated the Ukrainian army in the city of Mariupol, then it would be impossible to negotiate peace; but now the Ukrainian army said that it was willing to negotiate with Russia in Mariupol unconditionally, as long as it could ensure the safety of the lives of Ukrainian armed personnel and civilians in the steel plant.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

Obviously, there are people of very high status here, forcing the Ukrainian government to give in and give up its dignity to ensure the safety of his life; as for the safety of the lives of the Ukrainian armed personnel and civilians, it is a complete nonsense, but it was the order issued by the Ukrainian government that the Azov battalion executed those who surrendered. Although the Russian side did not respond to this, on the 21st, Shoigu reported to Putin on the situation in Mariupol, saying that it would take 3-4 days to take the steel plant, but Putin issued an order to stop the strong attack on the steel plant, and it was enough to surround it without attacking it.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

Under the continuous fermentation of things, everyone is more and more curious about the big fish inside, and many people have begun to investigate and analyze. Recently, the US media said that they had obtained a "reliable source" of information that the big fish trapped in it was Trevo Cadieu, the commander of the Canadian Army. According to the US media, this news comes from within the Canadian military, so the US media who learned of this news have asked the Canadian government whether this news is true; if it is true, it means that for the first time in NATO member states, senior officers have been involved in the War in Ukraine, which is crucial to the face of the entire NATO, and if this is confirmed to be true, NATO will be retaliated by Russia.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

To this end, the Canadian government specially explained on the 21st, saying that Trevo Cadieu's current whereabouts are inconvenient to disclose, but he is not the commander of the Canadian Army now, and he retired at the beginning of this month. According to the data, the commander of the Canadian Army, Trevo Cadieu, has been in the military for 30 years, and due to the allegations of sexual misconduct last year, he was suspended from his military position in September 2021 and retired on the 5th of this month, but the investigation into him will not be concluded.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

However, some people do not buy this, thinking that the Canadian government said at this time that he had long since retired, just to clear his relationship with him, which is why Canada does not expel Russian diplomats, because Canada has a handle in Russia's hands, and Canada does not dare to provoke Russia with rash moves. Or that this is Canada testing Russia's attitude, sending the army commander to Ukraine to participate in the war, once the accident can talk about retired soldiers, and they have nothing to do with themselves, in order to test Russia's attitude, and then NATO countries can also follow suit, send a group of "retired soldiers" to Ukraine to participate in the war, and then continue to serve or promote after returning home.

Big fish are suspected of surface, and the US media said that the former commander of the Canadian Army was trapped in Ma City and just retired this month

Now the Canadian government's concealment in this matter, coupled with Putin's words that he will try these NATO members, it is estimated that this matter is also inseparable. The reason why the Canadian government refused to disclose the whereabouts of the former commander of the army and left the relationship was so as not to anger Russia; and in order to eliminate this "evidence" as soon as possible, it repeatedly urged the Ukrainian government to send troops to the rescue, otherwise who is worth the Ukrainian armored force of 400 people to rescue?

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