
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

Author: Little Black Box - No Dream (Authorized)

1 Finger Holy Seal Great Blessing Merchant Purchase

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

2 Golden Tree Sacred Seal Outside the blessing point of the prison church until there is a bad omen hunter, pick it up in the doorless cell of the evil omen hunter

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

3 Holy Seal of the Golden Law Picked up in the chapel of the little golden tree outside the royal city

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

4 Gravel Sacred Seal The knight on the left side of the king's city that is the same as the Great Blessing is the first time he kills him

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

5 Giant Sacred Seal Pick up inside the Giant War Heroes Cemetery

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

6 Hunting God Sacred Seal Stonewell City defeats the elite monster of the elder nobles and leaves the door to turn left and open the door with the stone sword key

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

7 Claw Mark Sacred Seal Beast Shrine Beast Sacrifice gives

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

8 The Seal of The Seal of Fire The end of the fire, the witch who asked you for grapes, gave it to you

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal
The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

9 Dragon's Sacred Seal Pick up inside the cemetery next to the birth point

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

Eldon's Ring of Law

The Eldon Ring of Law is a collection of media touches - the Holy Seal

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